Someone talk to me about feeding

Yes. He was using the same name and avatar.
Living in the same place


Man he had some cool pictures!


You can always use it for moms or outside veggies flowers etc. I use the RO line. I mistakenly did same thing first buy.

I have about 10 pounds still of solution grade gypsum that I was debating using a little with Jacks but used some last summer for amending my patio container vegetables.

2 x 4 tent
T5 fluorescent
Eb stone ā€œEdnaā€™s blendā€ soil
2 gallon pots
Hand watered about every 3 days
Tap water is 6.0 ph

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It all depends what medium you are using?
If you are using soil like ffof then you would likely start feeding around 4-6 weeks
If you are using ffhf usually about 3-4 weeks until you need to start feeding,if you are using coco coir then you Feed immediately.
I recommend you purchase a ph meter and a tds meter
Your tds meter will tell you when you need to feed and answer slot of questions regarding your plants condition.
Check your runoff numbers and if using soil I usually start feeding when my runoff numbers hit 1000 ppm
Good luck and happy growing

Iā€™m going to put in another vote for jacks 321. I use 20-20-20 at .5-1 gram per gallon in veg and first 2 weeks of flower. I than use .5-1 gram per gallon 10-30-20 until the end.
Just as a side note. A friend of mine whoā€™s a long time smoker was positive I was organic. He was shocked when I told him I was all salts in coco.

I reread my earlier post. I use the 321 formula as a base and add the other two as described

The simplest solution is to buy something reputable that has easy to follow instructions and follow them

They are not gospel but a good guide until you build a feel for it.


So youā€™re adding the 20-20-20 on top of the 321? Whats the reasoning?

Thatā€™s what I read on the thcfarmer thread when I first read about the formula. The reason was a little more nitrogen in veg and as a blossom booster in flower.
Iā€™ve since talked to people who only use the base who have great results as well.

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I got to go check out the link from earlier in the thread also. Iā€™m curious about how JrPeters is feeding.

Hey man. If it works for you, then roll with it. Was more asking because everyone says the 321 is a complete formula. Iā€™ve used the 20-20-20, but the low Ca and Mg required supplementation so I stepped away from it.

Always open to learning. Love talking to others and comparing styles. Iā€™ve always believed that I can always improve with more info and sharing experience. Thank you for asking me why Iā€™m doing it this way.


I personally use jacks 321 and silica
I add mykos during transplants
First 3 weeks of flower I switch to silica and jacks 222 with 1.2 grams of MKP then after 3 weeks of flower/12/12 back to silica and jacks 321
If you have issues calcium bump up part B a bit if you have issues with Magnesium bump the epson salt up a bit.
Happy growing :+1::muscle::v:

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Okā€¦Odd man out here, BUTā€¦definitely a newbie. Only thing Iā€™ve used so far has been the Fox Farm liquid plant food, All 3 flavors. I went that way because 1) Organic, and 2) very understandable feeding directions/schedule.

Have I been happy with it?..Sure!..those that followed my ā€œWedding Cake on the Deckā€ thread saw my results. Ended up with about 42oz dry weight in 3 containers.

Would I change?..You betcha! :slight_smile:
One of the reasons we join forums like this, and read threads like this is weā€™re all trying to learn and improve on what weā€™ve done in the past. Itā€™s what makes OG great, along with other things :wink:

Hereā€™s the rub. Pretty much everything we talk about is very subjective. ā€œI did X, and I got Y, and Iā€™m really happy.ā€ Just like I said above. The issue is there is very little actual science in a lot of what we say/do/pass on. Is Foxfarm good? I think it is. Is it the best?..NO IDEAā€¦and canā€™t answer that until Iā€™ve used 5-10 different feeding solutions while holding everything else constant, which I am just not going to do.

Soā€¦what does ā€œgoodā€ mean? Well, for me it means that 1) It didnā€™t kill anything, 2) it was easy to understand/use, and 3 I didnā€™t have to take out a loan for it.

I have had good results with other vegetable plants using some seafood compost. In fact, Iā€™ve grown heirloom tomatoes for years, and I can honestly say that the past 2 years Iā€™ve been using seafood compost Iā€™ve had the best yields and healthiest plants since I started. Itā€™s a supplement, not a feeding solution, but Iā€™ll be incorporating that into my planting mix this year for my gurls.

Iā€™m interested in the Jacks, and will probably give them a shot this year, once I price everything out. One of the things that I think is good about Fox is that theyā€™re relatively weak, so I think itā€™s hard to do damage. BUTā€¦Iā€™d like to find something a bit less expensive.


p.s. Seafood compost is about $10 for a small bag, BUTā€¦we eat a LOT of seafood, so when I pick out a 5gal bucket of crab, or we have lobsters, I put the shells in a heavy duty contractor bag and stomp the crap out of them, then mix it in with some regular compost and let it sit until next year :wink:


I recently switched to Athena Blended Line, and i gotta say I really like this stuff! A lil easier to mix than GH 3-part with 7 total bottles; with Athena i use Balance (silica), Cleanse (chlorinated water), CalMg and the Grow or Bloom A & B. I also add PK about mid bloom. I might drop the Cleanse since I use tap water, but everything is responding so well I just keep at it.

I mean, Iā€™m not getting crazy growth or anything, but, I havenā€™t had so much as a couple leaf-stripes before adding CalMg, and the bud-stacking does seem to be a lil better than with GH nutrients.

These Athena nutrients though, they seem geared toward big commerical usage. Only comes in gallons and theyā€™re decently pricey.

What are you using for silica supplement?

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I have been using Neptuneā€™s Harvest for a while on my grow and outside patio tomatoes with good results. But switching to jacks seems to be a upgrade and still easy to use. Got lots of Neptuneā€™s left which will still be used until gone on vegetables


I use GH amori si/silica
Works great