Snowhigh Seeds

Here’s a pic of one of the f2s I made that @growingforflavor ran:


Beautiful plant ! Did the f2s have the same amazing head high ?


Just popped 9 Nangarhar Afghani (Chocolate perfume pheno) x Panama Red. The pack had 3 vials of what I presumed was 10 seeds in each (30 total). This particular vial chosen randomly had 9 - I’m not complaining. I’d read some people having difficulty and I did a simple tissue method with water with a tiny bit of H2O2 in and left to sit a couple of days just to see if they would germinate. They all did and have transferred to small pots. It’s warm here during the day and night and really think that aided speedy germination.
I have a few other packs of 2022/21 seed stock and am feeling more positive about the others germinating now.

More than likely going to grow these outdoors and hope they manage to finish as Snowhigh grows most of his plants outdoors.


Anyone heard from John recently? He’s been MIA for several months now. Hope he’s ok.


I’ll try calling Kagyu tomorrow and ask. He and John usually talk every week


I’m getting bounce backs from John’s email - says his mailbox is full and can’t receive any more currently.


Hope he is alright.


I’ll be watching along; sounds like a great cross! I’ve got a pack of those as well so I’ll live through you for now :joy:

@Wuachuma any luck hearing from Kagyu? I too hope John is doing ok…


greeting looks amazing!! are you getting any skunk or gas from that el primo? Be stoked to learn and see more about that line. I find it interesting he thinks it was used in chem family lines.

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Last time I heard from snowhigh I think he just wanted a break. Not sure how long that break might be for or if he might decide to just knock commercial seed making on the head. Seemed he had had a lot of issues with bad weather and losing plants loaded with seeds. It can be hard on a person seeing months and months of hard work that already is difficult to do due to health issues and then to see that all mess up. From what he was saying to me I think he felt alot of people didn’t appreciate the work and time it takes to make some of the seeds, especially not realizing how hard it could be for him, and most just wanting things there and then and not really appreciating what he has to put into making them. He did say anyone who has pre ordered and made payments would get what they paid for. But I think he is probably making sure what ever orders and pre buys are left he gets sorted and has a break from it all.


Thanks bro; let me get an updated stem rub and get back to you. So far these are still in veg but I’m hoping for some of the diesel / Chem terps he mentioned!

word! those gas terps can be mysterious. I have had plants that had it in the stem rub and ealry calyx plucks only to dissapear. Then show up in sister plants 3 weeks before harvest STRONG. The early gas ones never held it all the way to the jar. The later gas showers reeked for days in the car with one drive. Random gas observations :slight_smile:


These Panama Red/Nandarhar Afghani (choc pheno) are staying squat for the time being. Bit of reduced light as has been cloudy here for a week or so and slight temp drop. On they go.


Ive been wondering the same thing, ive got some preorders from him from a ways back that i was waiting for an update on. didnt want to bother him cuz he has always done me solid, sad to hear what happenes with the lost plants and him taking a hiatus. hopefully ill get in contact soon to work out my preorder but im not stressing with him. was stoked for his vietnemese lines he was working on, i love those wild sativas they are what first got me into his work.


Podcast with SnowHigh from 2 months ago on YT.


Yikes, that podcast is by Mister Grafik of The Upper Node. He’s permanently banned from OverGrow but definitely has alternate accounts. I’d stay clear of that nut.


Some Devils Tit crosses

Devils Tit F2 x Cherry Tiger x Boel Hawaiian, and then F2’ed near Santa Rosa CA


Here’s the parents,
DTF2 x GTxCC x Boel Hi, F1’s

Edit - btw, Snow named ACE’s Golden Tiger (Malawi x Thai) when he tested it back in the early 2010’s


Here’s some Devil’s Malawi F1:

ignore the weeds :rofl:


First run of the Devil’s Malawi? Got a pack to run myself. If they germ that is.