Snow Lotus BX V1 and the Unknown Mother

Thank you both. These have been fun to grow. My space created an added challenge but they actually grow very easy and will tell you if they want anything. I assumed they would need some N before flowering but they really didn’t. I’d say they’re light feeders from what I know now.

I suppose my cold has slowed them a little but they are still going at day 74. Almost done though. The one above didn’t show any flowering for two weeks after the lights were flipped which a thought weird. The leaves were all pointing upwards like they were trying to catch the rain. I didn’t expect it to develop as well as the others but she became the queen of the 5 with the dankest smells, too. It’s so greasy I can’t touch the bud areas… which is everything, heh.

I smoked a couple of buds each from all 5 plants and they are all tasting good. I’m guessing the sour dubb is up front pretty strong. I never had the snow lotus either though so I’m guessing. It’s s nice flavor already so the cure should make it magic!

I’m doing one more treatment for PM and going to put them back under the lights for a week or so. I took them all outside into the sun and wind and they needed the fresh CO2. I don’t have that equation finished downstairs. I took lots of pics because I had never seen any of them in the real light. It got me more excited that I was. peace


They look stellar bro! Mine looked like that about week one! That’s why I’m surprised they are still evolving. My buds were all short and fat and then went through a bud strtch which worried me but now they are finally bulking up. No amber but I’m going with all cloudy on these.


Excellent Smoke Report! I feel like I just smoked a bowl.
My smoke reports consist of detailed analysis. Usually goes something like…
“It will stone the dogshit out of you”



That’s what mine sums up and says.


3 of 6-d are all above the surface. Be their first day trying out photosynthesis


My 3-A seedlings so far. Not much to show yet.


Had 6 now at 4 of 10-D at 14 days. One down and one in isolation, Dried and discolored lower leaves on the 2. One of which was bad enough I culled it. The other is in actual sunlight in a window atm.


Grape pie there the 4 up front 3 are close in looks and growth then there’s long leg Bertha up front right photo bombing her shorter fatter sister that’s behind her! Day 8 of flower .


A picture of health! Damn nice youngsters my friend.


Freshly chopped 2d - Sour Dubb - very sticky icky


GOT DAMN! That’s so purdy I want to eat it!


Now you can prove where your sticky fingers came from!


That’s real purdy there!

@Olbrannon hey 10-D bro, I started a couple but they were both males. I’ll pop more eventually, but will be watching yours in the meantime.


I just opened mine up and see I got 10-? Also. I forgot the letter thinking d😀. Thanks again @growhard…I’ll be running some outside this year and can’t wait to see @Olbrannon’s grow.


@Mongobongo D eh? looks like an A+ to me!!


5 left of 10-D needed up potting


3-A Seedlings

They’re pretty crowded at the moment, unfortunately. They’ll get a chance to spread out a bit soon, I think.


Your plants looks great compared to mine that are in solo cups. You a big stickler for keeping ph and fert levels a constant? I’m having issues with either lock out or low nute levels when I keep plants in solo cups, trying to diagnose and correct currently.


I appreciate that :smile:

They are in a little flood and drain system, so the pH, ferts, and coco moisture levels don’t fluctuate too much over the course of the week.

Fresh nutes going in are mixed from custom 3-part stock solutions, where I can just add 10ml of each part per gallon so that the solution comes out to about 5.9 pH at 1.4 E.C. every time, and is allowed to drift slightly over time because I’m too lazy to keep adjusting it.

Still trying to dial in the nutes for this system, though.


Most of the time in them small cups it’s a one two part problem.
Nutes are eaten up fast and check your temps, can’t say it enough.