Sour Diesel Thread

So I’ve been listening to all podcast I’ve found with AJ and the one from Adam Dunn(Weasel) and the interview with Matt Riot(Weasel). So my conclusion is this, and I’ll be using the same list that was posted before:

Weasel says that Sour Diesel is:
Underdog aka Headband = Chem 91 x Sensi Northern Lights
Mass Super Skunk x Underdog = Albany Sour Diesel

Famous cuts
Albany Sour Diesel
DHK aka Devil’s Harvest Krew Sour Diesel
East Coast Sour Diesel (ECSD)
Chaco ECSD
Amish Sour Diesel
AJ Sour Diesel
Skunktek Sour Diesel
Wing Wang Sour Diesel
Sour Diesel Rez cut
Original Diesel aka Daywrecker
Schroomy420 Sour Diesel aka Archive’s cut
Weasel Diesel
Jay Plantspeaker Sour Diesel

  • Albany Sour Diesel should be the original, they where the folks that bought the seeded Mass Super Skunk buds that where seeded from the Underdog. Weasel says multiple times that “none of the seeds I popped from the same batch came out as this cut.”
  • AJ Sour Diesel was a cut given to him by the Albany Crew.
  • DHK Sour Diesel, ECSD, Chaco ECSD should be the same
  • Amish Sour Diesel, Schroomy420 Sour Diesel, Archive Sour Diesel & Original Diesel should all be the same
  • Wing Wang Sour Diesel is not the same cut as AJ Sour
  • Skunktek Sour D has been rumored to be a “pre-Chaco” ECSD and possibly given to skunktek by stoney917 (RIP) years back
  • Rez Sour Diesel cut should also be ECSD
  • Riri is an cut found from Rez IBL line
  • Weasel Diesel may just be another name for Original Diesel aka Daywrecker aka Diesel #1. Weasel aka Kloppglass is credited for creating the Original Diesel.
  • Jayplantspeaker cut I dunno

I also want to add that Weasel says that the cred for Sour Diesel should go to Sensi Seeds aka Neville, because it was his genetics which transformed Chem 91 to Sour.

Pz :v:t2: