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Yea my runoff was 6.7-6.9 ph for all plants. I have been feeding around 6.2-6.3.

Ill drop my inputs to 5.9-6.0 and update over the next few weeks

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That would explain the lock outs then, once u get over 6.5 u can pretty much say goodbye to iron

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Does 5.9-6.0ph input sound like a decent plan to lower it?

Hell even a squeezing a lemon in a gallon of water or throwing some coffee grounds for a top dress should bump u down that little bit

5.8 would be good too land about the middle, with organics 6.2-6.5 is the sweet spot, 6.3 ur right on the money

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Gotcha so i want my run off to be 6.3 correct?

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Soil slurry would be more accurate of what ur roots are sitting in but run off gives a good idea when the run off is consistent not throwing bunch of different readings

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Am i using the lemon to lower input ph like apple cider vinegar or am i just adding lemon juice for the citric acid to help the roots do their magic. Not sure of the technical process but i read a little bit from @McShnutz about the roots using the citric acid to buffer soil ph in the root zone?

So for example i wouldnt ph down with the lemon juice just squeeze one whole lemon into a gallon and ph it accordingly?

Ive attempted a slurry test before but that was just a few inches below the surface, how would i slurry test root zone soil? Also dont i risk stressing the plant digging up soil this late in flower?

I personally just don’t pH my stuff and just balance my amendments, lemon juice is acidic on the pH scale so a natural organic way to add acidity to the soil. If u needed to swing it up then fireplace ash can drive it alkaline as well as add some k
Small amounts of gypsum can give a soil pH buffer too

One lemon to one gallon isn’t an exact just a general of diluting down to soil drench with. Def wouldn’t wanna use it straight and a gallon to one lemon should be a safe enough amount it won’t burn or over acid certain spots in the roots

For a slurry test I’d just try to catch the water after a watering blast with a shower nozzle on the top layer before it completely soaks and drains down. I’m running 30 gallon and every morning I’m watering and usually have a half inch of slurry on top before I move on to the next plant so that would be a great opportunity without disturbing things

So in theory i could squeeze a lemon into one gal and then ph it to 5.8-6.0 water in and it would help the root zone stabilize around 6.5?

My tap water comes out at 7.2 i use apple cider vinegar to bring it down to 6.3ph. So before i ph it down to 6.3 i would just squeeze a lemon in and then ph accordingly?

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Apple cider vinegar can be prone to killing some microbes, I’d switch to lemons as ur go to if u need to drop pH, throw one in a gallon and see what it pH at, id be curious to see too

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I was able to order everything minus the soluble kelp and fish meal for just under $100. Im thinking maybe i should water before another feed?

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Wouldn’t hurt!

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Thanks bro have a great night!

Im thinking nute burn, zinc or potassium def? I have no clue how to call it i have been flushing and its getting worse it seems

Im thinking maganese def?

Ive been flushing since ppms and run off ph was high and this issue seems to be getting worse and worse . A lot of yellow lower leaves poppin up aswell

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Are you flushing with just water or a mild nutrient solution. The ph being high could have caused a lockout but they look hungry all around to me. What was the runoff ph and ppm’s?

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Hopefully you can read jibberish. Im having a hard time making everything make sense. I pour 16 cups in and i get 1100 ppm then another 16 cups and i get 2090ppm, then another plant first 16 cups i get 2400 ppm then after another 16 cups i get 1600. I dont understand why two plants are going up in ppm the more water i push through while the other 2 plants actually flush out ppm

Hey all hopefully I can get some answers from our knowledgable members. My sativa’s about 5-6 weeks into flowering and the older fan leaves are turning all yellow fast. They stay yellow for a week or so before they brown and die. It is starting at the bottom fan leaves and working up the plant. Sorry no picks ATM cause other phone won’t

Wait maybe I can get a pic with this post.

I don’t think it’s clorosis

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Ok community :blush:
I hope you can help me out. I’ve got some plants with some browning spots and I’m not sure if it is calcium def or leaf septoria.

Growing in pro-mix bx in 5 gallon pots. Watering every 3-4 days. Ph is at 6-6.1 ish.

Calmag is at 150ppm

Not all plants are showing this issue.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Here is another leaf that is showing fading.