Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

Sour Amg BX Solo Cup LST update 11/11/23

The goal is even uniformity without cutting anything aside from a fan leave here and there.

Both AMGs are on 12/12 since we’re staying in the solo cup.

Added a basic nutrient stick to the cups and water with basic bottled water. ( Gonna switch to gassed off tap )

Peep the last pic , a developing cola on Miss Ruderalis


Bitchin Bud Porn Dood!

That central cola looks so much like a tall Acapulco Gold plant I grew, Sati dominant skinny leaves and fairly loose buds.

That’s one of the “Unpollinated” branches, right?
Any “Red Hairs” anywhere yet?

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This shows it off a little better I think.

Yeah there’s a little bit of red / orange happening mixed in with the white


@GrouchyOldMan @George

Here we are 11/14/23 update.

Having this leaf issue :pensive:
I believe it’s calcium deficiency related.

Don’t think I’m seeing seed pods yet, took some pics of the colas to show them off !

IMG_20231114_090759 IMG_20231114_091041


Bushy Sour AMG BX


This is the topped one.

Trichomes are forming I believe


Wow she’s going to produce! Are you getting a smell profile yet? I thought I saw some seeds forming on the less developed bud shots

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ummmmmm smell? not much if any . Maybe a hint of lemon on some very young dried lowers I snipped

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The Sour AMG does smell though , very gassy. Im not good at describing LOL

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That’s awesome. They’re going to be a completely different grow experience for you

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Oh for sure , I’m expecting a small but dense harvest. I topped one and I’m doing LST only on another.

May lollipop the topped girl . Not sure yet

Although difficult. Both are solo cup only grows

Have they sexed?

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No clear signs yet , I am pretty sure these are regs though

Definitely regs!

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I keep them separated, male and female would be pretty sick but I wont mind two females :stuck_out_tongue:

M/f would be ideal! :crossed_fingers: for this or 2 females
I’m curious what they are going to do in solos and 12/12

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I started 18/6 ish on them but you can basically say 12/12 from seedling.

I cant wait to see them grow up :stuck_out_tongue:

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18/6 is veg light, they will grow more that way. Bigger plants depending on how long in 18/6

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they only had maybe a week , or two max of veg, small was the plan, Im curious how quick a photo can finish

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Definitely varies from seed depending on genetics. The amg sour he used was 12 weeks IF my memory is correct. I don’t remember the g13 flower time. Have the nodes started alternating?


I’m not sure what alternating nodes look like !