Slick1's kick in the ass grow

Sounds good to me. I personally have no problem with fems, it was more about trying to respect the breeder’s wishes to the best of my ability.


I get that.
I was recently reading through the GG4 RIL thread and wanted to sound smart.


:laughing: All good. I’m interested in any good breeder’s approach so all good. I found it interesting and I think you sounded quite smart :nerd_face:


Beauty indeed!

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Fems are the bee’s knees for someone trying to stick to their legal limit of six plants.


And for others who’s legal limit is zero!


Get on the phone with your congressman! Gopal can’t do it alone!


I’ve run up and down the list of representative’s emails and hit them all at least twice a piece over the last year (and more before that for legalization itself). I don’t think it makes the slightest bit of difference but I’ve tried.


I think it makes a difference when enough constituents do it… Problem is everybody says “oh someone else will do that”…

And we ARE making progress, at least possession is now legal!!


I tried getting on the phone with my congressman… then a week later, he introduced the bill currently stalling out in committee. :stuck_out_tongue: Can’t really do much more from here, unfortunately.


True but that came down to a vote by us instead of them. They proved their incompetence in getting it passed. The promising thing is that once it was passed there were a few representatives who were not on board who then starting willingly discussing options because like it or lump it it was now legal. The grow bill introduced by Cardinale for example. He was against legalization but the when it passed he introduced that bill and said that if it’s legal then it should be legal. We need more of that thinking.

So you’re the guy who made it happen! :laughing: Call again!


The list of who else to call and blame for their incompetence, greed, and general indifference is waaaaaay too long for me to even know where to start. Besides, Murphy’s Law tells us to plan for the worst, and isn’t he the one who has to sign at the end of the day? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok, probably the best pun I will hear all month. That was fucking GOLDEN…

Yeah, I think you’ll fit right in with us… You’re giving @Slick1 a battle of the wits, and I can see me laughing my ass off at a meet… Comments from the two of you is gonna have me in stitches…


I was actually a little disappointed that I had never put that together myself when I read that :laughing:

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Quick update on the Pennywise. It’s a good news/bad news situation still.

Good news is there is zero doubt the Black Cream Pollen took on the branch I hit

Bad news is the lack of pollen on the silver treated one

I don’t get it. She just doesn’t want to grow balls. It’s over ten days of spraying now and no idea why she won’t cooperate. On the other hand I’m impressed by how well she’s doing considering she’s getting bombarded with silver every day. She is producing much less pistols than her non sprayed counterpart though.


Fairly sure the way silver treatment works is that it inhibits ethylene production; that, in turn, stresses the plant out and causes it to herm because that’s the only way for it to reproduce… if, that is, the plant has herm tendencies in the first place. The less likely a strain is to herm, the less likely you’ll be able to force a reversal for feminized seeds. That’s also why feminized seeds often have higher herm rates than females from regular seeds, as I understand it; for that matter, feminized seeds can actually produce full males very rarely.

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What are you using? CS or STS. CS seems to take a good two weeks, at least, to start showing balls. But the pistols should be Browning off by now. I would continue spraying daily for another week. If it hasn’t happened yet, then it probably failed. Just my opinion. I could be wrong.


Are you saying I should try to stress her in other ways too? I’ll go berate this stubborn bitch if you think it’ll help.

I didn’t realize that there had to be herm tendencies for it to work though. I thought it was pretty universal :thinking: I’m this far in I might as well keep spraying her but that would be bad news.

CS. The pistols are brown as fuck and have been for days. Pistol production is also noticeably less than the one that hasn’t been sprayed. I still have silver so I’m just going to spray until I’m out, but I’m not buying any more. Worst case scenario if it looks completely fruitless is to blast the whole thing with Black Cream Pollen.


Was that store bought CS? Still should work. I made my own CS generator. I probably used about a half quart total. I sprayed the entire plant til dripping. Then let it dry and put back in the tent. About two weeks later, give or take a few days, it was ballsack city. That’s when I quit spraying. It worked like a charm.

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I just haven’t gotten to making some myself yet. I have everything I need but just haven’t. I started with 250ppm from Amazon and when it ran out I went and bought 550 ppm locally. I also spray until dripping (and actually go that heavy because I’ve seen you say that).

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