Sour smell 3-4 months post cure

Have a few bags that were air dried for a week or so then put into grove bags around 60-62 RH. I pulled a few today to grab a few different nugs to smoke up as im getting bored wirh the current ones and boy does it smell sour. Like some rancid sour. A couple bags smelled like this… i looked all over see zero mold…. Broke them open still see nothing mold like? Any ideas…. Maybe the strain?



Yes, my man, I think the strain. I’m curing a bunch of different things right now, and I see alll kinds of differences. What is the temperature? I try to dial mine in at 23C and aim for 61%RH.

Great job! the pictures look great too.


Probably a little too moist

I do all my long term storage in a freezer


That could be too! Every sniffer is different. (:

Rh is 61-62 in grove bags.

How is the taste :tongue: and aroma? :sunglasses::v:

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Aroma like sour piss

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Yikes :grimacing: so is the taste :tongue: not desirable?

I’m thinking it’s just the pheno? It’s just one strain right? I’ve had some real nasty strains over the years! Dill pickles on steroids! Musky like straight musk oxen mixed with fart! Had straight up litter box/ammonia and one that was like straight up freshly smoked crack! Burnt plastic with a hint of cherry , then there’s the straight up feces phenos, usually most I find nasty morph over the cure into something more desirable but there was a few I couldn’t give away, no joke!


Probably just the Phenotype if theres no visual rot or molds.I Had an old cultivar in the early 2000s called Power Plant and it smelled like a toddler left a bottle of milk under your car seat in 100 degree weather for a week then dumped it all over.Seriously though smelled and even tasted like Spoiled milk mixed with puke my buddies all just smelled straight puke.Long story short that one had to go.It was a shame because that thing was bullet proof to Mold and bugs.Not even the Japanese beetles would touch it.

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Im just going to wash it for bubble or press for rosin

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people play the scientific terp game to explain it all but first time i had trainwreck as a kid it was unmistakeable blend of puke, rotting meat and kerosene. what a memorable night that was, but we smelled like shit everywhere we went im sure of it :joy:

i think itd do a QWISO (decarbed) type thing and make edibles (gel capsules for me), if you have plenty other stuff to smoke.


i have a sour that has a sour laundry smell. it just smells that way. i’ve grown the cut more than once. it’s a dry smoke. super resinous.