Steampunk Water Culture

The next harvest is almost ready, time to batten down the hatches! I might shove the next crop in there today, I’ll check the levels in the bucket first, to see if it’s depleted the veg, before I add the bloom.


Thing of beauty nice fall colors and deep purple very well done cheers


Yah they always get that dark purple color near the end for some reason. Crazy frosty as well!
The c99 is showing some movement now, I think all of the plants are growing new leaves.


Definitely revegging the c99 at this point.

And the roots are definitely back. It’s like I never cut them off!


A tad of low stress training to keep things under control. The C99 plant has to be reigned in. These plants are almost ready for bloom! Not bad for something I had just laying around :wink:


I’m impressed! The clones are amazing; I’ve had real trouble getting clones to root. It’s very dry here and I’m thinking that might be part of the problem. Do you put any nutes in the water for fresh cut clones? I’m trying to nail down my problem.

I’m running recirculating deep water culture and it looks like you’re running bubble buckets. More similarities than differences, for sure.

I’m curious about your nutrient strength; you run higher EC than anyone else I’ve seen. I have a lot of people tell me that they run about EC 1.0 in their RDWC but that always struck me as ridiculous.

Anyway, I’ve rezombifird my vertical grow thread, would love to have you stop by and offer your thoughts.


great scott, batman! One of my ballasts stopped working after the last power outage. It was a vintage electronic ballast, so it can’t last forever. I’ll get another super tiny hps one from the store, I love those things. Fits in the palm of your hand.

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Great bats, Scottman!

Perhaps you could use this opportunity to upgrade to LED!

Seriously though, what is it about tiny sodium lamps that you’re looking for?

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oh they are 1000 watt hps, but the ballast is about the size of my hand and really light. Also random ignition.

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Random ignition sounds like my old Dodge lol

Low wattage sodium are usually not HPS; HPS stands for High Pressure Sodium. Small wattage like that are usually low pressure sodium. They’re deeper red.

From that, I’m guessing the color does something? Or am I just reading too much into it?

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The veg room is 3x270watt LED and the bloom room is 3x1000 watt HPS. They are new style HPS, not the old chunky ones. When I can pull a gram per watt it really pays off in buds!


I can pick that sucker up easy with one hand, it’s like a sandwich.


Well done; you’ve put the LED where its efficiency makes the most difference in the power bill. Is it blurple, or warm white or cool white? I have a 5000K cool white LED that’s great for youngsters just getting started. I prefer 3500K for pretty much everything else, even for most of veg… and I veg a long time to grow my plants big enough to fill a 6’x4’ trellis.

What are you referring to when you say new style HPS vs the old chunky ones? Are you referring to the ballast, the fixture or the lamp itself?

I’m sure you already know that you’ll pull higher GPW numbers with LED once you’ve dialed in your environmental conditions and nutrients. You may be surprised at the improvement in quality. I sure was.

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I’m starting to think LEDS might only be a summer time light for me lol. We will see how this winter goes but it’s looking like i could benefit from some of that HID heat.

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Things are progressing! I’m actually ready to move the other plants into bloom as well, but I was hoping to do it after the heat wave is over. Either that, or I have to go back into fall mode. This heat wave in December has got to go! I should move the plants over anyways. I’ll do it tomorrow I was busy again today, yikes!


That must be the big bud! It sure isn’t a pretty plant with all that fox tailing lol

:thinking: I wonder if the fox tailing has to do with why it produces so well for you in the hash department.


The LEDs are just some mars hydro ones I’ve had for a number of years. Eventually I’ll get some fancier ones that are more costly and move the mars ones to the seedling starting area that’s lit by florescent tubes. The upgrades are a gradual process, and lots of this older equipment can still work for now!
The HPS system alone has undergone iterations while I was growing… big metal ones that were heavy to lift. Smaller heavy metal ones with fans. Then onto electronic ballasts. Then tiny ones with fans you can just pick up with one hand like a hardcover book.
I’ve just got so much hardware… hah hah I bring the old equipment to the electronics recycling. But I’m hoarding the stuff that still works. Yikes!


That’s actually FLC-BX1, an experimental plant! So I made the prediction it’s not a good hash producer based on microscopic imaging of the trichomes. Except of course, I also acknowledge it has the largest trichome caps I have ever seen at 180 micrometers+ in diameter! So that’s the wild card!


What you really need is “insulation” lol

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Holy crap! Well the plants are down, and I mean all the ones in bloom. There’s so much weed hanging and freezing right now. Even the FLC-BX1 got the chop, but it was still early for that plant. It had to go because of special circumstances. Nothing serious! I feel like I got beat up though. Not sure what happened. Like someone literally beat me up in my sleep. I think it’s just soft tissue damage like pulled muscles or something. Smoking rosin laced with thc crystals seems to help :slight_smile: