Spinal Cancer Sucks

For those who are starting out on their anti cancer journey back to Health-maybe you or a loved one have recently been diagnosed and you don’t know where to start.
As each cancer is different for everyone there will obviously be tweaks here and there … but these protocols are somewhat standard and the tweaks can be added once our fantastic admins gather more detailed information from you.
Try not to panic… I know that’s far easier said than done… but do try…it won’t help the situation… it can only hinder it.
There are lots of excellent ways to detox your ailing system and bring you back to optimal health.
We will do our very best to help guide and advise you through this most difficult of times.
Please start your own new post and write up a detailed account giving as much information as possible…ask any and all questions that come to you… there’s no such thing as a stupid question… ask over and over until you are satisfied with the replies.
Here’s a basic list of Protocols to introduce you to the start of your journey.
So… Take Big deep breaths and have faith in the raw power of Mother Nature … She really does Always know Best.
When treating cancers follow each protocol.
Build up & feed system with nutrition… & starve disease.
Boost whole body with cancer killing herbs, spices and plants.
Shutting down the signaling pathways which stimulate the survival mechanisms of cancer stem cells is necessary to living a cancer free life.
The answer to killing cancer stem cells is found in our diets … NOT in any conventional toxic ‘treatments’ and must be committed to long-term.
Plant based diets rich in phytochemicals which fight chronic inflammation, slow cellular aging, promote normal cellular functioning and most importantly target and destroy cancer STEM cells which is crucial to living a cancer-free life.
Following an organic, raw, plant-based diet with cancer stem cell killing nutrients and supplements is a powerful healing strategy
Flood body with cannabinoids, replenish body’s Endo Cannabinoid System to repair & heal and to kill cancer.
Assist the liver to detox more efficiently.
Speeds up the detoxification process and minimises the backlog of yet to be detoxified substances.
Boosts production of glutathione the body’s master antioxidant and dump dangerous toxins faster.
Eliminate lactic acid build up from pathogen and cancer die off.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is an organic sulfur-containing compound that is used to improve immune function and lower inflammattion.
It can help to neutralise lactic acid buildup, and bring oxygen to the cells.
It also has the ability to kill the microbes that reside within cancerous cells and promotes detoxification of the body.
Stimulate lymphatic drainage.
Boost and aid detox.
Reset & renew immune system.
Induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.
Dump damaged cells and replace with new healthy cells.
FLUSH Out Toxins
FLOOD In Nutrition
This is not exact folks… it’s a list of general guidelines… sometimes specific cancers need a more specific protocol… but here is what’s generally used for most.
Guidelines for taking FECO & natural herbs, spices & supplements when fighting cancers.
Firstly FECO … Full extract cannabis oil.
High T (hc) oil …full spectrum has ALL the cannabinoids… this is necessary as the entourage effect is vital to heal and repair efficiently.
T induces apoptosis… cellular death… of only cancerous and damaged cells… NOT healthy cells… unlike chemo or radiation which destroy the immune system.
High C(bd) oil, must be canna derived and not hemp.
This is anti angiogenic which means is prevents the formation of a new blood supply to and from cancerous tumours.
Adding Terpenes enhances the healing power also.
Begin with micro dosing…
MICRO DOSING… a half rice grain size amount usually under the tongue or one drop if it’s pre mixed with carrier oil and in a dropper bottle.
You can also vape, ingest, apply topically and insert suppositories anally and vaginally.
These are extra methods… … recommended as an addition to sub lingually & orally.
Take several doses of your feco daily… let your body tell you how much it can deal with.
Build up gradually… you WILL develop a tolerance over the course of days and weeks.
…increasing as and when your body is tolerating…you should be trying to increase to approximately ONE GRAM /ML daily… split into 1-2 staggered doses initially and increasing to 3-4-5 and more as you feel comfortable over the days and weeks…4 hourly.
For liver cancers… FECO mixed with organic, raw, coconut oil is the carrier oil.
NO pre dose is necessary.
All other areas of cancer…Feco mixed with unfiltered, cold pressed, virgin Olive oil is the carrier oil.
PRE DOSE … with coconut oil 30 mins Before taking Feco.
This will keep the liver busy whilst allowing the Feco more time to circulate around your body before then being metabolised by your liver.
You can alternate if you wish.
Feco/coconut oil and then Feco/olive oil.
AT FIRST YOU WILL BE SLEEPY AND NAUSEOUS … but this will decrease as your body builds up a tolerance to the medicine.
Do not be alarmed.
Cannabis cannot harm You.
Simply stick to the guidelines of MICRO DOSING.
Additions to kill cancer cells;
5grams of frankincense boswellia resin, crushed and then swallowed.
To wash, flash rinse with boiled water…then freeze… then crush into manageable amounts to swallow.
Can also be chewed if you can handle the taste.
1-2 grams daily.
1-2 grams daily.
MORINGA… powerful immune system booster.
2-Turkey tail,
3-Lions mane,
Are just some.
Begin slowly, 1-2 daily & work up to 10-14 seeds daily.
Work up to 10grams daily.
Always take 2 hours separately from Feco as they each compete for the Cannabinoid receptors.
Always take with black pepper as it increases bioavailability.
Black seed oil… 1-2grams daily
Hemp seed oil…1-2grams daily.
Drink Tea,
Ingest Capsules.
Ingest Tincture.
Ingest liquid drops.
Organic Carrot juice.
Organic beetroot juice.
Be careful however as each of these juices as well as curcurmin and feco will lower your blood pressure… so make sure you drink lots of filtered & distilled water also.
Are all anti inflammatories, anti oxidants & cancer killing.
PRO BIOTICS to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria and build a healthy immune system.
These aid with the detoxification of toxic build up from dead cancer cells and pathogens.
The liver needs to function to its maximum to be able to rid the body of the huge volume that will be present when killing cancer.
These are Vital.
MSM & distilled water to prevent and aid in the treatment of CACHEXIA which is lactic acid build up due to cancer cell did off.
This is Vital.
To boost the lymphatic system and aid detoxification.
This is Vital.
To restart the immune system and fight cancer.
This is Vital.
Green tea,
Chamomile tea,
Dandelion tea,
Ceylon cinnamon tea,
These clean the Cannabinoid receptors.
Graviola tea is known to kill cancer cells.
NO SUGAR… Sugar Feeds Cancer cells.
NO TAP WATER, use filtered and distilled.
Omit toxins.
Raw plant based.
Lots of alkalising foods.
Green leafy veg.
Organic bicarbonate of soda… drink twice daily… a teaspoon in water.
Alkalising baths.
Twice daily.
Half a cup of bicarbonate of soda into the bath water…
Draws toxins out.
Add therapeutic grade essential oils… Frankincense and myrrh are powerful healers.
1…Organic bicarbonate of soda…drink twice daily… a teaspoon in filtered or distilled water.
This alkalises the cells of the body.
2…Organic Sliced lemon in boiled filtered or distilled water… drink as often as possible… add organic teas such as green tea for an alkalising, refreshing, healing drink.
You can also cut up & add lime, apple, pear, etc and some mint for extra nutrition & flavour.
These can be taken warm or chilled… fill a jug and cool in the fridge.
Add half a cup full of any of these to bath water… twice daily.
You can use these in conjunction with each other.
These draw out toxins from the body.
Use organic/chemical free always.
Keep the water temperature around the same as body temperature, do not use hot water.
Lie down for 30 mins afterwards.
1…Bicarbonate of soda/baking soda.
Benefits of Baking Soda Bath

