Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

@Foreigner , @Emeraldgreen


Oh i should take one more pic, I didnt really show how tied down it actually is lol

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I can’t really see where you’ve tied them off but those end shoots are going to return to vertical very fast. Train hard (but gently) for a few days.

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There ya go

Edit: taking a new pic thats blurry idk why LOL

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I still can’t really tell but that’s ok. Try to tie them close to the ends so they can’t shoot right up and don’t be afraid to tie them right back down when they do.

You seem to have chosen a monster.


Im waiting for the shoot back up part, then I will tie them back down <3 In the last pic I circled what I have tied so far, Its the tallest branches , The main Cola is the top right circle|

She is for sure a monster. SO many flower sites , 0 training until this week

I figure the extra light helps out the seedlings in the solo cups a little and boosts the overall coverage of the plant just a little. Its rather weak at 28 watts, But it got my first grow past VEG and into flower so its doing something :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks good for the moment.

If she wants to stretch into the lights and you can’t stop her you can always tie it around the light stadium style. I’ve had to do that when running some crazier things.


Right on, and sorry i’m High lol, but Should I keep her on 24 hr Light or drop it down some ??

I’ve seen the comments that said to do so but I didnt see what cycle to actually do

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You’ve chosen one hell of a first project.

There are auto experts better suited to answer this than me.


Oh for sureeeeee I dont know what I was thinking !!! Although some folks here have said a Landrace Auto is much easier than photo !!

I dunno about that :stuck_out_tongue:


:joy: I would say not.

But I bet you’ll learn more interesting techniques than you dreamt possible. Best of luck with her.


If she keeps stretching Im gonna have a forest in this 2x2 LOL

ive debated opening the tent and just letting her go wild , but I know my light isn’t strong enough to hit those lower branches from high up :p, I hope to keep her as compact as possible , but these genetics want to GROW ,

SHE wont like it but worse comes to worse I will do that too


I had a haze that stretched 5x and I couldn’t keep her out of the damned light so I had to remove some otherwise lovely buds.

Acceptable losses.

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As Soon as Pollen comes in the mail , Im gonna slap her with some, do you think that will change anything in how shes growing, Also , is it too early???

the hairs aren’t the longest just yet

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I’m not familiar with this cultivar to say for sure but yes I’d suspect a little early for pollen. But really it depends on how many seeds you want.

Shouldn’t change how she grows.


I wanna get them out to OG so some pros can grow , so Definitely a good bit of bean-age !

Mails here, I’m gonna go check and see if any more OG made it <3 Its a nice day here on the East coast


You’ve chosen an interesting plant with real potential for making some cool autos. Use it wisely.

Maybe even try for two pollen sources but label every branch.


I was considering that since I won Dougs Blue Moon Rocks and Bobgrows is sending out some Black Cream in a trade

Blue Moon Rocks x Siberian Ruderalis will be named Tunguska Blues <3

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I’d go to 18/6 myself. Are you trying to make seed this round?