Siberian Ruderalis Grow in a 2x2

Auto pollen will save you a lot of time in the long run but it’s harder to come by.


Yes , seeds is the plan

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Alright 18/6 it is , Starting the dark cycle now

gives the Sour AMG BX babies a break anywho , since they are Photo Reg

Good luck with your project. I’m definitely curious to see pure ruderalis grown out


Is it possible to leave some branches completely pollen free ? I would love to have at least a little bit of non seeded flower :stuck_out_tongue: If possible of course .

Thank you, We should be in the home stretch now, maybe another month and a half max to finish I’m thinking, maybe longer though !

9-12 weeks is what khalifa Genetics says on their webpage. We will see


You can paint pollen on with a paintbrush or a qtip and if you’re very careful still have seedless buds to smoke.


I did some mathes and shes around a month and 7 days old

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I was thinking gently spray the sites I dont want seeded with water too be as careful as possible, thoughts?


I suppose you could do that. I use a garbage bag for a tarp to only expose the branches I want to hit. I also turn off my hvac. Dead air.

It can be done easily you just need to be careful.

And the odd stray seed is no big deal when you’re playing this game.


The game will definitely be played, there is so many flower sites I should still be able to get a decent yield Of Non seeded if I am careful <3

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In the future I see this: you will overgrow your headroom. Your light will be too weak to run the bottom of the plant. Really what you’ll be doing is trying your best to fill that 10” or so of productive space. Everything else will just be stretch.

But it’s just a guess.


I agree with that future , RIP. If the lowers catch up quick enough I may be able to do a crazy stadium with all the branches like you suggested :stuck_out_tongue: Either way, Note to self, A landrace auto will simply not fit in a 2x2 LOL

For my next project with an auto, I am definitely topping the plant and going for a some type of manifold training ( regardless if she likes it or not :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

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I’m a photo reg guy but you can beat up autos a little as long as you’re gentle and apologize afterwards.


Bro , I must have missed this part on the website… ‘’ To maintain a manageable height indoors, most growers top them multiple times. ‘’

Who would’ve guessed :stuck_out_tongue: I always heard its not good to top autos

Then again, I wouldnt really know what to cut anymore. Shes a monster

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Ordinarily I’d agree but what you’re growing is not at all typical.

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In my eyes I was thinking ‘’ Okay , this is a pure landrace strain, I probably should not top her or mess with her at all, I dont want to ruin the plant… etc ‘’

Well, now I know , and have to deal with the repercussions of not topping

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No big deal, just different strategies required.

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cover Parts u don’t want pollinated with a plastic bag?

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Went ahead and finally trimmed up the lowers a bit too try and promote more growth up top, I gave the plant a day and a half break from watering and finally watered today , She looks good and healthy but I think i’m starting to see limitations of the weak light

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Went ahead and hit some of the main branches of the SR with Black Cream Pollen , Will the resulting beans be named Oblast Cream? let me know :stuck_out_tongue:

Oblast originates from the Region this Siberian Ruderalis is from

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