Spinal Cancer Sucks

Ive been dealing with stuff for awhile and meaning to make a post but havnt had the heart. I owe a PM back to a couple of people and get some seeds to em but have gotten behind on that. But I will send out a message and get shipments all figured out in a day or two. Ive been a bit preoccupied recently and used all my spare time and energy to keep up with business stuff.

A couple months back my father was diagnosed with spinal cancer that has spread to most everywhere else. He had back pain for awhile and blamed siatica, various injuries and other things. When he found out what was going on for real it wasnt good. Initially he fought and was set to do chemo but after a couple of er visits, crazy bed sores obtained at physical therapy, and various other declines and indiginities he and my mother have decided on home hospice. This decision was about 2 weeks ago.

Luckily my parents moved down to be near my family 3 years ago so they only live around 15 minutes away. I have been trying to spend as much time with him as possible bringing one of my children to spend time with him at a time for as many short visits as he can tolerate/wants.

At this time he is only on anti-diarrhea and pain meds. No diabetes, blood pressure, or anything else.

He is just so skeletal at this point. He is having trouble drinking so they got some saline bags to give him fluid but they couldnt find a vein and he could only stand to let em try twice. They needed a sonogram at the er to find a vein when he was there. My partner offered to help if he ever wants to try again since they are a NICU nurse and used to finding tiny veins. I dont know if he will want to try again.

I dont know what else the purpose of this is other than to explain why I owe some seeds and give myself a vent/therapy session at yalls expense. Thanks for being here guys and gals.


Sorry man, that’s a rough situation.

Wishing your family all the best.


I hate cancer so much. My grandfather died from colorectal cancer. Its an ugly disease. My sympathies.


Parasite cleanse.

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All my love man. I came on here to vent once too. Gone through quite a bit with family cancer issues over the past 2 years. All I can tell you is keep talking about it with people/friends/on here or wherever. It helps, worrying/suffering in silence never helps.

I think your local, if you need anything at all, lemme know homie :+1:


You have my MOST SINCERE CONDOLENCES!! Cherish the time you have, Bro. A very dear friend is also at the end of Life, Home now with Hospice Attendants visiting daily. I wish you peace and comfort during this trying period, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


On the bright side getting some nice 1911’s out of the deal. Dude had good taste in guns. Morbid humor is gonna happen, sorry.

Best part is he will refuse to puff on the vape I got him when me or my mother try to get him. But he cant say no to his hospice helper Toni when she makes him. Its a pleasure to watch that go down. He is a retired lt colonel who was raised in Texas. While he has a PhD in microbiology, did pharmaceutical research for the army developing vaccines, and admits marijuana has medical applications, he is still hesitant to ever use it, even literally on his death bed. It helps his pain and attitude so much, but hes a pain about it sometimes.


Sorry to hear the news about your Dad. I’m coming up on the first anniversary of my Dads passing, its been pretty rough. What I’d give to hear him tell a story from his past. Just be there for him and try to take care of yourself in the process. Sounds like you are on the right path.


Sorry to hear that.
Seeing the beloved ones fall apart by this shit is harmful.
My condolences doesn’t worth nothing in this bad moments, anyway be strong and mentalize yourself.



Use your dark humor, use every good feeling vibe you and him ever giggled about!
Focus on the best images you can find, and let the horror fall away, as best you can.
Wishing all the best for you and yours!!


I feel for you my father just past recently. Just remember to also take care of yourself mind and body !


Im sorry to hear about what you’ve been going through. @FiveGar Watching a loved one go through such rough battle is very hard, and it takes a toll the people closest to them. I can very much relate as I was the primary caregiver for my grandfather and currently the sole caregiver for my grandmother.

Brother, enjoy those 1911s, especially if you’re into firearms. I was given my great grandfather’s 1911 (made 1913) with the rope lanyard, from my grandfather when I turned 18. Along with a couple other old 6/5 shooters. For what it’s worth, every year on Feb 13th I fire one round from the 1911, then collect the brass shell and write the year on it.

