Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

Hey grouchy I’ll go take a look at my colas again. I think your correct brother…

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Okay it’s super hard to tell so I’ll just take some pics of what I think is truly pollinated

( Mostly everything I’ve taken pics of were from the taped up sections )



Wow she is cranking along! Looks great


Are u going to make some F1 seeds from Then, to save the strain.
This one plant looks like a winner, Super fast Growth…

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I currently have scotch, electrical, and duct tape on my plants for various reasons.


f1 Is in the plan

Nice, Hope full u get a bunch of seeds, i remember seeing some were u gave some out, Hopefully im the next luck guy to get some… :smile: :laughing:

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I’ve got plenty of seeds and plenty of stamps , giveaways coming eventually

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Greetings @BeTheLight,
Shed some of that light on this, if you please:

From sprout to viable seed (~6 weeks from dusting), how many weeks? Best guess…

I know she’s a wild thang, but what’s your instinct?


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Ok im probably just high but im not sure what you are asking hahaha ,

Is it a pollination question?

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Can’t wait for a chance to get the Siberian Ruderalis seeds from “The BeasT”

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Sorry to be obscure,

How “Fast” is this auto flower ruderalis likely to be when harvest comes?

So Khalifa Genetics says about 9 weeks to flower , i think she has longer tbh

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That dependes on the operatoR SpeeD

In hindsight she probably needed alot of the lowers trimmed early on so she focused on the main colas more


I think so and some branches for seeds

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11/9/2023 update.

Ruderalis is still ruderalis.

Things seem to be slowing down now.

She got a trim :slight_smile:

How do you like the solo cup LST?

Still very little sign of any seed production, just some crumpled disturbed hairs still !



What is in the Cups

Sour amg bx

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