Staten Island Chem


I have a pack of this, I am excited to see what you do with it.

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I recall reading somewhere that Staten Island Chem is meant to be a parent plant to Chem and a bunch of other strains-How true this is I don’t know but Im looking forward to see how this one turns out🤙🏼

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She is going outside, I am very excited to she what she can do.

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What a beauty !


Not sure why this was moved, but it is

Nigerian Silk x Sour.

Not to discredit your grow but Idk.

I call bullshit on the whole “staten island Chem” thing. Sent in to Phylos for testing and it’s a precursor to Chem? Lol

That’s called marketing. Probably just an s1 or something. Could be good, could be bullshit. But do your own research and you’ll see Phylos can’t be trusted. And anyone who is selling seeds should be scrutinized.

Hopefully you find something you like


I’ve been talking with Stoney for some time now and I’m also on the fence about many of his statements, my mentor just ran his snitch free sour D and was not impressed and if anyone knows sour he does, Katsu is a friend of mine and he wholeheartedly vouches for him but I too was wicked skeptical about the pre Chem thing as well. Hopefully this turns out straight fire for you, I’ll definitively join in for the show.


To clarify, the pack I have is Staten Island Chem x sour diesel. It’s a katsu pack, but it’s stoneys genetics. I don’t have a dog in the fight but I will say I am surprised how much hype there is in this game and where it comes from sometimes and I’m also a little embarrassed about the times I’ve bought into it!
I hope it’s an incredible run and that all of us are blown away!


I can honestly say I’ve yet to be dissapointed by anything from Katsu, ever . Even when he was sending testers out under bluebird everything he sent was great bud . I’m sure there’s fire in there my friend, I’d bet on it. Here’s hoping that pack is phenomenal my friend


I just use the info given. Every bean holds magic and it’s up to the grower to bring it out!


That’s a very optimistic outlook , in reality a lot of seeds grow low to mid grade plants regardless of what the grower does. Some have much higher good to bad ratios but there will always be junk genetics that combine and result in inferior boring bland plants that need to be culled from the gene pool.
That being said I hope yours turn out to be great but the whole staton island chem story is hard to ever prove like so many others.
Phylos is a scam that takes advantage of peoples lack of knowledge surrounding genetic sequencing.
What they are doing is a joke and has led a lot of people to believe things as fact when they are at best possible probabilities.
They lied to a lot of people, there base is flawed , there sequencing is limited , there motives are corrupt and there galaxy is the most non sensible way to display relations I’ve ever seen. The galaxy is set up like that on purpose to make it less evident that they can not tell the order of relation but are creating one.
Hemp berry skunk etc it’s pretty obvious how generic it all is.
Send them four samples , two that are the same and two that are separate s1s from the two that are the same and watch them trip over them selves trying to sort out which is which, long story short they can’t.


I just grow, smoke, live life and be happy. I have culled many plants that didn’t make it, the experience was still magical. I love watching the process and love my mistakes because it makes me better. Just watching the tap root poke out when it’s soaking in water gets my juices flowing.


ABC Nigerian Silk x Sour


Staten Island Chem is the same as regular Chem, except that the parent lineage is “very disappointed” in what Staten Island Chem is doing with its life :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::wink::rofl::rofl::heart:


I was told my 5.7 liter hemi Jeep Grand Cherokee would get 20 mpg on the highway.