Sour Diesel in the Closet

speaking of the cloney soprano cut and that look -

we smoked a lot of that around the time this album came out…

sometimes the delivery service came so much the guys aka bookies at the social club downstairs in brooklyn were telling me to stock up and stop having “drug dealers” stop at the place everyday, but we had a band at the time… and weed wasn’t a drug

and lived 6 “musicians” in a small place and probably spent more money on diesel than rent… how times have changed in NYC

i didn’t have a cellphone yet and no tv or computer

we had gravity bongs, guitars, drums, bass, keyboards, and pretty girls back then

Today is a beautiful day.

I have my psychedelic telescope out and am staring out the window - ready for the Mango and AJ’s.

Amped up!

Sour D baby!


Okay I was just about to try to speed up the flowering for my zam x kali china x papau New Guinea in my flower tent, but I realized I’m already going 11/13 in there - so no rush all will be fine…

This beautiful landrace cross by @Azure

will be my entry in the rare category for the growers festival coming up in Brooklyn

I want to get out of the house and also take a look and see what people are growing in New York I haven’t looked much at local plants in the past year or two.



Hallellulejah!!! how do you spell that hahahh

thanks again @JustANobody grazie grazie opening carefully photos coming soon

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Was it opened or just damaged?

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These leaves the smell. Yes it is

The sour

I just ate the leaves hahah


It was perfect. It looks like they’re all cut from the plant today hahaha it smells like sour d in here not even joking

That was me opening it will try to do itstep by step for you guys for the entire grow for those curious


Fantastic. They look great!


All four look fine for rooting, back right is slightly droopy.

Could take off more leaf, but I think I didn’t even need to snip the leaves and they would root. They looked really good and has some moisture very strong plants, that clearly came from a bigger plant then I’m able to grow inside here.

Wow that is a better anti depressant than GDP.

That was so kind.

Now that the clones seem happy I will pop some of the aj sour d x mango hash plant seeds - I have some fresh coco ready.

It smells in here now I think I need a filter for the clones- it smells like fresh aj sour d in the hallway I will popular

Only suspect one looks like this and I’m sure will be fine- less is more at this stage they went in rooting solution and fresh coco, humid today

Great time to root snips

Other 3 perfect


Okay who cares the name of the dads we need at least two good dads.

I’m not AJ I don’t have the space I’m AJ 1993 not AJ 2024. He has hunted the clone to his taste.

The dads will speak to us. There is no other way

Or how else can we create Brigitte

I’m popping more seeds and hunting the right male(s)

Who cares his name I will take him for what he is.

You guys are a bad influence

Should I pop 12 different strains and watch vigor and uniqueness or 12 of the same strain? Maybe I will pop 12 of the same strain since I never did that before

I’ve decided I will name one strain Brigitte after Brigitte Lahaie and the second Vanessa after Vanessa Del Rio - so we keep some new york in there. I’m thinking - I know what to do.


I am thinking about popping my last six blueberry bandaid haze for Vanessa along with consideration with the flavorpicked jamaican seeds. I think the hunt will need to take it’s time and be done properly. Even in a small place there is no other way, but to pop seeds until find the right male. And usually I have a good male, but before I had too many males and now I have too many females… anyway I’ll pop the blueberry bandaid haze to see what we get.


Okay I’ll also use this as a journal so I don’t forget things and trust me I will sometimes I get lazy and you too can grow the AJ watch and see

You know who used to walk around lower manhattan noho alone and smoke sour diesel you wouldn’t believe it true story… it’s fine to tell now…

I put a piece of black tape so I know which one is left now to listen to acoustic Bowie and pick another strain to hunt.

Answer to the riddle is David Bowie

And let’s not forget blueberry Bandaid haze on the left I remember this is a special plant I meant to hunt through. I’ve vegged it out a few times and have got two males and fungus gnats once and pm once (from a lilac diesel clone from Brooklyn-was nice smelled so good- careful taking in clones - these ajs were in better shape than any of my plants- they are doing well and will root easily)


journal note

8pm around seven hours after snip arrival - looking at AJ clones I think they are strong, I mostly left them alone so far, misted the air a couple times, since it’s hot and dry in here.

