So who here makes their own vape cartridges?

Closest I get to this is rolling my own joints…lol


That’s fair. I have a number of devices that I like. I don’t have a Huni Badger but have heard good things. The carts and batteries I use were sent to me to review by a California company and do work quite well so I tend to use them since they are just lying there in a box, lol.

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I have avoided PG like the plague because I can taste it a mile away. Do you get that bitter aftertaste with the terps too? Reason why I only get LLR carts and don’t bother making my own until I can get a press.

would you please post a link @DougDawson

does the hunibadger work with shatter? or Bubble hash??

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Here you go bud.


Yes, it is an electric nectar collector.


I use wax attys similar to like Reiko though have a AVS molecule “older 15mm” and a Divine tribe V4 .

Saying that been looking into solvent less cartridges, the big thing is starting with high quality starting material, aka full melt or very low contaminant.


Also getting cartridges slighty designed for more viscous liquid

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That’s pretty cool. My starting material is normally rosin pressed by me using my own bud although I have used shatter since it us pretty cheap these days. Have to watch that video again on my big screen. These are the carts and batteries I use.

from what i read on their website. this product is just a mix of different PGs. is there a reason why it’s $14+ shipping for 15ml?? i bought pure food grade PG 18oz (500ml) for $12.


It’s all marketing, and the blending is a way to make it different from their competitors so they can get a patent/copyright/trademark. Just get the thinnest food grade PG you can, so you don’t need to use as much of it.


most liquidizers that are PG based are comprised of peg400 and or combos of that the lesser PEG’s and PG


Can’t explain their pricing. Can say that those
$15 bottles make me around 15 vape carts. At $1 per cart I am fine with the cost. I can also pick them up in a local store so no shipping.

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This was quite the read, thought I’d share here.

I bought a bottle of East Coast Terps flavorless but after what I’ve read this I’m hesitant to use it again, because they really haven’t said shit about what they use. Like everyone else. Much better than the Siq 360 I used before though, still.

So, after talking with you about this video, I gave it a try. 100% solventless hash rosin carts. No cutting, no solvents, just ice, water, heat, and pressure.


What carts are those?

No clue, just picked them up at a local smoke shop.


looks like Itsuwa Amigo Liberty V1’s


Sure does. :wink:

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