Sour Diesel Thread

Way I heard it was Weasel sold a bag of Diesel to the Albany crew. They found two seeds, named them Diesel 1 and 2. Weasel also sold a bag to AJ and he found a seed. That seed would be named the AJ Sour d. But they were all hermed selfies from Chem 91.


AJ said he lost the cut from his seed. The Sour was from a seed off one of the Albany crew’s plants. So third generation from the Chem 91


Gotta admit, id rather make my own sour with that knowledge :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


the treat show with aj sour and wildmtn cannabis last week was a good listen




Here’s an interview with Aj and the weasel on the Adam dunn show from 2015 for anyone interested. The weasel calls in around an hour and 18 min in


So I’ve been listening to all podcast I’ve found with AJ and the one from Adam Dunn(Weasel) and the interview with Matt Riot(Weasel). So my conclusion is this, and I’ll be using the same list that was posted before:

Weasel says that Sour Diesel is:
Underdog aka Headband = Chem 91 x Sensi Northern Lights
Mass Super Skunk x Underdog = Albany Sour Diesel

Famous cuts
Albany Sour Diesel
DHK aka Devil’s Harvest Krew Sour Diesel
East Coast Sour Diesel (ECSD)
Chaco ECSD
Amish Sour Diesel
AJ Sour Diesel
Skunktek Sour Diesel
Wing Wang Sour Diesel
Sour Diesel Rez cut
Original Diesel aka Daywrecker
Schroomy420 Sour Diesel aka Archive’s cut
Weasel Diesel
Jay Plantspeaker Sour Diesel

  • Albany Sour Diesel should be the original, they where the folks that bought the seeded Mass Super Skunk buds that where seeded from the Underdog. Weasel says multiple times that “none of the seeds I popped from the same batch came out as this cut.”
  • AJ Sour Diesel was a cut given to him by the Albany Crew.
  • DHK Sour Diesel, ECSD, Chaco ECSD should be the same
  • Amish Sour Diesel, Schroomy420 Sour Diesel, Archive Sour Diesel & Original Diesel should all be the same
  • Wing Wang Sour Diesel is not the same cut as AJ Sour
  • Skunktek Sour D has been rumored to be a “pre-Chaco” ECSD and possibly given to skunktek by stoney917 (RIP) years back
  • Rez Sour Diesel cut should also be ECSD
  • Riri is an cut found from Rez IBL line
  • Weasel Diesel may just be another name for Original Diesel aka Daywrecker aka Diesel #1. Weasel aka Kloppglass is credited for creating the Original Diesel.
  • Jayplantspeaker cut I dunno

I also want to add that Weasel says that the cred for Sour Diesel should go to Sensi Seeds aka Neville, because it was his genetics which transformed Chem 91 to Sour.

Pz :v:t2:


i see at least one missing here ^^ where’s the riri ? :sweat_smile:


@coxnox Imo Riri is not a real Sour diesel. It’s a sour based cut, but not a real Sour Diesel cut. But I added it to the list.

Pz :v:t2:


she’s at least as pure Sour Deez as the Rez cut, they are out of the same batch of seeds ^^
whay yu say she’sn’t a sour deez ? just curious ?

here friend’s picture of her:


Because she’s first back crossed and later using selection work to turn it into a IBL. She’s several generations away from Mass Super Skunk x Underdog.

Just because something looks like something, doesn’t mean it has the terps or effects as the original. As I said, it’s Sour based, but BX or IBL is NOT the same as a original cut.

Most of the other cuts can be traced directly to the big batch of seeds(thousands of seeds) the Albany crew bought from Weasel.

Pz :v:t2:


There’s also a NYCD cut IIRC which would in fact be the original SD if this is to be believed : FUEL ? IS it Sour D or Original D ? | Page 2 | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

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The dhk we had here is allmost a copy of the Riri, i think 90% of the peoples would not be able to tell the diff in a smoke test blindly, but maybe we didn’t had the real deal.
other cut i tested from this list(aj, chaco and od) was not superior to the riri or the dhk we had.


Weasel said in the linked podcast that Underdog had a very broad range of phenos and that the first seed of the hundreds he grew was the one, it’s this cut that AJ sold as Headband to NYC customers.

The male used in the Mass Super Skunk breeding that Albany bought seeded buds from, was an F1 and was obviously a different plant then the Headband.

@funkyfunk The original Sour Diesel is the cut from Albany, while there is many other cuts found from the same seedline that also is Mass Super Skunk x Underdog. So I wouldn’t go so far calling every seed from that line original sour diesel, but AJ have said multiple times that he sold trays of 100cuts of the original cut for 3000$ back then. So it’s possible that this cut came from one of those trays.

@coxnox better worse or what ever. It doesn’t matter since we are tracing ORIGINAL cuts.

Pz :v:t2:


I can help you out when you’re ready. :wink:


I talked to Wing a couple weeks ago and he told me he got his cut from AJ 23 years ago. It has genetically drifted and is slightly different. But it is a clone from AJ. White Rabbit did a side by side grow of the Wing Wang and Chaco. He said they’re almost identical. He also said the Albany is much more skunky than the others. And AJ said Weasel was pissed AJ and the Albany crew found seeds in his Diesel. Funny how the stories don’t line up.


Ok great, I couldn’t find any info of AJ saying that he gave the cut to Wing Wang so that’s why I edited it.

The info I have is only from all the interviews with AJ and Weasel that I’ve been listening to in row the last 24 hours. So what I convey is third party at best and I’ve noticed that every podcast do have different info, but in the whole. The lineage and who has which stays quite the same, which is what I focused on in my post. AJ is the one which is changing his story of events more then Weasel. So tbh I think we should focus more on Weasel then AJ.

Pz :v:t2:


Agreed. AJ seems like an asshole. Super cocky.


@MG_Canna Yeah, and it seems that he’s very aware of it though. Since he says that he have acted like a spoiled brat multiple times. I would guess that he’s a millionaire by this point. If he’s not spent it all…

Pz :v:t2:


Maybe that’s why he got this nickname :smiley: