Snow Lotus BX V1 and the Unknown Mother

I thought that about my Sour Dubb a while ago. They’re very close but I still don’t have any amber at all. It’s day 62 for mine. I tasted a bud off of one yesterday and I’m very impressed. It’s going to be a very tasty smoke. Hell it already was. That’s always a good sign when they taste good that early.

What day in flower are you at?


Had to check and I’m surprised I’m only on day 47


Mine were the same way. They started flowering fast once I flipped them but now they just keep going. I may get another week or even more from them. Very, very frosty. And, now the smells are getting stronger. One pheno is like super glue sticky. :yum:


Few more pics of the 1-e. Dealing with some deficiencies but still chugging along.


@Howard.Crane, I was given a pack of 3-A also. Will be starting them early next week. I will try to keep up with you. LOL


Oh, excellent! I look forward to seeing yours grow also. :slight_smile:


Oh shit…I almost forgot the smoke report on og blue lotus. First open of jar…gives you a gas punch in the nose…and guess what. The slight blueberry smell came back…like it just ran to the store for more papers lol. Flower is pretty dense with light green color with orange running throughout. First hit…straight earthy gas, that lingers around the pallet , she inhales smooth but is really loosen the chest on exhale .effect at first was calming, rapid behind the eyes , clear buzz that after an hr or so transformed into a pretty heavy body buzz that usually crosses me over to a nice stiff nap. Or doze off lol. All in all. For now she’s a keeper unless I find a better sister…thanks for this one @GrowHard she’s pretty nice. I also got a fem in veg of the i95 that pretty cool.


Thanks for the report! Here’s what my first one that I popped looks like. The others were started a week later.


Someone I know may or may not have dropped 3 of 6-d in water just a few mins ago…


I have a question about the Sour Dubb cross. Is that the sour dubble from Bog or the other one called sour dubb from another breeder? It’s the same genetics for both I believe.


@GMan the comment on the seedfinder page:

There is no such Cultivar named Sour Dubb. Sdubb is short for Sour Dubble. The info here on Sdubb and Sour Dubble is all messed up.
The true sour dubble clone was found in a small handful (4) of seeds received from BOG at an outdoor festival in northern California a few years ago(2008) at the time my friend was given the seeds he was told its “sourdiesel x sourbubble(never released to the public) and its the best pot you will ever smoke”. two of the seeds were sown, and the plant kept is some of the best tasting cannabis ever…


Thanks, I missed that one. I saw two pages, one BOG and another one I forget. So, it’s ultimately a BOG creation? My interest is because the early taste samples from the Sour Dubb x Snow Lotus bxv1 I have are stellar. Very beautiful flavors. It does resemble the descriptions I read about SD. I’m excited.


What day did you chop it at Gman?


Not sure what to do for future plans.
The only plant i cannot clone.
Like 1:12 at this point


I haven’t chopped them yet. Maybe today. It’s day 72 I think. I’m not getting much if any amber but it’s time. Lots of cloudy for a little while now. I think my environment has made a bad difference on them. Almost all plants grew sort of funny. Buds are very leafy and some are just drying to nothing. Very trichome covered leaves, but leaves.

It’s been pretty chilly down there most of the time and I don’t have any active air exchange going on. Just relying on the leaky house to let it in. It’s a large space, 1200sq. ft. so, they aren’t choking but I think fresh CO2 would have made a difference.

My next purchase will be a ventilation system. I have one small inline fan, but need the big one and some filtering for the intake.

They are going to be tasty though, from the samples I’ve had. Just perplexed at the outcome after they started out so well. I was battling PM starting around mid-flower. It just kept coming back even though I treated it prety regular with Serenade. I’ll be re-visiting this problem before the next grow for better defenses and for cleaning.

Are yours in flower?


I’ve got to be around day 55 now of flower. The smell has gotten a lot stronger and she is covered in frost. She’s been pollinated though so I’m not gonna be able to get a true tell on the taste this time round.


It seems to have the dank sour to it. Mine are really frosty. I took two other plants today and did the bud wash and I’m really happy I got the done. It’s more work but with a little PM never really being gone I had to. It’s probably something I’ll always do now if it’s unseeded bud.

I may take one or two of the Snow Lotus crosses tomorrow. They did well I suppose given my shitty environment.

This pheno was almost 2 weeks later to start flowering than her 4 sisters. It ended up being the freakazoid. The leaves all grew pointed up, full prayer mode. None of the others did that. It’s sooo greasy, too.

Sour Dubb x Snow Lotus bxv1 1 of 5… this was a week or two ago.


Looking good let us know how she smokes


I think the word for that is exemplary!


Few more pics of my two 1-e females. Still hurting but looking alright. Starting to smell kushy.