Slick1's Ridiculously (NSFW) named strain seed giveaway! **CLOSED**

No the Orange Grove had some growth mutations on one side that eventually sorted itself out but no variegation. Pretty cool though!


If you take clones of the varigated plant will the clones all have the same trait?


Let’s try! :yum:


Looks like the variegated one is a boy. Anyone want me to send them a cut of this? I can’t grow out another male right now.


It would be interesting. I wish I had room. I’d grow it out just to collect it’s pollen and look for a female with the same trait to pollinate with it. You could end up solidifying that trait. Imagine that anomaly in a stealth plant like a Freakshow.


I’ll send it your way @MoBilly ! :yum::+1:


A stabilized variegated Freakshow line would be awesome!


Someone want it before I have to get rid of it? It’s pretty. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Thanks but like I said I am full up. lol
I wish I could have about six more plants. Then my problems would be over… Naa
I’d just think of some other genetic project to pursue and need another grow room and another six plants… etc etc etc


For all those on the list who have yet to pop these seeds, I have brought two of these plants to harvest after 115 days and loosely documented the experience in the following post.


Will never happen… Sad to say. I read everything I could on variegated mutations when I had my Blueberry Jack Herer go variegated. After some schooling from @PetalPowerseed , I have learned its only passed on from the mothers. While it IS passed on, its not something that can be bred for as the “perfect storm” of conditions has to happen on a cellular level for them to express the variagated trait.

In a nutshell, seeds from moms that were variegated, might show variegation, but there’s no reliable way to make it happen consistently in cannabis. I thought maybe you could because I have seen stabilized variegation in other plants (Hostas, Spider Plants, etc), but thats not the case sadly. I would have loved to have purple variegated plants! .


Thanks for the info.
I should have known.
I’ve seen people pull their hair out trying to breed horses for color. That is a lesson in patience. There are colors and patterns that only show in like one in a million. Trying to stabilize that is next to (if not) impossible.


Got my second attempt pack thank you Slick1 ! I hope to get 2 males and 3 females for seed increase and selection further. Anyone who has these seeds and likes chocolate orange candy bud do get these a poppin! Thanks again Slick fantastic cultivar.


I just smoked a big purple CMFV bud. Smoke is light and airy with a nice lemony oak aftertaste, just fantastic.

After toasting a couple bowls I ate half a box of tacquitos and now I’m tempted to do it again.

Nice buzz, relaxed and yet 100% focused on making more snacks.


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