Steampunk Water Culture

I culled the sensi clones. I still have flc-bx1! Ohh there are going to be new seeds-a-poppin soon, that’s for sure. I want to run more of the CBG auto plants. I’m not quite sure what I like so much about the CBG hash, but perhaps it’s like a new toy and I’ll get over it soon lol! After all, scarcity makes it seem so much “special-er”! Or was it just the fantasmo hash? Stay tuned…


I can’t capture a real image of how this game looks now. The hdr graphics are incredible, it’s like the sun is really shining on the buildings. Taking a picture of it ruins it lol! The ray tracing alone…like wow. Then pack in some HDR, yikes! I call it hyper-realistic.


is this cyber punk ?


yep! Definitely cyberpunk. I was sitting there thinking to myself… hmm what game has unbelievable graphics I can unleash. So I checked a list of games and cyberpunk was on it. Then I went in and turned the graphics to ultra and put the hdr on as well. Definitely didn’t play it like that when it first came out. Windows still has problems with hdr, it can get ugly if the computer goes into sleep mode.


And people say you cant grow hydroponic carrots! lol.

As for transplanting outdoors… yes, but the plant will stall out for a year… so that would kill it, given your latitude. I attempted this multiple times with males and other discarded plants from my indoor buddies and had repeated full-on stall every time and couldnt get them to bloom, or even grow. Just sat there, not dying, vegetating but not increasing size. Then… winter. So *somethings* possible, I always just ran out of time... and tried enough times with enough tweaks and strains to feel confident that itd be the same next time I tried… that is, take over at least 6 mos to make anything happen. Great setup, great work. Thanks for the election work, eh. Peace!

PS it is possible to the point of probable that the problem, as it were, was me. I encourage you to try sometime and report your findings. Vive la differance.


Exactly what I was thinking, “it didn’t look like that when I played it” :exploding_head:

I know my graphics card won’t handle that anyway…


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Things are doing good! Also! I got my present in the mail so thanks a lot @TestOfOath I know what I’m sprouting next heh heh.


Is the nut to make sure it stays in the bottom? If so that’s genius! I always have issues with my air wanting to go to the surface!


yep that nut keeps it submerged! It has to be high grade stainless or else it’ll rust.


here’s one of the big bud clones. They are definitely shaking off the bloom, and re-vegging. I am popping 4 of those tiny ass seedlings! So there’ll be some kush up in the house soon lol! OMG and the Moroccan mandarins are sprouting after a couple weeks of soaking. Can’t wait to see if I can grow one. Basil is growing and the radish is doing it’s thing. I’m starting to think the radish develops from the stalk of the seedling as opposed to the root. We’ll see.


hah hah take a break from the microscope image editing… post some grow photos! Things are moving along fine. Reminder though, check the label on the BTK it only lasts 2 years past the date stamped on the side. It smells funny if you leave it too long I think the nematodes die.

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We got poppage on the PCKxICC5! They are the smallest cannabis seeds I think I’ve sprouted. At least one sprouted, probably more by now… lemme get a photo.

well, I got one sprout! Out of four so far.


Progress!!! wheee! I think I’ll round up a few more lids today, get ready for the next planting.


PCKxICC is in the incubation chamber to gain verticality. ha hhah that’s my own made up word. It’s when a seedling gets big enough to plant it’s “gained verticality”. aka height. The pod is already off, that’s the way I operate. No helmet heads, because there are never any helmets. They are shed under 99% humidity when it’s easiest to pop off. I spotted 3 cots.


Much to my delight, the cloned budding big bud plants have forgotten about that mess of abuse. 5 frond leaves are the first to emerge, showing a complete lack of bloom hormone. I wonder if that process can be tapped to generate better clones from budding plants?

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Really strange true life story where some of my friends have been completely sucked into the “social media wormhole”. Sadly, they were perfect candidates for becoming conspiracy theorists. I had identified pathological magical thinking, but didn’t really think they were so self-centered. It’s become, what I would call, a system of abuse. Psychologically, there is no barrier between individuals. Yo, that’s not healthy.
On the other hand, the conspiracies are definitely worth some lolz, because they are the ones I have already been studying this year. The mental toll of anxiety and depression that the COVID pandemic has caused, really fucked some people up, inside their mind. And that part isn’t funny.


Hey that little seedling is green already and responding to the light. All yellow areas are now green I expect it to go into hydro in another 2 days, probably.


Lots of interesting stuff going on in here. I’ll have to check back more often!


PCKxICC I’ve actually had only 50% germ, but I’ll let the other two seeds ride until they rot or sprout.


here’s the bloom room! I’ve noticed something… One SENSI plant smells like gas and the other has a mild sweet smell. Hah they are like total opposites, I’ll have to keep them in their own pile for hash making.