  1. Use baking soda to detoxify and alkalise your body.
  2. It is natural, safe and inexpensive.
  3. People who eat a Western-style diet consisting of sugar, red meat, cheese and other refined foods have a high acid consumption, which baking soda baths can neutralise.
  4. You can also detox your body from alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and medications.
    Pink Himalayan salts/flakes.
    Detoxifies when used in bathing.
    Because Himalayan pink salt is so mineral rich, soaking in a solution of salt and water helps to instill the skin and body with minerals.
    In a process known as dermal absorption, the skin soaks up minerals from the water – sometimes even better than if we consumed the same minerals.
    Containing numerous minerals that are important for our health – including calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc – Himalayan pink salt is one of the best things to soak in.
    Detoxify Your Body.
    Every day we are exposed to countless toxins – from our food, our air, our water and our personal care and household products.
    It’s estimated that we come into contact with anywhere between 700,000 and 2.1 million different toxic chemicals a day.
    A 2012 study, carried out at the University of California, indicates that the average person is regularly being exposed to extremely high cancerous levels of toxins.
    When we bathe in a Himalayan pink salt solution, we help to pull some of these toxins out of our skin through a process called reverse osmosis.
    Magnesium salts/flakes.
    Enjoy the benefits of a magnesium bath detoxifying, pain reliever.
    A soothing magnesium chloride salt bath quickly relaxes muscles and relieves stress.
    Soaking in magnesium salt flakes has been shown to markedly improve;
    skin hydration,
    speed wound healing,
    enhance skin barrier function,
    and decrease inflammation.
    The skin is also able to excrete toxins and waste products via bathing, which lightens the load on the kidney and liver.
    These mineral baths also help decrease inflammation.
    Flush Toxins OUT
    Flood Nutrition IN.
    Carrier oils are called this because they “carry” essential oils into the skin or tissues and bloodstream depending on internal or topical use.
    Carrier oils aid in the absorption of cannabinoids by making them more bioavailable.
    Cannabinoids from Cannabis are the primary components of cannabis essential oil; these compounds will be suspended within the carrier oil and brought into the system at a much higher rate than before.
    It is estimated that Carrier oils increase the absorption of cannabis oil from 25-40% to 75-80%.
    That is nearly doubling the rate of absorption.
    This saves money by allowing a smaller more effective dose to be consumed with the same rate of efficacy.
    Each Carrier oil comes with their own individual nutritional benefits.
    Coconut oil is high in Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) which are an optimum fuel source for the body’s mitochondria.
    Apricot Kernel oil is high in Linoleic and Oleic acids which are Essential fatty acids (EFAs),
    but more importantly Apricot kernel oil has a very hard to come by component: Amygdalin or vitamin B17.
    Amygdalin is a very highly regarded and potent anti-cancer agent that nature provides, it is found in the soft kernels within the apricot pit.
    When amygdalin is extracted, purified and concentrated it becomes what is known as Laetrile.
    Amygdalin or Laetrile causes Apoptosis… cancer and diseased cell suicide.
    Pumpkin Seed oil is one of the most highly nutritious seed oils there are with a complex and balanced broad spectrum of EFAs vitamins and minerals.
    Each of the following oils would make excellent carrier oils as well as conjunctive therapeutic agents for Cannabis oil.
    Coconut Oil… goes straight to the liver. ( organic, raw ) OUR CHOSEN CARRIER OIL for LIVER CANCERS.
    Olive Oil ( unfiltered, raw, virgin )
    Always use Organic ??
    Infusing Cannabis oil into these carrier oils is one of the most efficient treatment routes one can take in the natural medicine realm.
    Its generally recommended beginning with Coconut oil or Olive oil as these can stand higher heat and take the least amount of preparation and exertion to infuse, and use daily.
    Do not be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you and your personal lifestyle and diagnosis.
    Every person is unique just as is every single disease process.
    Cannabis oil is a major medicine in the eradication of diseases and fully recovering from any disease requires lifestyle and dietary modifications also.
    You must work to bring your body back into homeostasis and balance your physical, mental and emotional energy centers.
    Cannabis oil is a very empowering and effective start to regaining your life and health.
    Shutting down the signaling pathways which stimulate the survival mechanisms of cancer stem cells is necessary to living a cancer free life.
    The answer to killing cancer stem cells is found in what we consume and must be committed to long-term.