When the coco dries tomorrow morning, I will just give them room temparature, pre-boiled ph perfect NYC tapwater cooled to room temperature, only to keep the coco a little moist in some spots, but I won’t drench it yet, if it’s too wet, they definitely can rot, these are strong and probably won’t rot no matter what, but still, I need a feeding plan asap

As long as the plants are healthy I will continue just misting the air, not the plants and also occasionally water the coco, so it never becomes a desert.

At some point relatively soon I will slowly feed and dampen the coco with nute solutions starting around

425 ppm
I will push it to the levels of the brooklyn hydro growers that instructed me at bmilk grow a couple years ago - I heard the buttermilk strain is great if you ever get a chance that’s something special anyway he taught me to feed hydro in flower at 1100-1300ppm if they can take it. I may be wrong about that, but that’s the basic level for this kind of salty strain.

starting at 425 and since its’ NYC style Sour D we’re feeding it basic nutes not fancy shit, but a well balanced diet straight up to 1350ppm if it can take it and then backing off last three weeks of flower. I’ll be flushing. Not sure if I believe in it, but sometimes do it and think it’s good for salt build up. Probably we’ll flush a couple weeks into flower and then two weeks before chop. We won’t be strict, unless shit gets hairy. Okay I’ll check back in this thread if any dilemma. I also have to remember to do dry backs, usually i do one day a week, but with a picky plant if happy maybe I’ll just continue trying to push the ppm until she looks like true Sour D.


Hell ya those clones look good did those get shipped through mail :mailbox_with_mail::love_letter: that’s pretty cool

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Howdy @MikeyMeteor, I’m just sort of catching up in the thread here. I think you can go at it choosing a male where it’s traits and qualities can be dominated by the Sour Diesel in the more immediate progeny or by choosing a male where it’s traits show more influence in the immediate progeny.

That said, I notice you mentioned earlier wanting a Jamaican with under 14 weeks flowering and thought to mention something that I just learned recently. '79 Christmas Bud comes from Jamaican import found in Port Charlotte as referenced below:

Also, I think males from some of DJ Short’s Blueberry work will pair well with Sour Diesel. I think a 12-14 week Destroyer would pair really well with Sour Diesel as well. Neat project you’ve got going. Wishing you great success. Many blessings and much love


Im not sure where you heard this ? but there was never any deal between Rez and Arjan.
1 year at the icmag cup Arjan made a t shirt that said Greenhouse dont flower nothing Sour :laughing: , that was as close to a deal they ever had.
(If Rez did have a deal with Greenhouse he would of blown up huge )

Quote from @Fuel
Before Rezdog came to make some noise in ICM, we just lived the USA Blueberry rush and NL White Widow rush. And the diesel was first “industrialized” when rez get a deal with arjan.


The bad buzz was short but bloody, it was just before the fall of Rez. Now it don’t change much the flowers we’re smoking atm anyway ^^


History is important, we dont need false story’s boosting a snitch.

After meeting Rez and working for him i realised he was much smaller fry than we all thought, and is clear to see today after him being back in the game for years now and never hearing nothing about his new work.

Dont get me wrong he was important in the early Sour seed game and done some impressive things , but that was his early days and has been surpassed by everyone thesw days after ruining his cred with greed and shady activities.


Manchester Seedbank are stocking Reservoir Seeds. Is it the same guy? £180 a pack or summat.

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Good Morning AJ wow. I might end up with four of these rooted with little effort. I’m just going to stay calm and pop more seeds. I’m getting this paranoid all my seeds will go bad because I keep taking them out of the fridge. So I will start working through them all.

Surfer Mind reader @Sbeanonnamellow suggests the Christmas bud good choice - I’ve been eyeing that at csi? You have very good weed taste that is a smart suggestion thank you.

For you that don’t know i recently chopped one of sbeans family blues x bog lifesaver (that is really amazing blueberry candy I think some of best on og im guessing) I will pop more of those and lost the reveg but that cross you made should just be preserved as is and hunted. If you have a nice mother of that would also be a valuable cut. You also have a nice palette.

I think my palette for Italian food is good but weed maybe I’m all about the high and bonding with the plants. When aquaponic punk rocker @luxton challenged me to write a thread I thought no way and then just a nobody gifted me these clones that I’ll now keep decades. So we’re here. I’m winging it, but making a plan as I go.

Life is good my friends

Keep on rolling

This songs pretty cool