Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

sour amg bx is officially 39 days old over here at the light shack. They’ve been in 12/12 basically there whole life , waiting for signs of the sex!

I’m doing one purely LST ( For now at least )

The other has been topped once on the main stem and I topped two spots for fun and am leaving her alone for now.

She is also ( hope she a she XD ) being LST , ( or maybe mainlined a little too. )

It’s kinda crazy how much faster the topped plants growing ( maybe it’s male :eyes: )

Both smell really good :blush:, I guess that classic gassy smell we’ve all come to love :two_hearts:


What’s your humidity? Having white mould in your soil means the conditions are enough to develop it also in your buds, I suspect this:

You should look for something like this had once:

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-08 at 21.24.14

I may sound paranoid but better inspect your buds … beer3|nullxnull


Nah that’s just in the small girls cups cheers :clinking_glasses:

Thank you for the concern!! The humidity in the tent is about 40-50


Another update !! New lights came and ph strips came!

Tested the Siberian and her pH is 6-7 !

New lights are strong. 1000 PPFD at the top across the whole plant :exploding_head::exploding_head:

( With my old and new light combined. Should have grabbed what the new one puts out by itself but oh well :stuck_out_tongue: )



Looking good brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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oops capital letters

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Hit with pollen again just in case it didn’t work the first time :smirk:


Mood Lighting

Its a bad picture but I think I see some amber sparkling back at me !!

She has this berry , pine wood , charred smell

took some better pics :slight_smile: 11/21



What an interesting plant!!!

Great pics, a major photo upgrade @BeTheLight!

Still have a ways to go before harvest tho. I’m seeing 80%clear, the rest getting cloudy and a tiny fraction moving towards amber. Those tiny white dots on the trichome heads are light reflecting in mostly clear chems. They will start to fade as the opaque cloudiness takes over.

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what type of digital microscope u using. :smiley:

I’ll have to snag a Pic later it’s my DSLR and it’s kit lens used in " macro " mode which is simply unscrewing the lens off the camera and holding it against the housing.

Idk it’s hard to explain but it’s literally just using a camera lens but the other way

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NICE, DSLR sounds expensive ,canon camera

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Insane pictures. Keep em coming!
trichs on the hairs are my favorite shot. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Absolutely… I can see this gem of a unique plant may be really sought out after.

I imagine if you got this flowers cola genetics into a freakshow plant… you could end up with a plant that dont stink till day 40-50.

My rudie STILL hardly has a smell , its only when you rub its flowers that you get the hempy charred wood blueberry smell

For the Camera with Kit lens it was 600 ish dollars back innnn 2017 or 18

Im kind of wanting to harvest a flower or two that looks similar too the pics shown here , to compare the effects too a longer flowered bud.

I’m kind of getting long flower time vibes from this plant though


11/22 update.

Reporting in one sour amg bx is likely a female

Not sure about the other just yet because it’s on the dark cycle

Not much has changed with the ruderalis aside from I did some reading and decided to give her a night cycle again , I’m switching to 18 on 6 off

@darkillusion never done training like this before, really stoked to see how these solo cup sour amgs go, thx for the beans :partying_face:


I popped a seed sac today, 11/22 And it had a very underdeveloped seed. TINY little thing

If I had to guess , and I have zero idea, I’d say the classic two more weeks line for her.

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Sour Amg BX , the topped plant , I’m loving the training I’ve done on her


Bad news. The topped Sour Amg is looking like she’s gonna drop dead. The leaves have curled up and got crispy to the point of crumbling…

I let her dry out then transplanted, but man I tell you what I don’t have much hope In her.

Some good news though , I got this :

May not be the best or worst but i needed something or anything and it’s literally all Walmart had. It was 6 bucks so can’t complain.

The Siberian has been feeding off stored nutrients in the leaves as she’s been shedding a bunch of yellow leaves. So I’m hoping these basic nutes will help just enough to stop the killing of fan leaves , hopefully shifting her focus back on producing seed / bud… rather than simply surviving.

I did sample very early and also pretty wet clippings. I’m gonna be honest. IDK what’s smokable and what’s not aside from the obvious. It’s such a weird flower structure.

So taste aside , cuz man that shit taste like ASS ( it was really fresh :sob::rofl: ) it had surprisingly positive effects.

The high begins as a rush of energy followed quickly by a slight like, body load , stoney feels set in. It’s interesting. Like nothing I’ve smoked before

R.i.p the topped Sour Amg , idk if shes gonna make it through this

Here’s two prior photos to see how it looked before .

P.S , this happened like overnight. It looked great a few days ago

@GrouchyOldMan @darkillusion @George any thoughts on the rapidly dying plant?

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