Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

Ive got the small one covered !

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Mist them and keep covered to keep humidity up.


Weird, I’m not sure tbch, I’d give them some kelp and b-vitamins , nice high humidity environment…. :crossed_fingers:t3:


Appreciate the input guys! Hopefully the cut will be in tip top shape in a few days to a week


12/12 update. I’ve been taking down some branches of Siberian. For whatever reason whether it be multiple, or just one… whether it’s nute lockout, not enough room for roots, the nute regimen, anything else in between, she just hasn’t ’ changed ’ in a week or two. I’m not seeing pistols swell , or a fade happening , or anything happening.

I took down the main branch, equally sad as I am stoked lol.

The sunset sherbet clone looks about the same! I’m just glad she’s alive haha :laughing: @HighTilliDie


Looking good! That’s an interesting light source but ya gotta do what ya gotta do and it’s clearly produced something


It’s just a cheap Walmart light bulb with the plastic covering off, it throws down some pretty dang good ppfd ( about 300+ at the distance you see here )

I’m not sure if it’s a good light spectrum but I’m trying to ease her into a stronger light :muscle:


This will eventually become just my Grow Journal for all strains I run lol…

But wanted to do an update. SOMETHING about my soil has killed all these seedlings . im thinking it was just way too hot for such a small container.

So Ancient Chocolate is scratched for another time, and so is Sour AMG BX.

But good news in my case, I dont pop a bunch of seeds because I only have a 2x2 , so only 2 chocos and 2 sour amgs died. I still have 3 chocos and 8 sour amgs to run in the future <3

To summarize the death, Both strains died when I transplanted. Im thinking hot soil + not liking the containers maybe. I wish I had more than just PH test strips to figure out plant issues lol… I could for sure use a side hustle to get everything I need to grow good bud <3

Looking at the sour amg roots, they were brownish so def overwatered. Im going to be much more careful watering my clone and will document water amounts and timings in my journal from here on out

Too hopefully avoid anymore killings of plants, I think its about time to chop Siberian Ruderalis, my main goal for her was seed and if im being honest, I dont think she produced.

@blowdout2269 I dont think youll have similar results to me, She is a light feeder, but I couldnt even give her correct flower supporting nutes until nearly the end lol… She might do alot different with proper nutes.

I want to thank blowdout again for volunteering their grow room to preserving Siberian for me too spread the love to the rest of OG. I know many of you have a favorite strain of yours, that you’d just love to speed up flowering time <3

So again, to summarize, oh and I almost forgot !!! @chronix I slapped the fattest Sour 60 x Gambian x Blueberry into a paper towel, since it was so big Its taking a little longer to germ but I do see the seed is cracked today.

I will plant her in final pot, So Miss Ruderalis will meet her end when this baby pops.


I haven’t grown any of those yet, it will be interesting to watch how it grows. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sounds interesting in the name itself !!! Never heard of Sour 60 or Gambian :smiley:

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Sorry for that outcome @BeTheLight but you fought the good fight and received some serious learnin’ in the process. pH :heavy_check_mark: Aeration/drainage :heavy_check_mark:

And you made a ton of friends along the way. :+1: :+1:

FWIW, I’m pinning the utter weirdness of your Rudie on the lighting. I think she may have been chasing photons most of the run. You upped the growlight game but by that time she was monstrous and kind of impossible to evenly deliver enough energy to the entire beast. Under your new LED light from seed I bet she’d be a different plant.

Anyways, thanks for a very educational and entertaining journal,

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart:
I’m stickin for your next grow and keeping an eye on @blowdout2269 for the next chapter of Siberian Rudies.


For sure, I think lighting was key too !

Next up in the Journey is hopefully raising up this Sunset Sherbet clone too be a beautiful flowering girl and getting this Sour 60 x Gambian x Blueberry Auto through veg :smiley: its just about to pop in the paper towel .

The next chapter in landrace for me is going to be Kullu Valley landrace, Himalayan Sativa sounds awesome.


Am I being stalked? :thinking:
I’m gettin around to her fellas! Just making sure I have the room controlled and sterile.
Really, I’m just dragging my feet buying my first tent. :grimacing:
Gotta have a dedicated and isolated space, ya know? :slightly_smiling_face:


Absolutely take your time friend <3

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@chronix so the largest sour 60 x gambian x blueberry seed ( and only one I popped ) was struggling a little so I pulled it out the seed case and put it back in paper tower , hoping for more Taproot development!

I’ma call her SGB from now on when talking about it :stuck_out_tongue:


I also found a plant that looks just like my Siberian. I’m thinking this is a semi rare to rare trait that happens within auto flowers … maybe it’s brought on by heat stress , all is speculation.

But look at her structure and look at my Rudie. It’s spot on the same just about. Lots of hairs, but no apparent bud sites. Just hair everywhere , no bud development etc.

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I have kept some siberian I chopped in the fridge in a paper bag to try lotus method. and it seems to have worked.

The terps I can smell are very unique , floral pine notes , and something I have never smelled before… very herbal essence type vibe, like a spice you’d cook with. Taste doesnt carry over from the smell but none the less. I think Rudie would donate some unique terps too a donor plant. I have never smelled weed like this before.


@chronix the S60 x G x B is not doing the greatest, I think it was just an abnormal seed XD its all good

<3 I only popped one so I decided on a whim to try @Going2fast Hot Cakes , its in paper towel now.

Will for sure come back to s60, but I only have space for one plant so im planting the first germ XD

I do have the seedling in soil , I think its first set of leaves had trouble forming


If a seed starts out with much less than the usual cotyledons it can take it a long time to get going. The stored food in those seed leaves is sort of like starting out an investment account that yields 10% compound interest per day with $100 in it instead of $1. You’ll get to the same place eventually, but the ramp up is insanely slow at first.

The good news is you night not run out of space for that plant, because it might stay tiny for weeks.


12/20 update.

I bring the news of the Siberian Ruderalis Chop.

I will grab some pics of dried branches once that time comes , Sorry I did’nt get a chop pic, Her stem was too thick to chop the whole thing so I had to take off branch by branch, And couldnt have been bothered to take pics because for whatever reason weed makes me break out in hives when rubbed on my skin ( but I can smoke it just fine LOL )

I have not gone through the branches that were pollinated , so far. I hope we get more than TWO SEEDS , Most of what I found so far was underdeveloped and out of the two normal sized seeds I found, one popped and was empty, the other I am letting sit for a week before I toss in paper towel