Sick Plant - Ask The Community

Yup, leaves look “fried”, but as long as lower leaves are also affected I would think more on nutrient burn or lockout (pH imbalance? icon_e_confused|nullxnull), anyway, giving her just water looks like a good strategy


Bring your pH up to 6.5 and check your feeding amount. If you’re planning a jack’s 20-20-20 or 20-10-20 use 2.27 grams per gallon of water according to Bruce.

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Needs more water, don’t let the soil dry back so much.
When they are this far in flower I give them water almost every day.
If you’re using fabric pots you can do bottom watering if you don’t want gnats.


I already watered today , since she looks so rough should I go ahead and water again ?

She got about 60 oz of water or so

I’m gonna agree with everything you said. I did have the light set too 100 for the longest ( I mean it was dumping like 1300 ppfd )

Im not 100 percent sure on the over water part. It was quite dry today before water.

And I absolutely agree on stress. She needs a more consistent thought out feed plan.

It probably don’t help they went straight to flower without a proper root development ( 12/12 from birth )

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60 oz is about 1,7 liters, that should be enough for one day.

Also know that not every plant ages gracefully, some just look like that halfway through flower because that’s how they be… Doesn’t necessarily mean something is wrong, they might simply not need the leaves anymore. Talk to your plants, say: show me what I need to know.

They always answer, it’s a matter of us listening and remembering that we can receive, if only we quiet our mind for a moment or three.


Beautiful reply Rogue, thank you. If this is how she ages , then its pretty graceful to me :stuck_out_tongue: I mean , She is letting me know ‘’ hey dude I am about done ‘’ Which is awesome. No real guess work needed if this is the case :stuck_out_tongue:

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Truth! :seedling:

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This seems appropriate to put right here .Examples of what specific deficiencies look like preHarvest

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Little fox tailing and some taco leaves… whats happening here :o

With taco leaves, it’s not necessarily a bad thing, I’ve had it happen and the yield was there nonetheless. Dim the light would be my first idea.

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Cool stuff, I’ll set her under the light I can dim and see if she recovers any, tbh I don’t think she will though :stuck_out_tongue:
Because the taco leaves did start under the dimmer light.

Im probably day 60 ish, shes probably got a week or so to go , maybe sooner !

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Or a few weeks, trichomes are still mainly clear, things are looking good!!!

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Just checking. Is this red and brown a problem? I don’t recall seeing this at week 4 of flower before.

Reddish-brown pistils aren’t necessarily a problem, that just means that part of the plant is no longer fertile - either because it’s getting older, was damaged somehow, or was already pollinated. The last bit is what I’d be worried about, because right below the pistils that purple bit looks kinda like an anther (hermie). They’re usually yellow, but full balls are often purple, so I’m not quite sure. :thinking:


Please send me the name and author of this publication—Thanks

I’m thinking a little potassium deficiency…? Possibly due to higher transpiration in these highest colas in the center of the tent that get the most breeze from the oscillating fan?

Day 39 flower , TK x chem 91 from csi, organic amended soil with Dr earth, just did a bloom top dress a week or week and a half ago, and doing 1-2 feeds a week of rooted leaf nutrients for that “synganic” boost.
Whole rest of the plants look fine except a tad of something on the lower leaves that are again closest to the oscillating fan in the ground that I turn on at night


Special delivery for you:

There’s a train coming too.
Be at peace my friend.

I made a comment on my own thread that i didnt want to go adding more because my favorite saying in gardening is “if you dont know whats wrong, just throw a little moron” :rofl:
LIFTA is my favorite product though, super cheap and effective! Thanks for the input


I would think about Magnesium instead … beer3|nullxnull

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