Does anyone Fast?

I’ve been reading and hearing alot of good things lately about fasting so I’m giving it a try, doing a 16/8 basically i can’t eat after 8pm and can only eat again the next day at 12 noon basically a 8 hour window i can eat… Been doing it since Sunday night and it’s been easy aside from the late night munchies but honestly I’ve been just enjoying a tea or water to curb the cravings and it’s been working… So does anyone fast and how do you fight the munchies and not eat?


I have a lot of digestive issues, and in order to keep them from affecting my sleep I do it. Fairly strict 12 hour fast - 7:30pm I stop eating and don’t touch food until 7:30am. Nothing crazy, as 12 hours is much easier to keep than 16 hours.


How long have you been following this routine? I am hoping once I get used to this i can slowly start eliminating some junk food for better foods…


Yes i practice fasting…its a great way to reach a higher consciencesness


Probably about 6 months now. It’s not terribly hard once you have awareness of your habits.

For me, munchies only happen if I take the first gateway drug step of eating something. I have to be vigilant about not taking a single bite, because when it starts, it’s way harder to stop. I try to practice moderation in most things, but with the munchies, I can’t mess around… it’s a downward spiral. No food means no food. Once I got that in my head, controlling the munchies was much easier.


Listening to the self talk…its starts saying you will die if you dont eat and other things trying to convince you to eat…break the fast


I am a bodybuilder and compete in contest locally. It called intermittent fasting and yes I have done it several times for several months straight.
There are a few things you might be missing to make it more effective. 1…18hrs is the minimum amount of time for men, woman are 16hrs for some reason. 2… when you break your fast you should be eating about 75% of you calories in that first meal.
After roughly 2 weeks of doing this it becomes much easier and daily energy lvls and focus really increase. Intermittent fasting is a great way to lose fat and minimize muscle loss.


What self talk is this? It sounds interesting and i wouldn’t mind to listen


Its the EGO…i do have a program that can show you the voices and if your wondering what voices…its the voice that just said “what voices” that fkn voice! How do you shut it down or notice who’s talking?? PM and I’ll send you the link


Helps control emotion as well…sacrifice and discipline


I don’t necessarily fast, however, I don’t eat much in a day.
I start my day off with coffee or tea and a few joints and don’t normally get hungry until around 2 pm. The cannabis no longer makes me hungry, I learned how to turn that off years ago.

I’ve been going without breakfast for something like 30 years and eat sometime after noon then I’ll eat dinner around 8 or 9 at night.

My wife enjoys fasting and does it many times each year.


starting at midnight…i will go 24 hours! I’ll walk you through it. lets see what happens…water only! That should be easy! Im post every couple hours through the day and let you know what I’m thinking! Its 11:55 PM nothing to eat till midnight tomorrow…piece a cake

Fk my brain just said chips quick before midnight…you cant eat chips!

1:33 ate chips jerky and ranks lots of water…i suck at this!


Depending on the strain, now smoking takes hunger away. I can smoke and drink coffee till the cows come home.
I do the warrior diet. I eat between 4 and 9 in the evening about 5 days a week. I eat breakfast with the kids on the weekend. Pancakes. I can eat basically anything I want and not gain weight.

I gained a lot of weight and this was how I lost it. 45 lb. That was 12 years ago.


I do 1-3 days of just water occasionally. It’s a good way to reboot the system, helps with blood sugar etc and gets the metabolism fired up. Studies have shown fasting boosts HGH and resets the immune system as well. It definitely feels great!


I fast, I will do 2-3 days at a time depending on how long I can last and do it a couple of times a year. I also only eat between 4 and 10 pm but need 2 coffees in the morning with a splash of cream :yum:

Last October with the aid of botched periodental work, I couldn’t eat for 5 days and then for the next 10 all I could manage was a can of soup once a day, I lost 22lbs the only good thing that came out of the whole mess lol.

My record for no food was 73 days, but would drink about a can of coke once a day and lost 63lbs.

This was not voluntary, I had glandular fever and strep throat at the same time. The worst 4 months of my life, I don’t remember much from it, other than dreaming of eating huge piles of fish and chips.

When I did eventually eat all I manage was half a sandwich lol.


73 days, damn! That’s like shaman level there haha. I did 10 once and after day 2 or so I didn’t care about food at all. They say after you break a long fast you’re supposed to start back slowly by eating a bit of fruit or something, I curshed a bunch of pork chops haha


Well luckily like a shaman, I was only in this reality for short periods at a time, I was drifting in and out of consciousness after the first week or two. I had been on a diet for 4 months when I got it, and over 9 months lost a total of 178lbs I was 330lbs when I started.


Did you feel noticeably different after being so thin all the sudden? Like was walking super springy and easy?

I always wondered if you quickly took all the fat off a really big person would they be super strong because their muscles are conditioned to so much extra weight? :thinking:

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I dropped a out 50 lbs in under 9 months… I definetly came out of it “stronger and Springy er”

Being 6’4 I looked like a gangly bean pole though lol dunno how often I got asked about my “drug problem”


Lmao @ grease monkey