Sick of tax evading seed banks

Those bastards!!!

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Banks are private entities. They choose to stop doing buissiness with whoever they want for any reason.

They abruptly stopped doing buissiness with my favorite hydro shop because they sold cannabis fertilizer despite the fact the same product is available at home depot down the road under a different label.

Payment processors are also willing to drop buissinesses at the drop of a hat. Visa, Master card, and another credit company who’s name I forget control the vast majority of money transfers in the country. The banks have outsourced money transferring to big credit.

Regulate banks and creditors, make it easier to do buissiness with seed sellers, and people will do more buissiness with those retailers. The problem solves itself.


American Express :smile:

And this is a reason The DYI site can no longer take CC’s. Gov and commence can still cause trouble.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Yeah and they probably sold them on instagram.

Oof and then the fibers get stuck in the paint and I notice it every day for 10 years on a nice flat interior wall.

The nylon brushes are choice but I too have cheaped out on a dozen occasions. I really shouldn’t because cheap usually looks cheap and my painting skills are…eehhhh.

Gotta please the shareholders big companies hardly consider longevity at this point. Hire a CEO, he lays off 10% of the workforce and cracks the whip on the revenue side for very temporary gains at the cost of alienating long term customers, stock increases for a quarter or two and everyone applauds.

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I restored a century home and learned that the second cheapest option is usually an acceptable move.

Hear you on the bristles. I did one drywall seam where the stud twisted and it still haunts me.

There are long game companies out there and while I have my political slant I salute their intelligent moves. And they’re super capitalized so that helps.

When there’s blood in the streets buy real estate.


My FIL had an adage about that. “Don’t buy the most expensive, don’t buy the cheapest. Value is usually in the middle”. I’m as left as one can get without drifting into irrationality, personally. I get it, I have worked with actual tankie communists and they are insufferable lol. Ideology is nice but reality is immune to it.

Oh certainly. It seems it’s usually the companies that have been around forever that see long. Tech and finance/banking seem the most prone to poor short term decisions. Anyone that actually produces a physical product is usually safer.

Real estate must be hard in Mapleland. Y’alls housing now is craaaazy. It’s bad here but man sometimes I browse toronto and vancouver zillow for shits and gigs.


You’re right of course. This quarter is more important than anything else is standard but there are exceptions.

I find it best not to apply labels because they’re too inflammatory (I read a Marxist book and it only mentioned Marx twice, brilliant) but they tend to get bogged down in masturbatory nonsense. I want to listen to it as much as I want to go to a Republican rally. McCarthy is alive and well, and interestingly it’s from those who would benefit from denouncing his rhetoric.

Real estate up here is impossible. Anyone with a variable rate mortgage is fucked. My sister says her savings are dwindling.

We’ve almost (almost) come to terms that we will never own a home. When my parents bought their first home in 1982 their combined income was 50-60k and their house was 120k. I’m not going to say our exact income but houses are now 10 times that.

It’s crazy.


Masturbatory is also a word I’d use for it.

I genuinely do not understand the Canadian housing crisis. It is as if it is immune to reason and supply/demand. One of the least populated nations on a person per sq km basis, absolutely covered in building materials and resources (pines, sand, rock). OK, new york I get. It is surrounded on all sides by either water or development…but why the fuck is a shitty 2br apartment on the outskirts of edmonton $200K. Nothing around it for 500 miles.


What’s happening is that worldwide market volatility has left investors trying to find a safe place to park their money. Canadian real estate is considered one such place. Perhaps given the escalating prices that’s not as true anymore but that’s where it comes from.

There is a very (very) slim chance that we will move abroad. I welcome the thought. I am a Foreigner after all.


They’ve been talking about banning foreign investment and/or adding steep taxes to any residence not in use for years now…any development on that? Or will it have to be a torches and pitchforks situation?


Yeah it’s bullshit there is I think a 2% tax on unoccupied dwellings but how are they going to know? It’s lip service.

I fear we’re too sedated by soma to buy torches and pitchforks, it makes me sad.


There are many,many things Canada does better than the US, but I have to assume Canada will require a pitchfork license and an accelerant class for the torches.


Yes we require our mobs to follow certain safety protocols mandated by law.

The politest mobs in the world.

It’s actually not true. We’ve had some pretty ugly mobs recently.


It’s quite a way back now, but in 2002 me and my partner at the time bought our first home here in UK.
3 bedroom semi-detached, cost us £105k. At about the same time (give or take a few months) a friend of mines parents bought a property in Canada, Mississauga, for the same value, exchange rate was better for the £ back then too. But they bought a detached 3 story, 5 bedroom with a huge garden surrounding the property. No chance we’d have got anything like that in the UK.

Made me wish I’d moved to Canada 20 years ago :smile:.
There’s an available property shortage here at the moment too, due mainly to rise in number of landlords and lack of social housing being built.
And don’t get me started on our drug laws :laughing: :rofl:


The amount of vacant housing around me is unbelievable. People buy it as an investment not to live in, or even to rent out, which is a big part of the problem.


Look into foreign investment. Oops.

It must be a commonwealth thing, it’s the same in Oz. Nanny state bs regulations on everything here, can’t fart without an emissions permit :confused: Fuk the taxman imho, he ain’t spending it so well that I want to give it up.


The article wasn’t about the risk of you using a credit card, it was about why many seed companies won’t accept them.


On the bright side…
@Great_lakes_Genetics now accepts credit cards… :rofl: