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If you may have root rot in your case humidity is not a good strategy, you can trim those bad looking fans, they’re stealing energy instead of bringing it, not much help at this delicate moment … :roll_eyes:


Idk about root rot, seems too freshly transplanted to have rotted already…

So at transplant I mixed some rhizotonic in a gallon of water and watered the rooted cut without drenching it, then put a dome on it.

It must be flabbergasted by its new environment hehe


Anyone know if this could be powdery mildew?
I’ve already treated with milk just in case but just curious. Several patches that look like this, only on stems tho

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Probably mealy bugs.


Mealy bugs? Left the residue? Or is the residue?

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Don’t think it’s mealy bugs. You can test by putting a bit of rubbing alcohol on it. If it changes to a reddish/brown then it could be mealies. But I doubt it is. @Kasper0909

Upon closer look it could be.

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In case they aren’t it can be white mold, check this out. … beer3|nullxnull


Outdoor prob. The only plant that has this issue.

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Grasshoppers maybe? They look like bug bites … icon_eek|nullxnull

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it looks like a really bad case of septoria.


Thought about that too, but in that case the rest of plants would also be affected… icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Sephora fits the glove, the ‘halos’ around the brown spots is what I’m taking my read on.
Also, this 5 gal fabric pot has been tucked between two larger pots, leaving it in the shade, very hot and rainy. The plants next to it , one has begun to show an aphid infestation that needs to be dealt with,

I’ve been using Earth Ally as an insecticide, fungus control, is organic, rosemary, mint, and a couple other oils.
Now that I look
Is creeping into my LPC

Dagnabit! So what is best advice for the septoria treatment? And the aphids? Since the Earth Ally doesn’t seem to be doing crap. One thing I am missing is my Large sticky yellow pads that were very successful last year. I opted for the smaller ones, which are useless after a few good thunderstorms.
Grateful for all and any advice.

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Check out the post Johnny made mites thrips aphids one and done. Septoria I’m not sure, if I remember chop and trash. Do not compost! But please read up and don’t take my word on it I’m just recalling from memory.

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Yea, holy crap, septoria everywhere. I just finished pulling off every infected leaf and cutting every lower branch infected. It’s a lot worse than I thought, however, it is treatable. First I was told to remove every infected leaf and part I can find, and continue that daily. Second, after the storms one of my 50 gal non fabric pots was filled to the brim,.drainage must have failed, and probably where it all began.
Now when I saw the one plant infected and removed the leaves, that plant sprung back, only to be infected again. More damp, soil in shade, very hot n humid.
The soil needs to be raked at the top, (I’m doing about 4-6 inches) to help dry and irrigate the soil, I’m also pushing down 4’ rods to the bottom to open up more drainage. Don’t need 4’, only a couple, but easier to handle standing up without tools.
Lastly, rearranged all pots into full sun to help dry out the soil. As the top dries, I’ll re-rake it.
Anddddd, looks like rains coming. FML.
OK, so now I’m thinking of designing a two piece cover that I can put on top of the pots, to keep most of the rain out. It would basically look like two Pac Mans with short mouths to go around stalk.
:cd: :dvd: Kind of this shape sliced in half. I will try a cardboard cut.out before using a thin wood.
Let the games begin. Can’t fight mother nature, but you can wiggle a bit when shes grumpy.
All this surgery occurs today.
PS As with any plant disease, always wash your hands after touching or dealing with any septoria. Wash scissors or clippers and try not to touch uninfected areas, which can be hard when your trying to pull back branches and locate the infections. Remove and chuck leaves into a zip lock bag and throw away.


I had one plant get that last year as flower started and I thought it was a deficiency and went at it like that unfortunately. That plant finished off with such tiny nugs from the struggle. Still was solid weed and didn’t spread to any other plants out there. Didn’t realize till after season.

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Upon closer inspection, my entire garden may be compromised… Gonna have to bring out the slightly larger guns and possibly copper based spray to attempt eradication. The more I looked, the more I saw, the more I chopped, the more work I did, the more I see to come.
I will not give up.


Good luck. I’m sorry for your misfortune. I’m going to start fighting PM that came from sun-clone on here.

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I’m having my first ever battle with septoria this year. I’m hitting my veg plants with sulphur, and my 3 autos in flower are getting hypochlorous acid. It seems to halt it for a few days and then it creeps back in. Constant rain, then humidity isn’t helping the battle.

I blasted my…plants with Earth’s Ally, didn’t seem to make.a difference at first but now it does, I got the big guns , copper, and we performs is.losing.