Snowhigh Reproductions

Nice! Stoked to see these being run and VB is one of my favorites. Truly stand-out effects compared to most out there, with a rotting fruit kinda thing and effects that are like being drunk to me. Very wobbly, very affecting, it’ll step on anything else you’ve smoked and have you ripped. I’ve only found one hybrid with it that went 10.5 weeks, everything else has been 13ish.I’m running a VB x Chocolate Thai and VB x Sensi Star now and like to grow something with VB in it every grow for that afternoon day changer effect. Like Malawi, probably too strong for most of your stoner buddies, but you should find what you’re looking for easily. Definitely make seeds/take pollen if you can! Snowhigh’s stuff is notoriously hard to get and germinate even when you do.


Thanks for the comment man! And I’m always so happy to hear others growing out some SnowHigh gear. I’m especially excited for these because every time someone comments on VB, it just seems like it gets better and better.

I was gonna originally run VB/chocolate Thai but that quickly sold out. I’m very happy with this pick up tho because of the old lineage it is crossed with (1968 VB). I find that to be the most interesting.

Regarding making seeds/clones, that is exactly what I plan on doing. Maybe even invest in a whole new tent just to grow out the males of this strain as to not pollinate any females I might have. If you ever wanna do a collaboration with these seeds in the future I would be more than happy to send you some clones because unfortunately I currently only have room for 3 plants with no spare tent to grow out the males. I can veg them out long enough to take clones but I’d have to disperse it after that. It’s very sad that I can’t accommodate males as this strain is something special so if you or anyone else would like a clone in the future and if they happen to be males, all I ask is some seeds in return to start pheno hunting this strain. Pheno hunting SnowHigh hear is pretty expensive at $150 for 5regs.

I guess I got pretty lucky with mine because even tho I sailed all 3 seeds in hydrogen peroxide then put it in paper towel, only to find out 1 has germinated while the other 2 have not. I decided to sow all of them in soil that day and they are all 2 days apart from breaking through soil. 3/3 on this run with germinating SnowHigh seeds. I still have 2 more seeds of Viet Black pures. I’ll save those for the future and maybe cross it with someone more knowledgeable than I am. Because anything VB crossed with other strains seems be bees knees. :slight_smile:

Thank you again so much for the comment and look forward to more interactions with you! I have an insta where I keep all updated pictures of this grow if you’d like to follow along!!



I didn’t grow that one. When I met John I was mostly into heavy hitting indicas and gathered quite a collection which I am happy to share. I recently had a sit down with SH old crew in Lake County CA. The were kind enough to pass a lot of the OG Purple Fire Thai hybrids, Faded Glory, Hell Fire OG, and a few others but they were not refrigerated and I am not expecting a high germ rate. Did pickup a tidbit of info that the ACGxCC99 was originally sourced from a member named MERLIN. Can’t seem to find much on the guy or his work. If any of the old Heads on OG remember the guy I would love to hear their experiences.


I’m interested in your Black Death line. More specifically, working with the original Afkansastan that was used in Grimm Creeper.


Amen brother, that AGC99 was magic and I’d love to work with some of that line.


AGxC99 was called Merlin’s Magic and was made by Gypsy Nirvana’s former partner, DutchGrown.
Gypsy’s C99 was up there with Wally’s C99 and Rev’s C99.

At least, I’m pretty sure. I haven’t yada-yada’ed in a while and it’s like the trash is stacked up and backed up for a while. Meanwhile, George is off doing science experiments and is about to be a guest speaker at one of the local schools


BreedBay confirms this ^ re Merlin’s Magic.


Thank you guys for filling the blanks. Sounds like the C99 from Gypsy was part of the magic in the ACGxC99. Has any of Gypsy work survived? Its great to hear the history on some of these lines :slight_smile:


I found on riu, this 2010 post that Gypsy’s seeds could be found:
“SeedBoutique - Gypsy Nirvana seeds.” So i would search for this ^ to see if Seed Boutique is still around. Also check for seedbank Seeds Direct.

Also it states that Gypsy was a member on ICMag.

And a reddit person posted this:
“Gypsy Nirvana F2 version of the Brothers Grimm C99. It’s a notoriously “up“ speedy, coffee like strain. It’s basically a small sized, very fast flowering strain with a sativa effect.”

Here’s a Potcast interview with him though i haven’t listened to it:


You rock. Thank you dude

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No problem! Please let us know if you do find his seeds are still around.
2010 was a long time ago in “Weed years”. As in since then, weed companies came up and then went away often.


Was Gypsy Nirvana behind the Nirvana Seed Bank?


No, different people in Amsterdam did Nirvana Seedbank.


I’m pretty sure Gypsy Nirvana owns/runs ICMAG


I remember those Dutchgrown releases. Never did order any but the genetics were pretty attractive at the time. I remember Gypsy asking in the Icmag chat what seeds the community wanted when C99 was all the rage. Soon thereafter the Dutchgrown work came to market. As @BudWhisperer points out, the C99 from Gypsy was probably from his GN03 collection, F2’s from originals I think. The same stock I believe @wallyduck got from Gypsy, although I could be mistaken about which generation he ended up getting. I think the dude behind Female seeds made them for Gypsy, but could be misremembering as it was a while ago. One of my first seed orders ever was for a pack of those GN03 C99 and a pack of C99 x Pineapple from Wallyduck. They were both really good. Many blessings and much love


Correct, he is the admin


Nice. I appreciate the background since I missed experiencing some of the better straight C99 selections and how they added to the genepool. C99 Seems to be part of several strains that have been selected for more medicinal effects. It would be cool to see them before they were hybridized.


Really? Thats Hella cool. Any one know his current handle on ICMAG? Im assuming its Gypsy but if he’s running it he may have moved on to a different name.

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His handle is Gypsy Nirvana

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This was posted by Gypsy back in the day on Icmag:

There were only 2 vendors who sold the Original Brothers Grimm C99…myself and RC at Heaven’s Stairway…

…I ran out of the Originals (except a few packs in my personal stash)…and had F2’s made back in 03…around 18,000 of those got stolen from me by a previous employee…and were sold on to another vendor who renamed them and sold them as something else…

…and just last year Dutchgrown was commissioned to make some more F2’s from the remaining original stock…you can still get some of these from and on seedbay…

…so if you didn’t get those C99’s from RC or myself…they can’t be originals, possibly f2’s…or something else maybe…you would have to grow them to know them…

…Ferry the breeder at Female Seeds was commissioned to make the GN03 C99 F2’s…I supplied him with BG Original C99 stock to do this…so I pretty sure that what he will release will be a very good representation of C99…

Gypsy didn’t breed and make seeds to my knowledge, rather he was an astute collector and distributor. His GN03 collection and the subsequent Gypsy Nirvana collection is/was usually filled with sought after lines. He offered @wallyduck’s Ducksfoot sold under the GN03 collection for a little while. Also sold the Laos, Thai Stick, and Khmer that he collected on his travels under the Gypsy Nirvana collection brand. Hope this helps. Many blessings and much love