Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

When a plant first grows the leaves nodes come out opposite each other. As the plant moves into sexual maturity, starts flowering the leaves start alternating.
Look at the ruderalis from top to bottom. You’ll see what I’m saying

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Great work @BeTheLight,

This pic from your last post makes me wonder if your leaf problems aren’t Potassium deficit? The spots and yellowing from the tip inwards is more like that than a lack of calcium.
I hope we hear from @george or one of our other plant problem experts on this.

Good news is that these sure look like some plump seed bearing calyxes on that beast (third pic from the bottom in your last post):


Man I hope she produces !!!

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I see what your saying those are very plump looking


I agree with you, looks like Potassium, borders are not affected like this with Calcium, thanks for your input … beer3|nullxnull


I’ll make some more wood ash today and try to amend the soil with it,

I’ve read it can raise the pH to much though if overdone

she got a good dose of wood ash just now , gonna wait a few days and see how she reacts

She is going to like the H ASh in her system. :smiley:

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Siberian does have sort of a smell going. Kinda a hempy blueberry funk going on , really sweet

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( not hair my camera lens dirty :stuck_out_tongue: )

Heres some close ups of Rudie


11/16 Rudie update.

Okay so you know when I said " the colas are getting thicker " before in previous posts?

Well now it’s REALLY true. Just look at that one :rofl: it got huge.

My eyes might be deceiving me ( or the plant could be… what if nothing is in those sacks ) but I see some rather developed looking sacs already.

Want I want to do is post another update later today after I get some things done , with hopefully some trichome shots …


No Kidding Bro those are shaping up nicely!!!

Try gently squeezing one of those seed pods to see if there’s anything inside?


Looks like a successful pollination!

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I squeezed gently on the ones I could easily reach at least, I don’t think anythings in there yet.

Rudie beans were really small so Im guessing her offspring will be too

Looking great buddy!:slightly_smiling_face:

I’d have to agree with @GrouchyOldMan and @George. Looks more like a K deficiency than anything.


Hopefully the K in the wood ash gets to her well then, I think I may add even more later today.

I have PH strips on the way but doesn’t help me until then :stuck_out_tongue: I dont want to add too much wood ash and make the soil alkaline


Making a tea with boiled small pieces of banana peals would be faster, ash has many other components that may block the normal feed intake … beer3|nullxnull


noted , I think we have some bananas. Will do that tonight

Update : did not have bananas rip

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Big Photo Update :smiley:

Finally got around to getting some more photos with my Nikon D3400.

Shes looking and smelling beautiful ( smell is very noticeable when touching flower sites. a berry hemp sweet smell )

The pollinated colas are seemingly denser than the non pollinated.

Not see much if any amber yet

Now if only we can get this K deficiency in check !!!

Warning, XXX RUDIE Shots Ahead


Man… its random thought but I seen a post on panama purple the other day on reddit…

Couldn’t imagine this girl crossed with that