Silver Mountain x Pleiadian Love Nest

As promised. Updated shots of my girl


Beautiful plants! Is that my sharpie? Lol!

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Lol I just figured everybody knows around how big a sharpie is so it’s a good size comparison. And thank you.


Looking great!!
I’m about week 8 of flower, wanted to share for comparison! I got 3 that look like yours and this one mutant! She’s falling all over now getting too fat lol


You are more than welcome to share yours on here as well. We have started calling ours Simple. As both an acronym and because these plants are so beginner friendly. I wonder if the mutant is more silver mountain leaning than pln? Also these are your clones right? Have you smoked any of the original plants yet?


I am addicted to this microscope :rofl:. She’s so sparkly


Great first grow! And what an exciting variety to cut your teeth with. Keep up the good work.


That’s gotta earn the name budzilla she’s a beast .


Thank the extra veg time lol

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Thank you! I don’t mean to thread jack. Just wanted to share with you. And yes these were all clones from my first two.
I smoked a little off the first plants but harvested early, not as potent, too many nutes and heat, so I ended up making it all into butter and treats. I have been clipping some here and there to dry/taste/learn, and to catch one for free! :joy: Just waiting now for more amber crystals.
Looks like your extra veg time definitely helped. Stems are thick!! I had to double check the pics to see it was only 1 plant!? Yalls looks perfect with lots of colas up top. I gotta veg longer next time my self, more to learn… I got popcorns everywhere lol


That’s what we’re all here for. To learn and help and overgrow the world. Hubby did the small tester nug I pulled off abt a week ago and his report was that he felt it a little but so far it was good. Now we wait for more amber as well.


Think it might be time to chop the older branches and let the younger blossom. What do yall think?


I see a little amber in there and a little clear, too. If I was capable of scoping my trichs, that might be about where I’d want them. Maybe a little more amber and fewer clear, I dunno. It’s really your personal preference. I just go by vibe and when I feel like they need to come down. But I also chop the whole plant; I’ve never done it in pieces (although I am considering doing that for the current run).


Funny thing is I took pics before I cut this bud, its a small tester, and there was less amber. Does that happen where the amer trichs keep maturing while drying?


Yeah, that’ll happen. Or so I’ve read, anyway.


Going for a daytime smoke

  • Chop upper
  • Chop all
  • Give it a week

0 voters

5 days after drying


Tinnitus is a pain in the ass, I have had it since I was a kid. No one knew what I was talking about!
I didn’t learn what it was till my late teens. :laughing:

As for your beautiful plant…
I would wait a bit longer, but thats just my opinion. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The worst part is when you realize other people hear nothing in the silence. Man what i wouldnt give for complete silence for a day. If i thought stabbing myself in the eardrums would make it stop i just might.

I explained it to my neices and nephews by asking them what they hear when no one is talking and then turning on static. I asked them how they would like to hear that every moment of their life. They all turned down their music at that point.

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Thats what I didn’t understand when I was a kid. No one else can hear this? Are you all deaf? :rofl:
I totally know what you mean. It is frustrating, I have learned to deal with it though. Nothing else I can do. :upside_down_face:

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They make headphones with flat speakers in a headband/eye mask that dont hurt to be worn all night. Those are the best thing I ever bought myself