Snow Lotus BX V1 and the Unknown Mother

Hey @Howard.Crane. Hope you’re doing well and lifted this Friday. How does that “legal limit” work? Does someone come to your house and count your plants?



Nah, they only do that for co-op grows here, but I’m old enough to have seen a thousand variations on how a seemingly innocuous chain of circumstances can align in unexpected ways to produce a disproportionately shitty outcome.


In the medical law for MA there was a clause in the Hardship Cultivation Application giving them permission to check to make sure you were in compliance.
I’d be interesting to find out how many times it was used to bypass a warrant.




What are the consequences of going over limit?



Well, if the police are called because of a home break-in and the homeowner has been attacked and injured, and they happen to find a lot more medical marijuana plants than they think they should while they are there, they will let the homeowner lay there bleeding to death while they mill around looking at all the plants and keeping emergency services from tending to the injured. That actually happened not too far from where I live. Admittedly, it was a few years ago, but cops are cops, amirite?

I’m looking for the current rules now, I seem to have lost track of them.

It’s hard to parse RCW 69.51A because it’s all legalese and assumes a working knowledge of other associated state laws, but in addition to the fact that cities and municipalities can add their own penalties, it looks like once you go over the legal limit then the penalties are a felony charge up to five years imprisonment. It’s been a few years since I looked this up, because frankly it’s not usually relevant to me, as I try to stay within the limits.


Thanks for the info brother. It doesn’t sound like a major concern for a small craft grower. Kool.



Nothing surprises me with the po-lice but…damn.


I’ve never heard of anyone with a small grow in a legal state getting tripped up with plant count problems.

I’m sure it’s happened to someone, somewhere, but the only guys I’ve heard of having problems have a ton of outdoor plants or like, an entire basement/garage blown out with 15 lights.


4 short fat ones in the front grape pie .


I’ve got a friend with a felony charge on his record for growing like a dozen plants in the tiny ass apartment I used to rent with him. He started growing in my room after I moved out, just trying to make up for the lost rent. Got busted before his first harvest.

He only served thirty days for it, but that charge on his record has been a pain in his ass ever since.

He was well under the radar, until the water heater broke one day while he was at work.

Which is just to say that they may not ever be after a small guy, but they won’t miss an opportunity if one just presents itself :wink:


Ooh, nice. That sounds like a fantastic cross, bet those will smoke up real nice!


In a legal state? Like he was allowed 6 and he had 12?


It was after 98 when they first implemented medical marijuana in my state, but the only legal protection at the time was an “affirmative defense”, and he was over count which entirely disqualifies you from using an affirmative defense. Might be different now with all of the changes that have happened since then, I dunno.

I haven’t associated with anyone who grows for a very long time now, maybe it’s a free for all and I’m the lonely dude who is missing out.


Argo got busted for more than his medical allowance. I think his father in law fell ill or died while he was away for a couple of days and the police showed up for some reason

The judge felt sorry for him and he kept his medical license not sure what penalties he got. He is in Colorado.


I know of a dude in MA who was posting openly on IG until he got raided for 14 plants in flower, maybe the same in veg, and a full cloner. They claimed he was selling it but idk if that’s true.


3-A seedlings above soil line


13 days and the tester bud’s finally dry.


I was able to taste a small bud I took off the other day from my Sour Dubb x Snow Lotus bx and it was fabulous. It’s going to be some really nice smoke. I wish they would hurry up and finish. Your bud looks similar to mine, too.


Sour Dubb looking close to done.