Snow High collection for preservation

Couple of questions:

  1. What do lentils do in this process?

  2. Is it ok to blend the aloe plants up (skin and all)?

  3. Ever work with DMSO? Any benefit?

  4. If older seeds need a dry/wet cycle to germinate, can I use this system before putting seeds on worm castings?

  5. Any benefit to watering germinating seeds with this mixture to keep the process going?



Lentils (Bean/Peas) soaked produce Enzymes that penetrate the seed covering. Yes, you can blend the Aloe Fan, but makes it harder to strain. Some add a Teaspoon of DMSO, but I save mine for my Ankles, Knees and, Hips. Worm Castings, being Worm Poop, contains similar Enzymes. I don’t think it would hurt to incorporate both. I would just spray the surface, keep your Medium moist, not saturated. With your thought-process, I foresee you NOT having any problems. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I did not know you could use DMSO on seeds. :thinking: I bathe in that stuff. :rofl:

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You know it’s produced from the Bark of trees, byproduct of the distillation process during production of Paper. It’s “transdermal”, so it certainly can penetrate stubborn seed coverings. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Totally off topic, but I couldn’t resist. :kissing:


Hey guy’s, I know this is not the right place to post this, but I’m trying to find some (Green Mountain) Mountain Gold seeds asap. Can’t find any online.


Did you try Mandala?

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Sold out unfortunately

Bummer, I think Colorado Sativa may have made S2’s of those.


BTW what size are those? 2 oz?

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Depends entirely on you. I favor the Jars Salsa and/or Picante comes in (I’m cheap/frugal!!). Since you’re only filling each halfway, you can combine into one Jar. Since I soak my seeds in Dollar Tree small plastic square Containers (10/$1.25ish), said Jar of A/L Soak last a long time, plus it’s reusable/ SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks, trying to get an idea of the ratios water/aloe and water/beans, a bit difficult when talking about different metric systems and jar sizes :smiley:

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You’re gonna fill EACH Jar HALFWAY, add the Aloe Gel and chopped plant material. In the other Jar, fill HALFWAY, add about 10 - 20 Beans/Peas. No “exact science” involved. I probably put in more Beans/Peas than is necessary. The trick is to SHAKE THEM EVERY DAY, activating the production of “Gases”/Enzymes. It’s almost like using Fermentation Byproducts WITHOUT the smelly mess!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Seeds I can pop excellent, if you’re interested in me doing a preservation I can utilize my clones of Colombian Gold, Acapulco Gold, Punto Rojo rare Gold phenotypes, Jalisco, Oaxacan Gold and get even more great gentics crossed into snowhighs stuff.

First I have to grow them and find the best breeders. During that process I can cross my clones in to the original, till I know what yo breed together.

Then I’ll reveg after harvest and use the clones i took to reproduce the Snowhigh best ones.

Main goal is to use the tap root plants in breeding. But clones still offer the same genetic code, it should really matter if the new seeds come from clones.

Or I can breed the best 2 Snowhigh parents together right away and just cross the clones to the clones I have already.

Then I’ll send you a set of what’s crossed. :dove:


You can pick them up here


Is Northland seed an authorized reseller? Want to make sure I’m getting what I’m paying for if I go down that route.


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Yes, they carry his whole line

vermontman over @icmag could confirm that…Anywhere ace is sold you might find Green Mountain

If youre in Europe this is good place to get 'em

North Atlantic is under Ace distribution for usa


I think Ace was carrying Vermontman’s stuff.


I’d love to try some if possible!


Hey thanks @herbgreen I found and bought pack last night. Gut feeling is Mountain Gold would make a great mother plant for the yard.