Snowhigh Reproductions

Thanks for the comment man! And I’m always so happy to hear others growing out some SnowHigh gear. I’m especially excited for these because every time someone comments on VB, it just seems like it gets better and better.

I was gonna originally run VB/chocolate Thai but that quickly sold out. I’m very happy with this pick up tho because of the old lineage it is crossed with (1968 VB). I find that to be the most interesting.

Regarding making seeds/clones, that is exactly what I plan on doing. Maybe even invest in a whole new tent just to grow out the males of this strain as to not pollinate any females I might have. If you ever wanna do a collaboration with these seeds in the future I would be more than happy to send you some clones because unfortunately I currently only have room for 3 plants with no spare tent to grow out the males. I can veg them out long enough to take clones but I’d have to disperse it after that. It’s very sad that I can’t accommodate males as this strain is something special so if you or anyone else would like a clone in the future and if they happen to be males, all I ask is some seeds in return to start pheno hunting this strain. Pheno hunting SnowHigh hear is pretty expensive at $150 for 5regs.

I guess I got pretty lucky with mine because even tho I sailed all 3 seeds in hydrogen peroxide then put it in paper towel, only to find out 1 has germinated while the other 2 have not. I decided to sow all of them in soil that day and they are all 2 days apart from breaking through soil. 3/3 on this run with germinating SnowHigh seeds. I still have 2 more seeds of Viet Black pures. I’ll save those for the future and maybe cross it with someone more knowledgeable than I am. Because anything VB crossed with other strains seems be bees knees. :slight_smile:

Thank you again so much for the comment and look forward to more interactions with you! I have an insta where I keep all updated pictures of this grow if you’d like to follow along!!
