Starting more dancehall

My last Dancehall grow was infested with mites and had some other issues…nutrient imbalances etc.
I wound up with only one usable female and made seeds with the three males.
My friend @DainIronFoot also grew out some Dancehall and kept pollen and seeds.
He and his wife like it, my wife and I like it…so I’m growing more. Started seeds today. I’m thinking of hitting them with 12:12 early and sexing them or clonnig and sexing then …killing the males and using pollen from my friends grow then next go around reversing and growing his seed and using my pollen.


Pollenate all…Check weights of the finished females then do beam testing for.presence of.CBD
Label and catalogue the resulting seeds…so far the smell has been off and on. One distinct smell on these has been a pipe.tobacco smokers.breath.
Yea grandpas borkum riff and funky dentures


Good luck @Trowertripper, pulling up a chair!


Seeds popped dropped them in taco bell cups with perlite and happy frog mixed covered with layer of powdered dirt and sprayed with hydrogen peroxide then set them in a water tray and a clear lid to hold moisture.
Should be above soil in a few days

Another cracked and showed her tail so…I have 8 in soil

Will cull weak ones and males so 8 is a good number

I wound up with seven above soil. Kept in plastic bags to retain moisture and bottom watered…

They are under a thirty watt LED shoplight for now. Will need powdered dirt around them if they stretch


These romulan grapefuirt clones…I watered after this shot.


out of twelve seeds seven popped and one was deformed so I culled it

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Romulan grapefruit moms bred to pineapple Thai and making seeds…there’s a landrace team Lebanese in the back…hoping it will show sex soon


This is the top of the lebanese

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Why must you say all my Favorite strains outloud? :laughing: :rofl:

I’m not missing this grow, Dancehall is an epic strain. Same with Romulan Grapefruit & Lebanese…

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These are my latest romulan grapefruit clones


These are the two romulan grapefruit mommas I cut clones from they will go in flower closet when the clones take off and the other two finish
It should be a week or ten days before that happens


I love those strains too…I’m hoping to grow some island sweet skunk next. Next generation stopped selling island sweet skunk regulars.

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Also you can see one of my San Pedro cactus and my pitcher plant in the last photo

I started some ace Lebanese that I grew a while back and found the best pheno with no Hermie tendencies and am mating her with a landrace team Lebanese male


Meanwhile back at the studio dancehall seedlings are facing my culling scissors

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And the Real Seed company Lebanese are all above soil, I paid for five …got six seeds and 17 freebies …
All six popped in my plastic bag papertowel and now are above soil in a happy frog perlite mix