SOS Scrog Help


This will be my very first scrog grow and i installed the double nets, now my concern is after i place my 9 plants inside after a week or so and the plants are growing , well at some point i will not be able to do anything with the plants as they will be growing and get very hard to place your hands inside the nets so how do I water the plants and how do I trim the bottom branches to bring the energy to my top cola’s?

Thanks for your help…


Hey bud. Don’t do the SCROG myself. Are those net’s adjustable height wise. First one look very low and there is huge space between them What about the side door of your tent for access?

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Hey man, this is the dilemma that SCROG growing poses: limited access, I recommend a pump sprayer with a wand for watering. In terms of accessing the plants for defoliating and stuff, you just have to think ahead and figure out a way to get at everything, not always very comfortable but typically in a small tent you can find a way.

Like Doug said it’s looks like your tent has side panels, so I’d just use those if need be


Are you going to bend and train them or just point each to a hole?
This snips and moves stuff, a grabber with this is helpful.

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Auto watering systems, tents with many doors, water using a pvc pipe as an extention (place tube end at soil, pour water in top of tube, optionally add a funnel) or what I call in th RDWC world: “Grow Tent Yoga”.

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I’m using 5 gallon white grow bags fit nicely into 5 gallon white buckets
to drain & catch excess water after feeding…

I measured the height from the buckets and first screen as I will add the plants and bend them for about a week then start placing branches in squares. I will have 9 plants growing under a 1000 hps and a 4 x 4 space.

the netting & bars are adjustable Gorilla Bars.

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LOL Thank you for the gripper as I have at least 6 around my house and grow room, after 2009 fell 60 ft and have rods & pins n my back and 2019 i had received a brand new heart . i’m 60 and have a 21 yr old Mans heart in me … thank you so much…


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I have always had good luck watering / feeding with this handy device lol

5 Gallon… I have a nice added extended piece for reaching hard to water plants… !
So as far as reaching that’s not a worry and if I had to get unto the other side it is zippered,

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:+1: :champagne:

Thank you all o much for your help, suggestion’s,