Sick of tax evading seed banks

What if I told you theft is neither civilized nor necessary to receive goods and services.

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lol. if you got seeds on overgrow you may have used roads my dude.

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I use air mail exclusively :joy::thinking::rofl:

I think it was a tongue in cheek “The ends justify the means” argument for Pro-Theft.

building out a runway in the backyard as I type. :crazy_face:

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If you don’t pay for this runway out of your own pocket then you are the enemy and I will fight you (sarcasm maybe doesn’t come across so well over text but I’m just joshin you :call_me_hand:)

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Also this thread is about 2 seconds away from a dumpster fire that I will use to warm my hands on a cold winter night :joy:


Unless you are entirely self sufficient your argument has no merit. Can you build the smartphone you are typing this on on your 3 acre homestead? I don’t think so.

That was private sector action.
How does that make opposing public sector theft invalid?

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You are fighting the wrong dog.

I’d bet you it’s at least in part subsidized.

I’m not “fighting” anyone, Foreigner. I’m not combative. I’m on your side and think you should keep what you work to earn. I think you know better how to run your life and your wallet than I do, or than popular strangers in Washington do.


Washington does not control my pocketbook. Ottawa does. I’m willing to acknowledge waste and the need for administrative fees. Even the most benevolent charities take a cut because it’s necessary.

Or you can just put it all in the Foreigner slush fund. I promise to use it only for good.

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I’m willing for You to pay what You think is fair for what you want. I don’t oppose such charity. Of course you should be free to choose what you support.
Authorizing other people to take my money for things you support though is not charity.
There’s another word for that.

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We might consider what it might be like go back to tribal times where the men would go out hunting for weeks in order to bring back food for the betterment of the whole tribe. Helping others is human nature, taxes are merely an extension of this long-standing tradition of working together for a common cause


Well said sir.


This would be true of voluntary, transparent, and apportioned taxes.
I have never seen an audit of the Fed or of federal spending.
Not one. Not ever. :man_shrugging: …have you?
Do you genuinely believe the money goes where they say? Because that’s what it would be. An unproven belief at best.
Their misappropriation seems less theoretical.


Giving your own money is charity.
“Giving” someone else’s money by authorizing a group of armed strangers to take it through the use or threat of force is Not Charity.
Taking and spending other people’s money under duress is not a form of charity. I don’t have anything else to expound on here. I don’t have a pamphlet or quote or something, because it’s not even a political take… This is… that’s… just literally what Theft is. :man_shrugging:


Interesting that these facepalms come from a time when conventions economics are obsolete :joy:

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Steve Shives did an episode on this. I think you’d like his stuff from what I’ve read of yours.
Basically, yes, the Federation does have money because they still have to trade and make distribution decisions, which requires a mechanism of Pricing.