Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

Thank you !

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Anytime brother! Just be mindful if the plant gets thicker, that it doesn’t outgrow the size of the knot and cut into the plant.

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That’s such a cool looking little plant. Is it just stretching like crazy? How old? And how long is she supposed to flower?


You can tie her not too tight to a bamboo stick or similar that will guide and support her during the stretch … beer3|nullxnull


Yep! I lost half a plant to that mistake!


You can also tie a string to the bars on the top of the tent.


thats kinda what I ended up doing

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Im not a hundred percent on her age, flower time is supposedly 9-12 weeks according to seed vendor , It may have been stretching but its hard to say , apparently they like growing tall.


Hey grouchy , Im sending Blowdout the rest of my beans so He can help me preserve her , But after that, we should be able to get beans out to people <3


in case u u have too many of those Siberian seeds and want to give some away ill tato ke 2, i want to STS IT to get lots of pure siberian ruderalis seeds

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Once @blowdout2269 does a run with them, we will have plenty to give away <3 , right now the plan for my plant is to hit her with Blue Moon Rocks pollen

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COOL u will have lots of Blue Moon Rocks auto seeds


It’ll take at least three generations to make an auto.


I’m switching to 20/4 Light Cycle So I don’t stress out the photo AMG Sour BX seedling from @darkillusion

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Good thing he is starting now, @BeTheLight will have it ready by the end of next year

U know I didnt even consider, How would I make an auto anyway, I need at least 3 generations sure, But is that taking a clones from the mother and hitting pollen on them 3 times or is it raising the new strain and hitting it with the auto genetics ?

I know so little but so much at the same time about growing :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, you cant really clone an autoflower. So, it would take a lot of seeds. Not to mention a lot of fails I assume. I have the research bookmarked somewhere on the web, but it’s late. I’m about done for tonight. Let’s ask @GrouchyOldMan


I feel the same way bro, I’ve been up since 3am yesterday :stuck_out_tongue:

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To make autoflower children from Auto x Photoperiod:

  1. cross an autoflower to a photoperiod plant to make F1 seeds.
  2. grow a bunch of the F1 seeds (NONE of these offspring will be auto, all photoperiod)
  3. cross a male + female from the F1. The F2 offspring of these parents will have a 25% chance of being autos.
  4. Plant a BUNCH of the F2 seeds, and select only the plants that act like full autos. You will need at least 1 male, 1 female.
  5. Cross a male and female of the F2 autos, and the F3 offspring will be 100% autoflowering.

Yes. takes 3 generations.


So cool <3 Thanks for the info

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