    We ARE what we eat… Literally.
    Plant based diets rich in phytochemicals which fight chronic inflammation, slow cellular aging, promote normal cellular functioning and most importantly target and destroy cancer STEM cells is crucial to living a cancer-free life.
    Following an organic, raw, plant-based diet with cancer stem cell killing nutrients and supplements is a powerful healing strategy.
    Eating a well-balanced diet can help you ward off illness and keep you nourished.
    Research has shown that the way different food compounds work together in the body may reduce cancer risk.
    So the question is, what foods help prevent cancer?
    The following is a list of foods that have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties.
    When it comes to cancer prevention, clean eating prevails.
    This Asian spice contains curcumin, which is an antioxidant that has been shown to have anti-cancer effects & can prevent and slow the growth of esophageal, mouth, intestinal, stomach and breast tumors.
    Curcumin is an extract found in the spice turmeric and possesses antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer abilities.
    Curcumin prevents chronic inflammation from occurring which is repeatedly evident in the development of cancer.
    By interacting with the signalling pathways of the cancer stem cell genetics, curcumin is noted in regulating the various factors involved in cancer STEM cell activity.
    Curcumin has the ability to control inflammation, prevent tumor invasion, hinder CANCER CELL GROWTH, turn off factors which suppress apoptosis, prevent angiogenesis and inhibit metastasis.
    Curcumin has shown to target cancer stem cells involved in regulating cancers such as:
  • Breast
  • Cervical
  • Colorectal
  • Pancreatic
  • Lung
  • Liver
  • Prostate
  • Ovarian
  • Kidney
  • Bladder
  • Brain
  • Rental
  • Leukemia
  • Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
    Take advantage of the cancer stem cell targeting properties of curcumin and add TURMERIC to all of your dishes.
    Many practitioners recommend supplementing with 500-1000 mg doses – 3-4 times daily with food.
    Curcumin and turmeric should always be mixed with peperine from black pepper and taken with a fat based meal for optimal absorption.
    Studies show an association between populations who eat high amounts of raw and cooked garlic and a lower risk of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract such as cancer of the stomach, colon, esophagus and pancreas.
    Contains the antioxidant piperine, making it a smart choice over table salt when seasoning food…black pepper, with turmeric, inhibits growth of cancerous stem cells in breast tumors.
    Studies have shown that cayenne pepper, or more specifically capsaicin, can slow the growth of prostate cancer cells, and may also have the ability to destroy them.
    A major compound contained in ginger is 6-gingerol.
    This phytonutrient decreases nitric oxide production which wreaks havoc and stress on cells and processes in the body.
    As a result, 6-gingerol protects against free radical damage and has exhibited strong neuroprotective properties in research.
    6- Gingerol enhances the antioxidant defense system by contributing aiding activity to protect cells from carcinogens and cancerous activity.
    1-3 grams daily.
    contains carvacrol, a molecule that may help offset the spread of cancer cells by working as a natural disinfectant.
    Carvacrol is also present in marjoram, mint, thyme, basil and parsley.
    This family of vegetables includes broccoli, kale and Brussel sprouts, bok choy, cauliflower and cabbage.
    These greens contain phytonutrients called glucosinolates, which may help protect cells from DNA damage and inactivate carcinogens.
    Studies show they are particularly helpful in preventing cancers of the stomach, mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus.
    Strawberries and blueberries contain antioxidants, which protect the body from cell damage that can lead to cancers of the skin, bladder, lung, breast and esophagus.
    are red because they contain an antioxidant called lycopene.
    Studies have shown that lycopene may help fight prostate cancer.
    Unlike other foods that are best eaten raw, eating cooked tomatoes actually increases their anti-cancer effects.
    Like tomatoes, this seasonal fruit contains lycopene.
    It also contains about 80 percent of your daily vitamin C and 30 percent of your daily vitamin A.
    Unprocessed whole grains contain natural plant compounds which help prevent cell damage.
    Whole grains only contain these natural compounds when they remain unprocessed, so make sure to read labels carefully.
    Some examples of whole grains include steel-cut oatmeal & brown rice.
    Vitamin D3:
    Each day the body produces approximately 10,000 cancer cells which have the ability to invade, proliferate and spread.
    One of the most common factors involved in the pathogenesis of cancer is vitamin D3 deficiency.
    Receiving adequate amounts of vitamin D3 daily is necessary to destroy cancer stem cell activity.