Be strong, keep thinking of the good times, and enjoy all moments (no matter how rough) you get with him.
If you ever need to vent or somebody to chat with, I’m always here.


thoughts and prayers sent your way


Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family in your time of need, I’ve been there , it’s so hard to watch those we love and cherish dwindle away into a shell of their former selves, Cancer is sooo F!$&ed! I feel for you in so many ways, cherish every moment and try and remember and reminisce about the good times. And there are tons of us here to help you through if need be. Don’t hesitate to hmu if u ever need to chat/vent or get an opinion. Keep you head up bro.


Sorry to hear that my dad just got done with chemo and turns out he might have to do it again


Cancer sucks… I moved back home at one point to help out with my Dad when he was going through bladder cancer (He beat it eventually by removing the bladder… after a few rounds of chemo and it coming back). Its fucking hard man… especially seeing my Dad, who was always a fuckin unstoppable force in my life wither down mentally and physically like that. I used to/still do a lot of canoeing, Lots of memories of him rescuing people who flipped their boats while paddling his solo boat with a stogie hanging out his mouth that he always somehow kept dry in class 3-4 rapids. Or when I was a kid and he took me backcountry skiing to a mountain lodge way before I was ready and I ran out of energy trying to ski up the mountain at 7 years old. So he drops his bag in the snow picks me and my pack up and ski carries me the rest of the way up then skiis back down in the dark to get his bag and then back to lodge. Sorry I got a little carried away talking about my pops, but yeah I know for me one of the toughest things was coming to terms with the fact my Dad is indeed human. I know how hard it is man…

I actually just got word that my good friends brain cancer is back… the type she had is nearly always fatal (90%+) but she had been having really good checkups and scans since her surgury and we started to have some hope. Its been really hard to see her confront her mortality… knowing she wont see her kid grow up… The chemo they have her on is making her so sick… and very unlikey to help. We will se in faw weeks here. it fuckin sucks.

Really sorry to hear about your pops… but yeah Cancer is so universal I think almost everyone here can identify with you a little bit. Be kind to yourself my friend, I know I burned myself out sometimes helping with my pops… make sure you take some time to go out with friends and decmpress as well.


@FiveGar Sorry to hear this. Spinal cancers got my dad, too. He was 88, and had a good life. I lived 8 hours away, you’re lucky you’re close. Positive vibes>>>


Like everyone else, I’m very sorry to hear of your father’s diagnosis and decline. Cancer is so incredibly destructive.
I’m out of likes, but there are some great responses here. I’m not as versed as some other members, but I’ll keep your family in my prayers. Stay well.


It’s a tough price we pay in exchange for lifetimes of love. Sure does hurt watching some terrible disease try and rob them of their dignity while we feel helpless in stopping it. I suppose we’re all lucky to have someone to love so much that we experience the massive pain and emptiness of their loss. Sorry man, I hope things work out for the best.


High FiveGar Im going through this battle myself ( stage 4 lung small cell ) 12 weeks since diagnoses and on my 3rd chemo session.
As soon as i found out i had a shadow in my lung from an xray i was taking RSO the next day even before my diagnoses.
My first scan was around 7 weeks after i found out and i have reduced all my tumors by 53 percent, thats after 1 chemo now im not saying RSO did it but what i am saying is my Doc said this chemo im on usually does well but miy reduction is exceptional, this has given myself and family a huge boost to keep our spirits up.
You could try giving it to your dad in his food ? aslong as its Indica dom he will be ok and probs wouldnt notice or you could try convincing him ?
I have collected a load of info not only only on RSO, diet, suplements, mushrooms, there are loads of things he can try that WILL help . Even sapositeries work great and there is no high from them.
If anyone needs any help with any of this please feel free to contact me , i dont know everything but the past 3 months ive been learning, a lot.
Maybe show him things like this ?

There are others on here who have helped me aswell im sure they will chime in with good info, I have loads more but dont want to splatter it all over your thread bromigo.

Take it easy and good luck with your dad , tell him he doesnt have a choice really . Peace C. :facepunch: