Sour Diesel Thread

I could very well be mistaken and should have been more careful with my phrasing considering the context of the discussion. On the CSI website it refers to the two cuttings as AJ’s and simply “Sour Diesel” as the other. I didn’t hear or read the ESCD nomenclature from Nspecta or the team at CSI and the last thing I want to do is spread misinformation. Thank you for asking!

When doing my research on Sour Diesels in seedform and when researching the Twin Turbo Diesel specifically I saw it mentioned here on Overgrow in the following thread as being ECSD:

Additionally, there is a thread on another forum called Chuckers Paradise that I’m not a member on but occasionally find myself lurking when searching terms via Google. It’s in the CSI thread over there but I don’t really feel comfortable linking off-site websites. Post #100 by a member named quiescent or something like that.

All said, without the words coming from Nspecta himself or the CSI team it’s all kind of speculative. I’m grateful of your asking for clarification because it’s important to make the distinction and it’s something I’d like to learn more about as well. Much love