Sick Plant - Ask The Community

they just got transplanted to 3gal fab pots, i forgot to mention that when i was saying how the 1gal might be depleted.


one thing to consider is to "flush your plant now " for 3-4days --clean it a bit, get rid of the poison

If it is an iron/zinc def what can i do? Its literally just these two sticky glues that are sickly looking. Everyone else is bopping along pretty swell.

I think this might just be a “them” problem and not me? I mean im no pro Im still working on the first notch on my belt but the others are lush green with very minor if not no issues at all… i do love the structure of this plant but its a pain in the ass and i cant keep up wit it seemingly

Maybe you missed the “being transplanted to 3 gallon pots” part, now I guess better some LITFA and see how they react, avoid stress for a while … beer3|nullxnull


There is some tiny brown spots just cant see on the camera

Will do thanks george. Be back next week for an update guya

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Download the Ed Rosenthal’s guide and read the last chapters, I prefer to teach you how to :fishing_pole_and_fish: instead than giving you a :fish:beer3|nullxnull

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Then if it is Magnesium give an Epsom salts foliar spray (just before lights off), but check if it can also be Manganese, but don’t think so … beer3|nullxnull

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It seems potassium is the answer if its iron or zinc.

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I see you know how to fish :grin:, that seems to be the solution if you’re sure it’s not Magnesium, anyway remember your soil was too alkaline blocking Iron, Zinc and Magnesium, so I would feed normally the plants and see if they recover with a proper pH before throwing more food on the dish … entripao|nullxnull


They’re really greening Arriba|nullxnull, wait a couple of days before flipping and keep with veg food for some time after that… beer3|nullxnull


My tomato plants are yellowing a bit and getting these brown spots…you think some Epsom would help them too?

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Epsom salts are fine for Magnesium and Sulphur, if you just have those spots (not irregular blotches) you can foliar spray with Manganese sulfate that you may find in garden centers or just organic matter and garden manure (slower).

This rare deficiency mainly occurs because of soil pH being out of range, check it if possible … beer3|nullxnull


Anyone ever add milk to nute solution just prior to using? 15ml milk per 1000ml nutrient water right before feeding plants? Epsom for Magnesium, touch of milk for calcium and sugar?..possibly beneficial microbe activity?

Any idea whats going on? Day 25f.
They havnt got any cal mag in a while but i have been feeding.

My single purple kush plant is a nice shade of green compared to my sticky glue and fat bastard

Edit: @George these are the pics i have taken so far

Crispy edges and yellowing around the periphery would lead me to believe K deficiency, but I’m assuming same feed as everything else?
Magnesium deficiency will make brown spots, and turn the leaf yellow with green veins, so knowing you haven’t cal/mag’d recently makes me lean that way. That plant just might be a “canary in the coal mine”
In the style of George:


Oh well, sometimes is better to put images and let the OP compare them with his plant ejem|nullxnull, we never speak about Sulphur as it may be similar to Mg and K, how about some pics? :grin:


And also the yellowing of the new growth could be k def? I did hit them with a tea containing the following per gallon , 1/8 tsp potash, shot glass full of dr earth 5-5-5, 3/4 tbsp molasses, 1tsp insect frass, 1/8 tsp azomite, 1 tsp kelp meal, 1/4 cup ewc.

I made 2 gallons so x2 all of the above and then cut it with another 2 gallons. I then added 5ml of photo plus to the 4 gal total and brewed for 20 hours. Fed that 3 days ago.
Noticing some tip burn on my pk plant.

While others are going yellow such as my previous post above

Edit: i have noticed some rusty tips on lower fans leaves

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Any ideas what I’ve done to her?

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Pics below of sticky glue going light green with some purple streaks and wonky leaves.
Watered today 6.3ph 512ppm 4tsp epsom salt to 75cups water
Watered in 14cups runoff came out at 6.7ph 1300ppm

Pics below of fat bastard plant going green with some burnt tips.
Also Watered today 6.3ph 512ppm 4tsp epsom salt to 75cups water
Watered in 14cups runoff came out at 6.6ph 2400ppm


![Edit: just found this on my pk plant. Does this mean strong genetics? !