Sour Diesel Thread

I can’t answer your question, but I AM wondering about your screen name. I just grew a couple Yesca x Jaros from meangene and one of them is the closest-tasting to Sour Diesel that I’ve found so far.

What’s up with the screen name? You’re familiar with the Yesca?


been thinking about all the sour cuts out there lately trying to compile some basics…

DHK aka Devil’s Harvest Krew Sour Diesel
East Coast Sour Diesel (ECSD)
Chaco ECSD
Amish Sour Diesel
AJ Sour Diesel
Skunktek Sour Diesel
Wing Wang Sour Diesel
Albany Sour Diesel
Sour Diesel Rez cut
Original Diesel aka Daywrecker
Schroomy420 Sour Diesel aka Archive’s cut
Weasel Diesel
Jay Plantspeaker Sour Diesel

there’s probably another or three that i’m forgetting lol

but here’s where i’m at so far;

-DHK Sour Diesel, ECSD, Chaco ECSD should be the same
-Amish Sour Diesel, Schroomy420 Sour Diesel, Archive Sour Diesel & Original Diesel should all be the same
-Wing Wang Sour Diesel and AJ Sour should be the same even though the cut AJ’s growing now looks different. Wing wang cut is supposedly held longer.
-Skunktek Sour D has been rumored to be a “pre-Chaco” ECSD and possibly given to skunktek by stoney917 (RIP) years back
-Rez Sour Diesel cut should also be ECSD
-Weasel Diesel may just be another name for Original Diesel aka Daywrecker aka Diesel #1. Weasel aka Kloppglass is credited for creating the Original Diesel.
-Albany Sour Diesel I dunno
-Jayplantspeaker cut I dunno

i’m sure i have some of this wrong. this aint gospel lol.


Sweet list……awesome attempt to decipher the sour cuts!! :crossed_fingers:for clarity


wish i could pepsi challenge them all side by side lol


I’ve been thinking the same thing :joy:


Isn’t Original Diesel just chem91 tho? So many cuts :joy:


That’s what I always thought, based off all the stories. So happy to hear you say that

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Chemdog was called Diesel briefly in the NY black market but that seemed to be a very local occurrence.

Original Diesel aka Day wrecker aka Headband… It’s been awhile since I looked up the prevailing theory on the lineage of Sour… but Original Diesel was supposed to be 91 x MSS/NL and then the DNL or some other plant hermed and pollinated the original Diesel which became sour Diesel.

I’m still unsure if Original Diesel, Day wrecker, and Headband are all names for the same plant… There are S1’s out there of OD. Then the convo about Headband isn’t much different… Lots of cuts by the same name. The Headband out of NYC that wasn’t Loompa’s Headband (OG Kush) was fucking fire.


Chemdog 91 makes everything better. This Chemdog 91 X Zkittlez I vaped yesterday had me so high off a couple hits that I woke up high. Hard to find it here. Do you know anything of the lineage of west coast sour diesel and all these humboldt sours that AMG and others use?


Ah that’s it!

I was pretty sure Headband was the OG Kush cut renamed :thinking: but I could definitely be wrong there… I’ve seen some talk on it being the Original Diesel cut renamed but, there’s also talk of them looking like two entirely different plants so… how could they be the same cut then :man_shrugging:

I did find this tho on the OD and damn does it ring a bell !!

So my buddy who was part of the Albany crew had what he called Original Diesel and that shit was fantastic!! I’ve never came across anything like it sense. The flavor was movie theater popcorn and puppy dog breath, smelled like fuel and puppy dog breath and the smoke just coated ur mouth and lungs.

I thought DayWrecker was a cross JJ made which was the Chem91 x MSS/NL :thinking:


Yeah, OD/Daywrecker/Headband could have it’s own discussion thread itself lol.

There’s the east coast OD/Daywrecker/Headband that was supposedly done by weasel, i think jj is/was friends with weasel, and then the west coast headband (mandelbrot/707 im not too familiar with that one, might even be more than one?)

There’s also Loompa’s Headband aka Underdog OG which is an OG Kush from NY.


I’m curious if you had to pick 1 breeder for the sour d what breeder would that be.

Top dawg
Are the ones I’m looking at
Please help me make a choice of why that breeder. Any info would help. Hope you guys are willing to share some knowledge and thoughts.


I’d say JJNYC cuz hes been working with them the longest and he is right there in the heart of the scene. He makes my favorite strains outside of Bodhi stuff like Stardawg. If you are in MA then you can get some of the cuts of the chems now through Smash Hits and Canna Provisions.


Not on your choices but when looking for some Sour Diesel collectible seeds for the collection I went with Nspectas offering of Twin Turbo Diesel via his CSI label. Hope you find some Sour Diesel that is enjoyable to you. Much love


Sour d from anywhere is good with me I like csi as well. Just looking for something great I’ll check csi out as well. Just want as many opinions as I can.


It’s a double pack with two different Sour Diesel cuttings each paired to the Chem 91 independently! One pack of Chem 91 x AJ’s Sour Diesel and another pack of Chem 91 x ECSD. Just remembering that it wasn’t simply a selfed Sour Diesel offering and thought it pertinent to mention the pairing to Chem 91 in the aforementioned Twin Turbo Diesel offering via CSI. Much love


CSI’s sour cut is the ECSD cut?
Where did you see that?
I’ve only seen him describe it as “a pre-2k sour” and the pack doesn’t say ECSD.


Pretty sure CSI uses Schroomy/Archives cut and the AJ cut.

Big fan of Karma and JJ’s work as well but I’ve only tried Karmas Sour stuff and it’s fantastic in my opinion.


Well I have a pack of the sowaah that I have not popped yet and I just popped acouple beams of sacred sour from aficionado that I’m hoping to use and pollinate notso sour d clone, weasel sour d clone.


I could very well be mistaken and should have been more careful with my phrasing considering the context of the discussion. On the CSI website it refers to the two cuttings as AJ’s and simply “Sour Diesel” as the other. I didn’t hear or read the ESCD nomenclature from Nspecta or the team at CSI and the last thing I want to do is spread misinformation. Thank you for asking!

When doing my research on Sour Diesels in seedform and when researching the Twin Turbo Diesel specifically I saw it mentioned here on Overgrow in the following thread as being ECSD:

Additionally, there is a thread on another forum called Chuckers Paradise that I’m not a member on but occasionally find myself lurking when searching terms via Google. It’s in the CSI thread over there but I don’t really feel comfortable linking off-site websites. Post #100 by a member named quiescent or something like that.

All said, without the words coming from Nspecta himself or the CSI team it’s all kind of speculative. I’m grateful of your asking for clarification because it’s important to make the distinction and it’s something I’d like to learn more about as well. Much love