Sick of tax evading seed banks

In my country , and probably the states too… I dunno but the “income tax” was supposed to only be a war time measure and was only approved here under the war measures act. Otherwise, income tax would not have happened. In the language of “the deal” back then, when parliamentarians came to consensus on applying the war measures income tax, it was also understood that the income tax would end once war time spending ceased. Well , that was the 1940’s and that income tax never went away.
I’m perfectly okay with taxation that is necessary for the country to operate BUT the country should be making enough money to fund the things society needs from the Gross Domestic Product Profits. Instead it’s a big scheme where corporations make the profit and government relies heavily on taxation to make up the difference. On top of that , my country sends out Billions of dollars to other countries in aid or whatever… this is also coming from taxation.
So if it’s all just a scheme to ensure corporations make big money and politicians pay themselves top CEO salaries while the people struggle just to have a good life doing fun and meaningful things.
Not getting political here as no parties are different, they all suck us dry in the end LOL
Taxation is way out of control and should not be paying for roads and all the other things. A profittable nation can afford these things but when they choose to dole out big salaries and golden ticket pensions to themselves while they throw money around the world at other people’s problems versus our own ie roads and healthcare… taxation is out of control.

Heck I have a boat out front that has had 3 owners since it was new in the 90’s … I have to pay sales tax on the value of the boat and motors. Sales tax on a used boat … and they will charge that sales tax every time that boat , or any other used boat, get sold.
That’s just a small example of a “luxury tax” that does nothing for society at all other than pad the coffers of the powers that be.


Uh oh here comes @vernal


Damn bro you work for the IRS or something lol? How hard is it to just…go to an ATM? It’s not like they aren’t everywhere, in every gas station.

I guarantee rich people and corporations stashing money overseas and practicing “tax avoidance strategies” are 100000000x more of a problem as far as not paying taxes than weed seeds. Don’t even get me started on churches.

Jeff Bezos has an effective tax rate of about 1%. How much do you pay? Exactamente.

@Foreigner you in my bushes again?! I’m calling the cops.


To all Seed Banks:

Please don’t stop selling seeds.


In all fairness the amazon (river not company) is probably a good example of trickle down economics :joy:


If you turn on the sprinklers again it will only serve to fill my 1 gallon drinking jugs. Either way I’m here to stay and you lose.


That explains the slim jim wrappers and cigarette butts!

I try not to use Amazon but my credit card points have the highest conversion to cash ratio on there. I’m part of the problem.


Yes it’s easy to bitch about corporate exploitation but as a consumer I want it cheap and I want it now and I want a bulletproof return policy. Not a chance in hell I’d work for them though.

I think the government should subsidize slim Jims as they are my primary source of protein.




Note to self, post a Trek meme, expect Trekkie responses.


shoot, i was planning on a gofundme to fill the gap I’ll have after collecting my government checks.

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I am so inspired by this that I am going to claim less dependents and pay more. :rofl:


I claim zero dependents, :money_mouth_face: they just give more back at tax time​:money_with_wings::money_with_wings::money_with_wings::rofl::rofl::rofl::v:

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That means I can purchase more boron for my breakfast cereal. Got Boron? Boron does a body good. :rofl:


I have objections to taxation without representation, which is kind of where we’re at.



There is an inherent hypocrisy with Capitalism here in the US. Most of us have a 401k plan which means we want our investments (stocks) to do well.

In order for our investment values to increase, the companies we invest in have to increase profit margins. The three primary ways of doing that are innovation (more features, better product can lead to increased sales). This typically requires more investment and possibly higher skilled labor, so it’s not always the best solution and probably the riskiest. Overhead reduction (layoffs). Labor is the largest overhead to any company. Reducing the cost of production (manufacturing and assembly in low cost labor countries).

Reducing the cost of production is the most common way of increasing profits and pleasing investors and yet I still complain when I pay $1.00 for a paint brush at Home Depot and the bristles fall out of it before I finish the job.


as some one who has worked in construction for the city they way they misuse our tax money to line the pockets of the contractors they hire is infuriating. they purposely create more work so the people making money continue to squeeze evert cent out of the budget instead of doing it right and saving to add to other budgets. now times that by the cops fire fighters corporations who get tax reliefs while making billions all so the ones atop increase wealth. while people like me get kicked down left n right in a never ending cycle of poverty. im all for free health care and taxes but their needs to be accountability and when the PM is wasting millions flying around in a jet while crying about carbon tax and staying at fancy hotels i tend to wanna tell him to fukc off.

tl;dr wall o text rant. <3

edit dammit now i am on the audit list with the rest of you !!


I second this.

And still they stole the OG’er last year and accused me of the package being a Class 1 felony.