    Supplemental dosage of 20,000 I.U. vitamin D3 daily may be a reliable therapy to slow the progression of cancer and reduce systemic inflammation.
    VITAMIN D3 supplementation is perhaps most vital in its need for proper GcMAF production.
    GcMAF is a protein which improves the natural immune system response and treats cancer.
    GcMAF requires a steady intake of vitamin D3 in order to eradicate tumors completely.
    Today, our health is dominated by high doses of toxic pharmaceutical drugs which decrease the ability for our bodies to naturally absorb vitamin D from the sun and from our diets.
    Combined with our lack of time spent outdoors and decreased oxygen supply to cells, our bodies can provide a suitable environment for cancer stem cells to produce tumours.
    Increase the ability for your body to better absorb vitamin D not only through natural supplementation of dietary intake, but also reducing stress and synthetic drug intake.
    It is best to get your vitamin D3 (25-OH) between 60-100 ng/ml with ideal ranges between 80-100 ng/ml for individuals looking to prevent or slow cancer growth.
    As a general rule, many practitioners recommend taking 1,000 IU’s per 25 lbs of body weight to slowly raise your vitamin D levels into range or take 2,000 IU’s per 25 lbs of body weight to quickly raise your vitamin D levels.
    This is an intelligent approach to reduce cancer stem cell activity.
    contains polyphenols, which have antioxidant properties.
    Studies show that the major polyphenol in green tea, EGCG, may reduce breast cancer and prostate cancer.
    Since most of these cancer-fighting foods are produce, remember to consider buying organic to avoid your exposure to pesticides.
    The “dirty dozen” includes fruits and vegetables that are especially important to buy organic, since they contain more pesticides per serving than other types of produce:
    Domestic blueberries
    Sweet bell peppers
    Spinach, kale and collard greens
    Imported grapes
    Flush toxins Out
    Flood nutrition In
    COFFEE ENEMAS to Detoxify the Liver.
    The benefits of coffee enemas.
    Most of us are over-burdened with toxins in general, but this is especially true for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer.
    Coffee enemas can be particularly helpful for anyone who is undergoing dietary cleanses and detoxifying protocols that can cause symptoms of “die-off” as they will help to ensure that your liver is not being overburdened as the body is breaking down tumours, allowing toxic debris to be safely and quickly eliminated from the body.
    How coffee enemas work to cleanse the liver ?
    Coffee enemas stimulate the liver to release accumulated bile and toxins.
    Since the body reuses bile (by continually reabsorbing it through the large intestine), the liver tends to accumulate and store all of the toxins that are being held within that bile.
    The caffeine that is naturally found in coffee will cause the blood vessels and bile ducts within the liver to dilate, while the palmitates- which are the enzymes that are found naturally in coffee, will stimulate the liver to produce new bile.
    By doing both of these actions simultaneously, the old toxin-laden bile will be dumped into the large intestine where it will be safely expelled from the body and be replaced with new bile.
    It is important to note that you should only hold the coffee enema for 12-15 minutes, otherwise the toxins and bile may be reabsorbed back into the system and carried back to the liver.
    During that 12-15 minutes, the blood will have passed through the liver’s filtering system about 4-5 times, carrying the toxins that were picked up from the tissues and depositing them for removal.
    Additionally, you should only use organic coffee or you will be exposing yourself to harmful herbicides and pesticides.
    Coffee enemas can be done in the comfort of your own home
    as a major component of any detoxification protocols.
    As someone is going through cancer treatment, and the tumor is starting to breaking down, you get all that dead tumour waste and the liver can get overloaded.
    The body needs help in mobilising and neutralising and excreting all of the toxic debris.
    We use procedures like coffee enemas that we find help the liver work more efficiently in detoxification.
    The health benefits of coffee enemas.
    Dramatically increases glutathione levels- coffee administered rectally also simulates an enzyme system in the liver called glutathione S-transerase by 600-700% above the normal activity levels.
    This enzyme reacts with free radicals that can cause cellular damage in the bloodstream and neutralises them.
    These substances are then dissolved into the bile to be released along with the rest of bile that is flowing from the liver and gallbladder and excreted into the large intestine for removal.
    Provides relief from cancer related pain- Coffee enemas are also said to dramatically relieve pain, often so-much-so that pain medication can be decreased or eliminated altogether.
    How often should you do a coffee enema?
    Someone with cancer should be doing 2-3per day.
