Sick Plant - Ask The Community

I think I agree with you, it looks like the rust . Curious what you all think with the full pictures though !

Either potassium or phosphorus deficiency.


I’m not the person to answer honestly lol I’m always on the plant diagnosis forum. I was just relaying 1 situation I had similar effects. Not any real knowledge.
Plant Doctor - Diagnose Your Cannabis Plants! | Grow Weed Easy. Hope this helps.

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It is tough to say… give a fan leaf a gentle rub and see if there is any substance coming off. If so, it’s rust fungus.

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Cant say I see anything coming off, Now we run into the deficiency issues which could be any really. We know shes in flower and needs Cal Mag and Ph etc. So Im going to continue giving her extra doses of the fert ( liquid 2-1-6 ) I have and see if she responds well to that.

I will check the PH tomorrow if she needs watered. Ive been doing Every day/ Every other day, just kind of depending on how fast she drinks it up.

I also read in emergencies ( not my plant probably ) you can give plants watered down milk but Idk about all that LOL

to be quite frank, shes probably just lacking Bloom nutrients , so shes cannibalizing herself to make up for it.

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It’s either potassium or phosphorus… just Google those deficiencies. Throw her some pk1314

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Sounds nice , is it like a once a week feed schedule with that? Do you need any other nutes to go with it?

I was feeding her Jacks bloom boost up until recently, It has too much nitrogen IMO so I switched to just gassed off TAP mixed with 2-1-6 liquid fert

Good! LOL I haven’t tried that! :milk_glass:

I hope I didn’t scare you but that first image looked a little like it. Sending my best to you two! :heart:

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Your fert is very light in the phosphorus area. You say 2-1-6, jacks boost is 10-30-20(1-3-2) if I recall. So jacks is lower in nitrogen but also lower in potassium by a large margin.

You would add the pk1314 to your nutes but may need to back off the nutes by as much as 50%

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heres a calcium deficient leaf from growweedeasy, It looks similar to what im dealing with , not as rusty but very similar


Yeah I think your right all the way around. So if I have the 2-1-6 + jacks boost , how often would I be feeding?

This is most likely my biggest issue, I don’t really have a schedule for feed. whatsoever. Been a mostly wing it kind of ordeal , Not proud to admit ;p

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I sure wouldn’t go combining them!!! Use one or the other with a pk booster. But jacks boost shouldn’t need a pk boost(that’s what it’s for).

If it’s only happening at the very top you may be having light/heat burn issues. If that first leaf you posted is from lower on the plant it’s not a light issue.


It was from the bottom actually.

Uh no I just meant jacks and my 2-1-6 combined and thats all, not pk boost added.

So your saying I only need jacks ?? I figured the 2-1-6 would make up a little for the (1-3-2)

Sorry if I was confusing !@!

I wish I knew some folks that used Jacks , I cant reallly find anyone XD , so I dont know an appropriate feed schedule for it ( the jar just tells me half a teaspoon daily or one tablespoon weekly … well I must be high that sounds like a schedule to me… )

Jacks boost is only used for the first week or 2 and then back the normal jacks formula until the very end, then they have a finish. I find sticking with the 5-12-26 their 321 formula is better than the others. I have them all and stopped using them. I do add some mkp but only if they really want it. Do you have the regular jacks formula?

Yes do not mix the 2 you currently have.

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I do not have regular jacks, Right on , I figured their was some missing links in my nutrient regimen but wasnt too sure.

What do you end up using? Basically Im doing soil, and its pre ferted so should carry me at least a month without needing nutrients, then id like nutrients to get me through flower of course.

Basically what I have is only good for certain time periods of the grow? When is 2-1-6 good? I stopped Jacks about a week or two ago and have been only doing 2-1-6 and pure tap since then

I can only tell you what I use and how I do it in coco and rockwool.

Full time every water jacks
5-12-26 (4g/g)
Cal nit (2g/g)
Epsom (1g/g)
Water only (phed) on weekends if needed.
You shouldn’t need any other ferts than that, except maybe no nitro jacks for the last 3-4w
Shoot me a message if needed, don’t want to clog this up.


Hey yall, just wanted to drop an update on my Syrian V, this issue that I have has progressed quite rapidly. I was even considering chopping now but held off because trichs were still on the clearer side .

leaves all over the plant have begun dying. Not a normal ''my plant is sucking the nutes out the leaves ‘’ dying. just like the OG pic I sent

If you want calcium then topdress with a thick layer of dandelion leaves, mix with grass and nettle to form a nice trinity.

Hey everyone. My plant seems to be taking a turn from the worse.

Granted I have not been checking ph… she’s been getting gassed off tap water only since the last time I made a post on this thread , so I don’t feel the need too. My tap is 5-6 ph.

She’s in soil, I have been letting the top inch or so dry before I water again. I make sure it runs off at the bottom

I even considered chopping because It looks this way but the last time I checked trichomes I saw quite a few clear

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do you see the up curl on those leaves only three things i know cause this

  1. too much light
  2. too much water
  3. too much stress
    maybe you are loving it to hard my money is on light little to much. Cannabis is a funny plant it can take more light than most other plants but that said some weed plants are gingers
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