SOG SHOW purple haze, dosi do, purple punch

I’m setting up a no till eventually gonna start off slow
Was looking into mykos azos at grow shop. Would have to totally relearn was looking at egg shells for cal mag etc. Gonna recycle the old soil and use composts for no till table.

I do have bottled nutes dialed in so basically when I’m done will have fabric pots in manual flood table, no till one large 2x4 grow bag and dwc sog all going in flower.

So I can play around test the plants in diffrent setups.

Have you tried Jack’s or gh dry nutes? Those may be best with your setup.

For coco I have canna nutes 2 part i acquired somewhere but havent went coco yet was thinking later on in flood tables once I perfect the no till drip system which soil will be more forgiving then coco. Fabric pot setup will probably turn coco coir.

Also for hydro I ended up picking up advanced nutes no ph to try it visits the gh line.

So should be continued venture of progressing

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Nope i did buy jacks just havent used it yet got a tub of jacks classic and jacks bloom. I hear a lot of good and with using so little it last a long time. Thats my big thing is i hate running out of nutes half into a grow. I started with advanced nutrients then found out how much i was paying for water. Im still kinda winging it til i find my set way. But yeah i got jacks cause ive seen lot of ppl swear by it using nothing but jacks with some healthy healthy plants.


Advance nutrients works great. Cant lie. Just to feed a million plants from inches to 4-5 ft daily was killing pocket. In hydro those nutes are recirculated and arent wasted as much as watering to runoff daily. You can set res and watch your ppm to know when to swap out. I was litterally dumping em down a drain.

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Theres a nutrient called sugaree

I use similar nutrients to get big colas

Would you say successful sog experiment?


Cauliflower or bud?


Sweet oranges and sour


No buds like Home
Smell make your eyes water like fine shine.

Cant buy this stuff!


Some nice chunks. Now i need me a wall of em. What you think your average weight was per cola? I got 25 in pots i got to scroll back see how big these were at flip


Cut the 2 purples all 3 jars diffrent smells got about a half dry of mezmorizing bud off 2 high quality low producers.

Cut one that was ready heaven grape smell about half oz that ones thick gonna 2 week dry.

But from seed noticing every plant is diffrent
Revegging and doing a scrog in larger tent.

While maintaining a sog from seed n clones

But the fat ones gotta about another week.

One is showing a albino white crystal as Fk not sure winter or environment which is dialed.

I got a white rhino did this outdoors but this one is spots.

I’ll upload pics some point

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I got quality down and building up end bulk…

The next flip are growing through 1gal fabric pots into flood tray. Massive roots blowing out
If I can do what I did with these in 3gal in 1 gal
Also adding a 2x4 fabric no till next to the pots 4x1 to compare to 1 gal. Also adding the dwc totes next to those and the scrog on the right gonna get busy.

Got a tent with no corners so they sending another but

noticed the veg tent and current 2x4 can put both 4x8 up.

So will have a 4x8 for veg and 4x8 for flower just keeps getting better… burning seeds finding phenos…

I really think this is better than some of my outdoor runs not bad first run minor issues corrected fast.

I am finding with cold 4 weeks veg is 2 in summer
But all in all the early harvests are some if best I’ve ever had even from other ppl.

Looking forward to the fat oz colas that still need a week or 2.

@corey started the 60 day Mark’s bg and bog blutooth with the banner x strawberry and popped gg4 x banner ,csi gg4, and banner x blue dream



Chopped everything probably could went longer but 12weeks in and starting a bigger grow area so decided to chop.

Should be enough to get through until I can start up a new run. Fyi all mothers are in reveg and will be continued for clones grown out then scrogged or put outdoors.

I decided to keep all the plants because everything was banger.


Those look soooooo good. Impressive. :raised_hands::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m happy with them… they much bigger than they look…
The smoke just dry/drying not cured very smooth not harsh many flavors earthy sweet, berry to grape. The wet weight per cola is 4oz + range. The minimal lower side branches average about half oz to quarter ounce nugs wet.

Not so great at pics as other ppl. Also usually wouldnt share my work so have to deal with bad photography.

Definitely achieved my result of finding good sog contenders.

After reveg I’ll further work the lines and discontinue a few. The key I think to bulk was the homemade honey clover, and black strap mollasses. Running max 1000 ppm run off I did choke them 2x on nutes but flushed and added lime.

I’m impressed and I have to smoke it for next few months. But always room for improvements


In meantime while moms re veg and seeds veg

Threw some autos in the becoming no till area
With no expectations but to flower while I veg.

Will probably continue this thread once i start flowering again.