Steampunk Water Culture

I am going to hash everything except the meat breath. Those buds I dry and pack up in bags! Hashing:
Harlequin, Big Bud, Fantasmo, FLC-BX1, sensi A and B, C99! I have to make a batch of hash and measure the yield as well as test it to determine the properties. I go through a process that results in the best extraction plant. I grow two kinds of weed and if a new plant can take out the old one I toss it in the trash. Always grinding to a better extract.


Holy shit, I thought I was out of the woods in terms of the government work, but I have to go back in deep dive time. No wonder they are paying so good this time around. Hard to find people who want to even do it. I want to see all Canadians down there at the polls casting your vote. I’m working super overtime for weeks this time to secure your future with an excellent election. A voting process I am personally responsible for. So Give us a break please. No temper tantrums at the polls, I’m just a human being for fucks sakes.


farrrrrk! Here’s the blooming plants! Enjoy!


I’m all trained up now! Like a dancing monkey!

I got some photos of the clones, so everyone knows they are thriving. I added more nutrient to the water because the clones were on fumes.

I forgot to mention the harlequin buds are doing really good. Despite the tip burn the buds are dense and smelly. It’s a dense-bud type, so we’ll see how it goes!


I’m excited to see how a CBD variety washes for you. In my experience with pressing flower, CBD tends to be less viscous.


yah I’m super curious about the harlequin and the CBG plant. I’ve only heard…rumors…man! Also, I think I’m doing a pretty good job on the auto flower, except the time I scorched it’s ass with the dehumidifier water in the crud bucket.

veg plants!


Bloom! I boosted the magnesium levels on the Harlequin… I guess those add-ons do have a use when things get gnarly. I had never really used them before. But in edge cases, it can really turn things around. For normal everyday use? waste of time.


I think the plants are sagging a bit. I better secure them or it’s going to definitely fall down! Macro shot is of the Fantasmo CBG.


Do you think it’s big trichome heads that make a good hash plant?


I’m leaning towards trichome density, as in more trichomes per 1000 square microns of bud surface. I can usually make a good prediction on if the yield is going to suck, by looking at it under the microscope.
My layman test is cut up the bud and see if it leaves a pile of trichomes. Bigger pile is better.


ahahahah hahahah, I’m still alive! I didn’t know a human being could sleep 2 hours and pull a 16 hour day and still live. Wrap a ribbon on that shit, it’s over.


wow, fucking starlink, man. Brought that shit online a couple days ago… 2? 3? anyways, shit blew my mind. The latency…so low. The speed…so high!! Auto aiming. no wonder they’re poised to be the number one internet provider world wide. Scary shit.
ok! Plants are doing great! Them smells coming from even the harlequin plant are phenomenal, I’m lovin’ it. Fantasmo is manufacturing some smells as well, but it’ll take a bit to catch up to the other blooming plants. Definitely not as far along in the bloom cycle.
Ahh the sights… the smells, and yes, the flavor of the ripe bud. Now, that’s what I’m after.


ahhhh and the beat goes on. lol! I need to boost the Fantasmo plant, this time I’m going to give it a real dose.


Looka at them go wow very impressive just taking off almost in space lol


I’m curious do you think you could take a root system like this and transplant outdoors into soil?


Definitely! That’s what I did with the pelargonium. The real challenge is getting the plant out of the bucket by pulling it through the hole in the lid. Always gets some damage.


I may try and grow 1 monster plant outdoors next year lol. Ill veg it all winter like a madman

Maybe plant it above my septic tank :thinking:


awww yah! If you are growing a monster plant, plan to get it out of the container somehow. Running it through a 3 inch hole always leaves some damage.
Wow I got all those photos uploaded before I could type the first sentence.


The plant between the two buds is the FLC-BX1. I am really looking forward to grinding that plant! I’m going to toss out the seedling mothers. Then I’ll grow one completely experimental crop at once. See if I can speed up the process of eliminating plants as viable extractors.


ohh forgot to mention the Fantasmo is sort of a lemon smell right now. We’ll see how it evolves over time!

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