Snowhigh Seeds

The majority of over 18 “kids” just want to vape and play video games they are not interested in learning to grow. That takes patience. The new gen wants it all now.


@Griot_FlyingFishFarm those look fantastic!

@Mestizo nice selections!

I just dropped some of his Mexican punto rojo/smoking mirrors to run for outdoor this year and working on a quicksilver seed run but had a slow start so far. I’ll try to give y’all snowhigh fans a heads up before the wiki goes live. There’s also a dried nug of Guerrero green x michoacan in there.


That GGxM gives me goosebumps just looking at it! Great job. How’s the high?


I love it! It makes me happy with no come down or tiredness :smiley:

I’m able to get up and get moving, it has a great creative buzz and it makes mundane chores much more fun! I occasionally find myself getting really detailed on cleaning stuff I normally wouldn’t do haha so the wife loves it too haha


It’s a bummer to hear John isn’t doing so well. I sent him a message and I never got a response. This would explain why. Hope he gets better soon. Does anyone know If he was able to harvest his Michoacán Verde Limón. I bough the Mexican Pack that was supposed to include these at a later date.


Some of the best bud I ever smoked was some really leafy homegrown in Arkansas. I’d love to find out what kind of genetics have been floating around rural USA for a few decades now.


I talked to John a couple of weeks ago. He’s hanging in, but it’s been a tough time. I guess the weather has contributed to his troubles as well. This is what he had to say about that:

Colombians are still growing and the Afghanis and Mexicans were destroyed and restarted in August/October after that first monsoon rain that flooded Death Valley. It dropped several inches of rain within a few hours and just devastated a bunch of fertilized plants. Lost a lot of plants and even some back ups didn’t survive. I’ve got a bunch of plants going. So no fears just delayed.

He was thinking everything would be ready by April/May. Hopefully the storms they had this last weekend won’t negatively impact that schedule. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I ordered that Mexican pack as well. I pre-ordered those other Verde Limon crosses, and some Colombian, Vietnamese, Afghani, and Chocolate Thai lines also. :grinning:


Can you tell me more about those Chocolate Thai lines? I have some Chocolate Thai seeds that I got from him several years ago that are sitting in my fridge waiting to be planted.


I think I pissed him off because I kept emailing him for an order not religiously but consistently as that’s what other growers advised me to do… He totally sorted me out when it arrived. Sent way more than I’d ever hoped for. Anyway, he’s got bigger fish to fry than my silly shit. We had a nice chat via email as well. Anyway. The way I am hopefully going to repay or pay back or whatever you call it is to do selections on each of the vars he sent, repro and then send him the beans back. Only thing I can think of to do to thank him and carry on his good karma.


Snowhigh “el primo” Mexican punto rojo.

Anyone else sitting on a breeder pack of these?


I think I have a pack of punto rojo, from a sucession of cannabiogen waiting for growing…



Nice man, good luck with those I’ve been hearing nothing but good things about CBG lines as well!


Looks like they’re starting to hit their stride my man. Nice!

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$25-30 at Seedsforme, 10% off paying cash

14x left

9x left

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18x left

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5x left

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2x left


I’d be weary of the Purple Mexican Thai though. I tried germinating 30 of them and none survived with only around 5 of them showing tiny tails before giving up the ghost.


I got several of the above from Snowhigh a couple years back when he was offering them at a discount because they were older stock. He said to expect lower germination rates but was offering (20) per strain.

I stored them in the fridge, and expect lower germination rates when I get to some of them.

So depending on how these were stored they have at least a couple more years of age on them so would expect low germination rates for those that try them.


Yea I considered getting a few of them but decided to risk one Abominable Snowman because I have never had Humboldt Snow. My plan is to pop the whole thing when it’s time and see what happens, if I get males I’ll pollinate and if just ladies I will send out some snips or try my first reversals I guess. Figured it was a low-key way to get into the Snowhigh preservation club and I’ll risk $30 for that. It was hard to not grab an Adamantium too!


Only thing that stopped me from snagging a bunch of those was the low germ disclaimer. I’ve recently been reminded that I’m still a relative newbie grower and that my bag of tricks is still pretty empty.

Good on seeds for me for calling it out right in the product description so people know what they’re getting into.


I popped and F2’d the Super Massive Black Hole in 2021. I can’t recommend it strongly enough, amazing Malawi, Vietnam and Acapulco phenos to be found, strawberry chap stick / body wash smell and one of the strongest head highs I’ve found.


Any pics? Sounds like a legendary experience