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Could be shy on nitrogen?

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Very possible, this started as a mag def tho.
This plant is over a month old and just last week got its first dose of bio bizz grow nutes. However during the mag def stage i did spray with epsom salt, and give a cal mag feed i believe it was 1tsp to a gallon. Plant gets 2-3 cups of water every day or so. Water water feed is the schedule… except ive been water water water most of this plants life.

There is also some small rust scars in the leaves.

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I would discard N and Mag as it is happening in the new growth so should be a immobile nutrient. My first guess would be Iron if yellowing starts in the inner leaf:


Those rust scars could be Magnesium if they are in older leaves, I haven’t seen them in the pics:

Mag deficiency

I would check slurry pH, maybe soil is too alkaline and Iron and Magnesium are not available … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

Soil pH chart


Thanks for the advice! If soil is too alkaline i could feed lower ph to correct issue?

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Yes, you could, let us know the results … beer3|nullxnull


I have a soil test kit that i can test the ph with instead of a slurry test?

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Yes, I suppose, then you can do the slurry test and compare if needed … beer3|nullxnull


Is there any real difference between a soil ph test and a slurry ph test? Wouldnt the soil ph test be more spot on?

By the way thanks george for the help!


I suppose the slurry test will give a better idea of what’s going on because it’s a resume of all the soil, not just a part of it. Anyway I see you’re running organics so that couldn’t affect at all, bottle users may have salts accumulated that may alter the pH or bring a nutrient lockout, let’s see what that soil test brings, we will have to reach that bridge before crossing that river, glad to help … beer3|nullxnull


That was a good guess on lockout. Wonder what i do from here? Ive had this issue for a few weeks and its not getting better so i finally posted about it. Just water with low ph?

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Yes, you will have to be generous with water to see what pH
is going out (and have also a look to EC/ppm to see if soil is already depleted), they don’t look bad at all … beer3|nullxnull


What ph do you recommend i water in to start with? If im watering at 6.5 should i drop to 5.5?


Yes, that could be a good start, you will have to play with it as there is nothing written about … beer3|nullxnull


It’s possible your soil has run out of N. Your in organic soil right?
Did you flush them out with lots of water? If so, could easily have washed out alot of your nutrients.


Yes organic soil, but still feeding organic bottled nutes, didnt make the supersoil switch yet. im almost positive the soil is depleted. Theyre prettt huge for 1gal fab pots. Thinking the 1 gal cant hold much nutes. Im ready to flip and these suckers are holding things up because i feel like flipping while looking like this is a bad idea.

If it is N, how long do you think before shed be lush green again?

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I sincerely don’t think it can be a N issue, Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient so in case of absence, plant takes them from the lower leaves and those old leaves are the one to yellow, not the top …

Being that yellow on the new leaves, it could be Iron or Zinc, this is Zinc from one of our growers:

or Magnesium, this is yours:


but I don’t see the brown spots:

Mag deficiency


also a very old site GrowWeedEasy has a very good chart + good info on (their Plant diiagnos) this is a very old forum and it’s good for some levels of cultivators FYI


Agree with that site, here’s also a good guide for deficiencies from Ed Rosenthal … beer3|nullxnull


I don’t think it’s a good idea now, maybe soil is depleted, I would transplant them to bigger pots and let them recover before switching to flower … beer3|nullxnull


YEA ! ED knows his stuff !!! the old fart (that’s good)