Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

What kind of soil are you using for it?

Was the soil it was in over watered?

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yes indubitably

uh the soil type was a premixed organic bag of soil that had perlite in it , not sure if its coco based or not

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That might be some of your problem. Also most people will ask if you tested your PPM and pH of the soil. Are you able to test that?

Don’t give up the ship Bro…

That poor plant looks like it’s drowning, she needs air to the roots in a hot second. I’d take a hot iron and perforate that bitch container, pronto! She’s in shock, don’t transplant again, fix what you’ve got. Flush with pure water… and hold your breath.

Sorry, I go total emo over sick plants, :rofl:
-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:


bro shes emo as fuck

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Should I switch her to veg light period?

She was 12/12 from the start basically but since shes a little emo , she needs a reveg,


sitting at 72 F and 49 percent humidity rn measured under my tomato plant I brought indoors due too the cold ( suprising here… its Georgia on the coast lol )

1.37 kPa So about right where she needs to be ( for flower at least )
I could try too leave a bowl of water out for the young ladies to see if that helps them out a little

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I’d give her 18+ hours of photon flow along with whatever else it takes to dry her out.

Punch holes in that plastic bottle, or slice it vertically with a sharp knife… let those roots breathe!

VPD looks good, no need to add any more humidity with a bowl of water.

Just my $0.02 @BeTheLight, I’ve been wrong before, plenty of times, so follow your own instincts.

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Ya mon, with the tomato plant I put in my closet because its gonna frost tonight , shes up to 60s for humidity.

I kind of messed up all my timing yesterday so IM trying to set it up where the little plants go to sleep the same time the big one does , so they’re getting 6 hours of darkness rn, then I think what I should do , is let the damaged plant stay with the light and put the other one in the darkness for the next 6 hours and keep the healthier plant on 12/12

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Update time :smile:

November 30 2023

Things are still moving along. I’m waiting patiently for any signs of seed from rudie.

I’m waiting for this flowering Sour AMG Bx to get a little older , and she will be smacked with some pollenz. The other one , well, I think she has new growth. After the the over watering ordeal she’s basically lost every leaf she had. She’s seen better days. Hate to see her like this but I think recovery is possible. If don’t see improvement in a week will end her and start a new grow

Oh and the tomato plant is safe inside waiting for warmer weather :thermometer:. We had a frost this morning , my mom’s plant is suffering out there in da cold


Congrats to the tomato plant!

And best wishes for your Sour AMG. If she pulls through she’ll be a bonsai candidate with those big roots and branches that have a history!

Can you show us some of the seeds you are pulling from Rudie. Do any of them look viable? Are all your pollinated branches showing the same seeds?

If your Rudie seeds don’t start to look promising, consider a sequential harvest of maturing Rudie bud. You are not likely to ever see this plant again and you might just cherish a jar or two of properly dried and cured SibieRudie bud down the road. (I only break out my Acapulco Gold for special friends!).


I have slowly begun clipping some non seeded buds. Man I tell you I think its just underdeveloped still, all of them. They are extremely tiny. Im not looking for huge seeds but these are smaller than ruderalis seeds. and any seed ive seen before. so they have to be underdeveloped.

Im hoping by stroke of miracle at the very least the main cola produces some seed before I snip her. ITs fugging fat. Lemme try to grab a pic of trimmed up Rudie

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@GrouchyOldMan here’s that chonker main cola



@GrouchyOldMan pretty sure I pulled a bean from Siberian ruderalis , IN MY DREAMS. so hopefully dreams are a reflection of real life :dna:.

In other news, I pollinated the shit out of the main flowering site on the surviving Sour AMG bx with Blue Moon Rocks and her hairs are now ruffled / disturbed looking



The ruderalis looks like it can go longer. Are you feeling any seeds developing?

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I am feeling them develop.

I definitely plan out letting her go as long as she needs. As long as she don’t have any other plans lol.

The ones I’ve accidentally felt a little too hard I look inside and see the tiniest little developing seeds. I pollinated the first time at the very least a month ago and still nothing :sob:

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You might want to do a branch of bmr and create a fast photo just in case. 4 weeks you should have pretty good development on your seeds


I reapplied kind of recently , maybe a week and a half ago , so if no seed comes from this plant id be really surprised

Do you already have the Ancient Chocolates going? Sorry I’m a little late to the party…:sweat_smile:

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