    For those in remission- once per week or 2-3 times a month is recommended.
    To boost the lymphatic system and aid detoxification.
    Toxins are stored in the fat cells and the body is reluctant to burn fat whilst there are toxins present.
    Rebounding helps rid the fat cells of toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system to excrete the toxins more effectively.
    Releasing the toxins:
    rebounding combines the effect of gravity, acceleration and deceleration to create a unique pressure exchange, or gravitational pull, which means every time you bounce each and every cell in the body gets a gentle squeeze which not only strengthens the cells but helps release the toxins stored inside them.
    the primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body.
    The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic vessels which are similar to the circulatory system’s veins and capillaries.
    The lymphatic vessels are connected to lymph nodes where the lymph is filtered.
    The tonsils, adenoids, spleen and thymus are all part of the lymphatic system.
    Unlike the circulatory system which has a pump, the lymphatic system does not so we need to create our own “pump” to move lymph through the body through movement and exercise.
    Rebounding stimulates the lymphatic system creating this “pump” effect.
    The “push” motion forces the lymphatic valves to close, the “jump” motion forces the lymphatic valves to open.
    Through continual bouncing this creates a “pump” effect which very effectively pumps, moves and recycles the lymph many times during the course of the rebounding session, providing a free-flowing system that drains away the toxins very efficiently.
    This is VITAL in treating cancer & disease.
    Cycles of prolonged and intermittent fasting not only protect against immune system damage — a major side effect of chemotherapy — but also induce immune system regeneration, shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.
    Intermittent Fasting Induces Various Cellular Repair Processes.
    When we fast, the cells in the body initiate a cellular “waste removal” process called autophagy.
    This involves the cells breaking down and metabolising broken and dysfunctional proteins that build up inside cells over time.
    Increased autophagy may provide protection against several diseases, including CANCER and Alzheimer’s disease.
    Fasting triggers a metabolic pathway called autophagy, which removes waste material from cells.
    When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged…extended periods of fasting lowers white blood cell counts considerably.
    This produces a change of the signaling pathways of STEM cells, which give rise to NEW BLOOD & IMMUNE SYSTEMS.
    Research suggests starving your body KICK STARTS STEM CELLS into producing new white blood cells, which fight off infection.
    Scientists say the discovery could be particularly beneficial for people suffering from compromised immune systems such as cancer patients who are on chemotherapy as well as those who are not.
    The researchers who tested on both mice and human clinical trial say fasting “flips a regenerative switch” which prompts stem cells to create brand new white blood cells, essentially REGENERATING THE ENTIRE IMMUNE SYSTEM.
    Fasting between 6pm till 6am
    Fasting between 7pm till 7am is recommended.
    Longer is even better… till noon the next day.
    Almost all advanced cancer patients who have lost weight because of their cancer and have become very weak are almost guaranteed to have cachexia (i.e. lactic acid).
    Another evidence, perhaps the most accurate, is a loss of appetite.
    While cancer patients have lactic acid in their bodies & when the patient starts to lose weight and starts to become weak and starts to lose their appetite, due to their cancer, you can rest assured the cachexia is very serious.
    Their body is FULL of LACTIC ACID
    If you have cancer or know somebody that does you need to look into the cachexia cycle.
    Your conventional ‘medical professionals ‘ won’t say anything about it.
    The reason you are acidic is because cancer cells take 15 times more glucose for energy than other normal cells…
    Stop Sugar and Carbs ASAP as they convert that glucose into lactic acid and release it back into the system, the blood carries it to the liver where it’s converted back into glucose and then the cancer cells pick it back up and start the whole process back over.
    This takes a huge amount of energy for the body & that’s where the exhaustion occurs…creating weakness…It causes your body to rapidly lose weight…& muscle wasting occurs.
    Suddenly your will to live starts to extinguish because LACTIC ACID IS PAINFUL.
    It also blocks nutrients from getting to the noncancerous cells.
    So here is what you do, get on a really good MSM protocol…study the CACHEXIA cycle so you can squash this thing before it starts ( neutralise the acid folks).
    Its Not the cancer itself, but the Cachexia that ultimately kills almost 50% of all patients on Conventional treatment.

