Small Pieces of Wisdom

Pull hard and she comes easy - Pacific NW logger’s saying


Love the humor here!

:green_heart: :seedling:


i seen that on the j john walls 40 years ago

Oh I have loads of these!

It’s not dying that is tragic,
It’s the things that die in us while we still live.

Never interrupt your enemies when they are in the middle of making a mistake.

Discretion is the better part of valour.

Epitaph for a car wreck victim;

His way was right, his will was strong, but he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong.


“Remember…there’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.”
Frank Zappa

“Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Genius will not. Education will not…Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”
Calvin Coolidge


No one asked me and no one told me but it is somehow known to me, innate within men, that garbage is simply my job. Both taking the cans to curb and removal. And any task that’s “gross” falls upon me. It’s just our burden. That being said, I’d still much rather be a dude in this world haha.

As far as marrigae advice: I’ve been with the same woman for 16 years. Anyone needs lady advice or wisdom…I ain’t the guy lol she’s always had it up to here with my shenanigans and boyish antics. But from what I can gather, they seem to like cleanliness, hygiene, clothes, garlic bread, wine, and fancy coffee drinks. That’s over a decade of distilled experience; free game.
Focus on that.


Yes, she pretends, but she likes those


Man without smiling face should never open shop.

Given a choice and driven to a choice are not the same.

It wasn’t the fact the earth was round that made people mad it’s the fact it wasn’t flat.

The public pay the public servents to take the public`s money.

Peace C.

There is only the eternal now, unfolding forever.
We are always in the middle of infinity.

Better to have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy😁


If you play only the white keys on the piano then you are jamming in C major or A minor, depending on whether you are happy or sad.

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Don’t piss into the wind.


I see, said the blind man, as he peed into the wind…it’s all coming back to me now.

Don’t look back. You’re not going that way. Viking proverb


If she’s a good woman marry her
If your a good man.

A good woman is worth her weight in rubies.
A good woman will tolerate your shit.
Sad, I see mgtow and the like these days and can’t help but think young
Folks were set up and now it’s
All fooked up.
All that can be avoided with the love of a good woman.
Just make sure you deserve her.



Don’t pee on a flat rock.


Nah. When I happily rock the white keys its B# Major.

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I seen that one carved into Porto shitters in Iraq with all the Chuck norris jokes.One of the best ones i saw was Quit throwing cigarette butts in the urinal makes em too soggy to light.Another one was stop throwing toothpicks in the urinals the Crabs are learning how to pole vault

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