Snowhigh Seeds

You joined two months ago


I joined two months ago because this was another platform to use to try and stay informed on what was happening with John. I to waited over a year to receive my order. You’re demonstrating the exact reason why I stay off these forums in the first place. when I just try and be helpful to others who are waiting for their orders. I get called a liar by some private investigator who thinks he just unearthed a major conspiracy. It’s a joke if you ask me. Believe me or don’t believe me. I could care less dude. Was just trying to pass info along.


You pop up to make accusations of people who are in the same boat as you, both in ordering from john, and being relatively new accounts.

That isnt really helping anyone, and now the thread is on the brink of absolute chaos.

Non stop, full throttle, popping seeds in sawdust level chaos.


My fight isnt with you but SnowHigh and I I think its a fair question to ask if anyone with a verified account can say I got mine. I am glad to hear about people receiving their orders and letting people know but it would help alot if someone with time on the clock could say the received their package before getting people hope up and therefore giving the guy more time on bullshit that he has been silent about for a year.

Damn that pic has me drooling :drooling_face: lol


That isn’t a thing here.

I agree with @Tolerance_Break and @SmackyMcSmackers this is a lot of drama and accusation to be throwing around in a shared thread, as a new user yourself. And it is rude and off putting to @loondaddy or really anyone else who might be new and have chimed in here. I don’t understand why you think he might be a sock and for whom? Snowhigh? John is famously not a forum guy anymore because of his health, that seems unlikely and also pretty shitty to suggest of a longtime respected breeder. As people have said here stuff happens and it’s great that people are getting their seeds. I hope you get yours soon. But also chill! Some of us are just trying to have a good time here.


I’m sorry to hear. That’s just the way it goes with some of Jon’s gear, but I have high hopes that you’re going to get some seedlings in the remaining seeds! I’m in love with Colombian genetics, so I’m excited for the golden Colombian. What is it that you dislike about the Chitral?


I’m going to hold onto the last seeds and maybe they can be resuscitated through tissue culture.

As far as the PCK.
The crosses I’ve had with Chitral have had a similar terp profile that just turns me off. It’s so dominant in a cross as well that I can smell and taste it in crosses like Colombian D by Pisces Genetics that used a Colombian by Reeferman.
I think Snowhigh must have used it to firm up the Colombian unless he aquired it already crossed.
It’s as if these Colombians all trace back to the breeders of Cannabiogen or Ace who love the Chitral.

I’ve spoke with others that have had similar dislike of PCK.


My thoughts on the Chitral is almost all of what’s available now comes from Cannabiogen and Ace stock. It’s the same as what CSI sells too. But Chitral is a landrace and has many different versions that aren’t widely available anymore. I’ve been collecting seeds from growers in the Chitral area of Pakistan for 10 years. Those are better in every way to the purple and green Spanish PCK that most people have now


PCK terps to me smell like purple weed. I find the same terps in GDP, Urkle, Black Afghan and many more. It’s just that in PCK, it’s very concentrated.

Pz :v:t2:


The first pic we have(Durban poison x east cape bush sativa) x Panama red and second is the Torreón x Michoacán GPB

I’ve been having some pest issues that keep popping up so not the prettiest versions, but I’m going to keep fighting the good fight. Hoping for an outdoor early spring open pollination and take clones to run a sensi run after.




Everything you’ve read? Nah The Upper Vault is 1000% legit for anyone who is asking. I have ordered plenty and won seeds also from them. I don’t understand why anyone would bad mouth another seed bank. Is it a competition thing? Wild bro just wild smh

Anyways Seeds Courtesy of The Upper Vault I have a nice collection of SnowHigh Beans. Id post pics but new to this community. Not sure how… YET

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100% Legit… I have ordered and won plenty of beans from them

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4 hour old user jumping immediately into a thread to tell people a sus seed bank is 100% legit. Only other post also advertises the same seed bank.

Smells like a sock account. :man_shrugging:


Hi Sticky, looks like you came here from The Upper Node, is that the new Upper Vault?

This was Mister G while he was here:


Never seen snow high packaging like that. Or seen those crosses on his menus.


That’s his new packaging and definitely all his new crosses. They’re available in some seed banks at the moment.


I like the new label it’s definately inspired by the old labels they use to use on the California produce boxes.

I grew up in the San Joaquin valley the grape and orange boxes were the best.