I did not write this im not sure who did, I hope it helps. Peace C. :facepunch:


The fact is that if we eat bread with yeast, then the yeast, entering our blood, begin to reproduce, consume our vitamins, trace elements, proteins.
At the same time, they separate the products from their vital activity - toxins, that is, yeast parasites our body. And I consider modern bread one of mankind’s most terrible inventions.
Modern yeast goes into gluten capsules when baking. And in the intestine, they are released from these capsules and damage the mucus, disrupting the normal intestinal microflora. In addition, they parasitize not only in the intestine, but live in the blood plasma and reproduce freely (mainly through budging). This can lead to various types of intoxication, fungal disease, weakened immunity, which can lead to many chronic illnesses and tumor processes.
And if we stop eating modern bread with yeast, only in 5 years we will not find yeast cells in our blood plasma.
Until the 1940s, a completely different type of yeast was used. They were also called “hops”.
These yeasts do not resist human symbiotic microflora (t. is. do not kill the useful bacteria living in the colon), but the dough fits for about one day, which does not suit the breadmakers.
To intensify the production process, they started using yeasts of a completely different kind, which are officially (and this is open information) considered “conditionally pathogenic microorganisms”, etc. is. the ones that cause illness under certain conditions is what is called “thermophilic yeast” today. On such yeast, the dough fits in about an hour.
Thermophilic yeast, which are now used in bread baking, are ANTAGONISTS of HUMAN SYMBIOTIC MICROFLORA.
This means that the secrets of these yeast kill those germs in the colon that normally need to produce vitamins, irreplaceable amino acids, useful biologically active substances and many more that the human body needs for full functioning, i.e. HEALTH.
"In addition to the fact that this “bread” is a carbohydrate with a high glycemic index (75) and releases insulin rapidly and quickly because blood sugar raises, and over time it grows into insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer diseases (cancer cells eat only sugar), and brain. degenerative diseases.
Makes us fat and sick while especially these type of carbohydrates are highly addictive and cause a desire for constant and increased consumption. " P. c. Stanislavski

