StarDawg, Grape Ape, DeathStar in Octo’s

True. BUT there are enough budsites close to the net that SHOULD naturally fill
most of it. Or at least that’s what I hope!!


Hey, think i see a wrinkle in one of your bags! What you do align them with the sun or something, press them before use, massage them, lol.

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Dude I’m pretty high. So English Jet!!

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NOW you got it…next run will be even tighter. Once you see just WHERE net needs to be to support the big buds…it will become second nature.

Always wait till stretch is over before placing it, makes it easier . Sometimes, with plants of different heights, i might use 2 of them. A lower and an upper. Slide lower one down, place another if need be.


And why are you looking at my wrinkly bags??!! :roll_eyes::thinking::rofl::rofl:


Looks like you ironed them!

Hey…your running Octo’s…GOTTA make sure you pull it off , cant have you making us Octo Boy’s look bad . I have said 20 times a Monkey could grow good bud in these…


Never seen bags so clean and straight…better English?

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Lol. They were new. The strapped version. And I use a 5 gal bucket with the bottom cut off to pack them. Like @Papalag showed me. But I think I pack the cup and bottom a little to tight. Don’t feel I get the roots into the rez as much as some do.


Ya know my last plant took for ever to get into the rez and it’s still not like the previous one there was barely room for water that rez was so full of root! I bet your right , too tight of pack in the net cup!


Yeah. I have a habit of overdoing things. Lost a cycle because I overpacked the whole damn Octo. I’ve also been know to break a bolt or two in my life!!


I pack first big handfull tight into net pot…and on top of net pot, then no packing on the rest.

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Trying his new bags on this next cycle.

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I pour 4 or 5 scoop fulls, then use my knuckles and weight and pack the net pot and first 2-3”.

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The Rocket sleeves, the new you speak of, work way better. The bottom cone instead of straps is much better, they are double walled, and wide nuff to sitr on the rez top for added support. I have switched ALL my bags to Rocket sleeves already.


I only pack the net pot hole, and the little holes on the flat part. Then just fill it up without any packing. I also use a 5 gallon bottomless bucket to set them.

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I have used the Octopot’s for 3-4 cycles now. Filling 3 more today. @Jetdro made a comment that got me thinking. How does everyone set up their Octo’s?
@ShiskaberrySavior @Papalag @BarefootAndBlazed @Octochris

My first cycle, they slouched badly. I think from that point I started packing them to tight. Once, way to much. Actually lost a cycle trying to transplant into the Octo. After pulling them back apart, realized I packed the medium to much.

First time using the Rocket sleeves today. Lightly tamped cup and bottom. I didn’t like how these fit in my 5 gal bucket, so they will 100% lean on me. Packed the outside edge, but left the center loose, at least for me. Thinking this will lead to roots an easier path to hit the rez.

We shall see!


My last plant I think I’d did the same packed it too tight roots barely made it into the res


I set the net cup in place then add 1.5-2 gallons of soil. I’ll make sure that is somewhat packed down, then add another couple gallons of soil. Like you said, at that point I’ll pack the sides a bit but leave the center loose.

I’ve never tried the bottomless 5 gallon bucket method. I have found this new model bag to be easier to fill than the old ones. I had so many leaners… :sweat_smile:


My plants don’t drink as much as most with the Octo’s. Easily go 7 days without a fill at week 4. I also only fill 5 gal when completely dry. Just want to see how everyone else does it!!


I might of over filled the res at the start should of left it low so the roots would go hunting.

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