Peace C. :facepunch:


All my best to you and yours.

To ALL Ogers who took the time to offer comfort and support, I’m running of Likes, so allow me to empty my entire :basket:ful of :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:s. Y’all are so deserving!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He died. Thank you all.

1 Like

Sorry to hear that. Condolences to you and your family. My dad started chemo and radiation treatments for head and throat cancer 3 weeks ago. It definitely sucks! @FiveGar


Sorry man. Much love to you :heart: :broken_heart:

1 Like


Sending caring thoughts your way. I’m being confronted right now with my mom’s mortality and it’s pretty awful. I break down just thinking of losing her. This world is pretty harsh sometimes. There’s plenty of beauty and joy in it too, but that doesn’t erase the heartbreaking parts. :green_heart:


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family. I hope you and your father are able to find peace.
If you need to vent or somebody to talk to, about anything, I’m just a message away.


Regular or decaf? :rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:. I couldn’t resist​:grin:. Here in Schoharie county we have a bit less culture it seems. I saw a sign for a budweiser enema lol.
Laughter is good medicine. When we laugh, our vibrations increase and our frequency changes.
Hardly the amount of info in that fantastic post of yours, @scotchlock

1 Like

I hope you’re hanging in there. I’m so sorry for your loss and can’t imagine your holidays were very much fun this year. Hold onto the good memories and try to speak about them often. Some people bottle up and are not able to speak of loved ones that have passed. Yet, somehow it makes it easier to deal with the loss when you keep that person around in your daily memories and share them with others. I lost my father three years ago last November.


Ive not done any yet so im unsure if its decaf or not, and your right laughter is THE BEST medicine. Going through a bit of a journey myself , I didnt write that, its something I picked up, I have loads of stuff to share if anyone else needs any help, Take it easy Peace. :facepunch: